
Past Webinars

Date & Time: 13 August 2020 at 13h00 GMT

Organizer: ESI Africa

Description: The Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (CPPA) market is set to realise exponential growth as global corporations are now looking more at this market for renewable energy procurement solutions to fulfil their decarbonisation objectives.

Corporations bought a record amount of clean energy through PPAs in 2019, up more than 40% from the previous year’s record.

According to the Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s 1H 2020 Corporate Energy Market Outlook, some 19.5GW of clean energy contracts were signed by more than 100 corporations in 23 different countries in 2019. This was up from 13.6GW in 2018, and more than triple the activity seen in 2017.

The high profile RE100 campaign, a global corporate leadership initiative bringing together influential businesses committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity, has seen some of the world’s largest companies commit to this goal.

The RE100 totaled 221 members through 2019, collectively consuming 233TWh of electricity in 2018, based on their latest filings – slightly less than South Africa’s entire power generation fleet.

Bloomberg New Energy Finance estimates these 221 RE100 companies will need to purchase an additional 210TWh of clean electricity in 2030 to meet their targets.

As onsite power becomes the new norm, CPPAs will likely continue to be the preferred choice in enabling corporates’ meet their decarbonisation goals while ensuring stable power supply and low energy costs.

This live discussion will provide information on the benefits and risks involved with regards to the evolving nature of CPPAs.

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Date & Time: 6 August 2020 at 4 PM South Africa Standard Time

Organizer: Germany-Africa Business Forum

Description: While Covid-19 has hit world markets very hard, African economies are showing more resilience than others. Out of the 37 countries escaping recession this year, 22 are Africans according to the IMF’s latest forecasts. Before of post Covid-19, Africa will remain the fastest growing region in the world, and one where a new world also means new deals. German companies have increasingly made successful business in Africa over the recent past, and opportunities for German businesses and public sector companies will only grow as Africa builds sustainability and cleaner energy mixes in a post Covid-19 world.

To explore the opportunities offered to German companies in a post Covid-19 Africa, the Germany-Africa Business Forum (GABF) will be organizing an exclusive webinar in August in cooperation with Africa Oil & Power. The event will be exploring the deals that are set to shape up the post-Covid-19 German-African economic and business relations.

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Date & Time: 6 August 2020 at 02:00 PM in Harare, Pretoria

Organizer: AFSIA - Africa Solar Industry Association

Description: Discover the latest technologies and innovations used to increase yields and productivity thanks to the use of solar. Find out about innovative business models proposed by these successful companies to farmers benefit more from their day-to-day efforts.

We will also learn about some case studies showing how the use of solar in different applications is benefitting rural communities with very concrete impact on their local economy.

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Date & Time: 29 July 2020 at 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM BST

Organizers: ESI Africa and Mining Review Africa

Description: With increasing renewable energy options and higher energy penetrations, the integration of renewable energy into existing thermal grids is increasing.

But how can buyers and sellers ensure maximum energy savings while also ensuring the lowest technical risk for the host plant without incurring significant additional costs in the process?

Good integration of variable renewable energy into the existing thermal energy grid should not impact on the energy system/grid’s stability and reliability.  

Join ESI Africa and Mining Review Africa for a live discussion where their panel of technical experts will provide insights on how to evaluate renewable energy offerings and how to balance commercial PPA obligations while maintaining grid stability.

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Date & Time: 28 July 2020 at 14:00 – 15:30 CEST

Organizer: Alliance for Rural Electrification

Description: ARE, supported by GET.invest, has the pleasure to invite you to the webinar “Funding & fast-tracking health facility electrification in Sub-Saharan Africa” on 28 July 2020 at 14:00 – 15:30 CEST.

This webinar is the second in a series of webinars organised by ARE and supported by GET.invest. Building on “Electrifying Rural Health Facilities: Ongoing Initiatives & Innovative Solutions” held on 18 June 2020, this webinar will focus on how funding for projects to electrify rural health facilities can be structured and fast-tracked moving forward. 

GET.invest is a European programme that mobilises investments in renewable energy, supported by the European Union, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Austria.

The webinar will feature:

  • High-level opening remarks;
  • Launch of publication: “Best practices for electrifying rural health facilities with decentralised renewables” with a particular emphasis on funding structures of DRE projects that electrify rural health facilities;
  • Panel discussion on how to fast-track funding for health facility electrification.

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Date & Time: 27 July 2020 at 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM BST

Organizer: Jinko Solar

Description: The market of the Commercial & Industrial segment has started maturing in Sub-Saharan Africa in the last few years. The dominant business model up till now is a direct purchase, however, some companies are also offering financing options including PPA and rental & leasing.

Renewable energy projects, in general, require substantial capital investments and depend on predictable, long-term cash flows in order to provide investment returns that can attract that capital, operators and investors should understand the risks and how to mitigate them.

In this webinar, Jinko Solar together with AREF & Huawei,  will address the risks in renewable energy projects and to which party can they be assigned; how risks can be managed, and at what cost; and which risks can be eliminated in order to make solar PV C&I investments viable in the long run.

This session will look at: 

  • Overview of the C & I market in Sub-Saharan Africa;
  • Introducing latest Jinko’s innovation and potential impact on C & I in projects SSA;
  • Consideration for component reliability in solar PV plants;
  • How to manage long term project risks to ensure minimal deviation from expected returns;
  • Key considerations for investing in solar PV projects in Africa;
  • Hindrances to achieving short payback periods in solar PV projects;
  • Fuse Free Design, Low maintenance product and Low Failure higher availability;
  • IV Curve & Fusion solar monitoring & AFCI for mitigating fire risk to ensure safety of the PV plant.

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Date & Time: 23 July 2020 at 5:00 PM

Organizer: Energy Society of Kenya

Description: The Energy Society of Kenya would like to invite you to the first of a series of Webinars that will be held every month to be held on 23rd July 2020 from 5:00-6:30 PM.

The Webinar will be a discussion session on the topic  "Electric Vehicles In Kenya: Opportunities and Challenges".

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Date & Time: 22 July 2020 at 14h00 CEST

Organizer: Alliance for Rural Electrification

Description: With discussants from private sector decentralised renewable energy (DRE) companies, as well as from the GET.invest Finance Catalyst, the webinar will feature:

  • Feedback from DRE companies on support instruments needed, especially in the face of Covid-19;
  • Presentation of GET.invest support instruments for DRE companies;
  • Sharing of lessons learnt from DRE companies on how to make use of GET.invest support instruments in practice.

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Date & Time: 22 July 2020 at 13:00 GMT

Organizers: Mining Review Africa and ESI Africa 

Description: Private sector insurance is increasingly being used as a tool to help facilitate investment into Africa’s power sector. Insurance can help to mitigate risks in both captive or grid power projects.

Lessons learnt from recent claims experiences as well as opportunities, such as credit enhancement mechanisms, can be used as a good parameter by which to compare investment risks with insurance costs.

Did you know that when seeking insurance on renewable energy risks there are specific factors to consider?

Join Mining Review Africa and ESI Africa for a live webinar discussion that will unpack some of the recent changes in insurance coverage as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as other macro-economic related issues.

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Date: 16 July 2020

Organizer: Solarplaza

Description: Find out from key stakeholders how the industry should tackle the challenges related to transitioning from fossil fuels to solar + hydrogen.

This virtual event creates a unique convergence of opportunities to learn, network and interactively share knowledge with a global group of peers.

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Date: 15 - 16 July 2020

Organizer: Alliance for Rural Electrification and GOGLA

Description: The COVID-19 pandemic represents a massive shock for societies and economies around the world and threatens to reverse the enormous progress that off-grid energy companies have made in bringing power to 470 million people in the last decade. The pandemic especially jeopardises the survival of many micro, small to medium enterprises (MSMEs) companies that are essential for the energy access ecosystem in the short and medium term.

Now more than ever, the off-grid sector requires accessible finance. This is why ARE and GOGLA have joined forces with GET.invest – a European programme supported by the European Union, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Austria.

Considering social distancing measures and travel restrictions imposed globally, this event will leverage existing digital technologies to bring together a multitude of relief providers, financing experts, sector leaders, enterprises, as well as philanthropies and public sector stakeholders.

The 2-day event will feature:

  • Overview and presentations of relief instruments available;
  • Discussions on the status quo of the energy access sector, as well as scenario risks and needs for companies;
  • Interactive discussions on finance and relief needs and gaps, as well as on the future of the energy access sector;
  • Virtual B2B matchmaking sessions to network and exchange in one-on-one sessions.

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Date & Time: 15 - 16 July 2020 at 10:00 to 13:30 on both days (Casablanca Time Zone)

Organizer: Euroconvention Global

Description: The conference will provide the timeliest updates and guidance to the industry in order to mitigate the new challenges and take advantage of the prospects in the post-covid-19 era. How will the situation affect renewable energy and electricity projects, their potential and funding in Morocco? Will there be unexpected developments and new opportunities? The program will deal with current projects and also address the plans implemented to continue the country’s energy transition.

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Date & Time: 14 July 2020 at 10h00 (GMT +2)

Organizer: Terrapinn

Description: Energy security, particularly that of electricity supply, is central to empowering economic development in the region. Despite being endowed with significant reserves of coal, oil and natural gas, only 39 million of the region’s 170 million people 1 have access to electricity, which is generated mainly from thermal and hydroelectric resources. This reflects the imbalance of supply and demand and therefore curtails the potential for economic development. IPPs, though, align very well with the national energy security agenda and are a definite solution to meeting Africa’s growing electricity needs. By empowering and allowing for fair legislation to prevail for IPPs, we will be able to reap the multiple benefits, i.e diversifying both the supply and nature of energy production, introducing of new skills and in new investment into the industry, and benchmarking of performance and pricing.

Join us in this webinar to:

  • Understand the challenges posed by a lack of energy security;
  • Analyse the importance and role of IPPs (both renewable and non-renewable) in the energy ecosystem and energy mic in achieving energy security;
  • Learn more on how and where to invest and see what role you can assume to make sure the energy security narrative does not remain a dream.

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Date & Time: 7 July 2020 at 12:00 PM GMT

Organizer: Africa Solar Industry Association

Description: In this webinar airport operators in Africa will learn how their airport can benefit from solar energy. They will also learn about technical considerations for smooth and secure integration of solar. Finally, they will get tips on how to get such solar project financed and even how to make the solar project generate revenue for the airport.

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Date & Time: 30th June - 3rd July 2020

Organizer: EnergyNet

Description: With the Africa Energy Forum (aef) now moved to October 2020, EnergyNet are bringing you aef2.0 this summer - a free-to-attend series of daily digital broadcasts and roundtables with industry leaders from the aef community.

Taking place on the previous dates of the Forum (30th June - 3rd July), aef2.0 is underpinned bt the theme: "Investment & Impact - Out of Response and Into Recovery", giving pasticipants the chance to listen to policy makers and investors working to find the right path forward at this unprecedented time.

aef2.0 is free to atted and accessible to entire global database, including the 3000+ executives that have attended the Forum over the past two years. Each day, registered participants will receive access to aef 2019 content all "In One Place" via a daily newsletter featuring videos, interviews, presentations, reports and podcasts.

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Date & Time: 30 June 2020 at 10h00 (GMT +2)

Organizer: Terrapinn

Description: Wind power as an energy source has undergone a remarkable technological development and is considered among the fastest, cheapest and most reliable energy technologies in the market and the technology benefits from regulated, relatively stable and predictable markets in most countries throughout the world.

Further investment and consideration should be put into wind as this source plays a key role in the energy transition.

Join this webinar to interact with the energy professionals and learn: the attractive opportunities driving the transition to wind, what the power system flexibility enablers are, what are the existing barriers in the wind energy sector and how to overcome them and which policy framework needs to be adopted to allow for maximum adoption of wind.

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Date & Time: 30 June 2020 at 9:00 AM-10:00 AM  EDT

Organizer: Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL)

Description: COVID-19 is bringing into focus the engrained vulnerabilities of health systems across the world. Long before the pandemic made daily headlines around the world, a lack of reliable power in healthcare facilities has been undermining the quality of healthcare for millions of people, in particular in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and South East Asia.

Heightened political commitment to strengthening health systems, coupled with recent advances in distributed renewable energy, present a timely opportunity to improve access to quality healthcare and make health facilities more resilient.

In this webinar, Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL), the World Health Organization (WHO), and IRENA will highlight practical lessons and insights into some program design approaches for healthcare facilities electrification, with urgency and sustainability in mind. The event will also provide the opportunity to highlight emerging efforts to power healthcare facilities as part of the broader COVID-19 response.

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Date & Time: 25 June 2020 at 16h00 SAST

Organizer: Africa Oil & Power

Description: Maintaining a reliable power grid remains key to containing the spread of COVID-19 in Angola and on the continent, along with mitigating its aftermath. In addition to powering hospitals and emergency health care facilities, electricity is essential to driving diversified, sustainable and inclusive economic growth by supplying power to households, businesses and industry. In the short-term, how can Angola maintain grid stability in the face of volatile electricity demand induced by COVID-19? In the long-term, how can Angola continue to prioritize its development of national generation and transmission capacities, with a view toward increasing electrification, job creation and economic growth? In the current period of reduced FDI, how can Angola continue to attract capital inflows into its most bankable power projects?

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Date & Time: 18 June 2020 at 14:00 – 16:15 CEST

Organizer: Alliance for Rural Electrification

Description: ARE, supported by GET.invest, has the pleasure to invite you to a webinar on electrifying rural health facilities with decentralised renewable energy (DRE) on 18 June 2020 at 14:00 – 16:15 CEST.

GET.invest is a European programme that mobilises investments in renewable energy, supported by the European Union, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Austria.

With participants from the public and private sector the webinar aims to share evidence and lessons learnt on the ability of DRE to fast-track delivery of sustainable and reliable power for rural health facilities in emerging markets.

The webinar will feature:

  • Discussions on ongoing initiatives focusing on electrifying rural health facilities with DRE and lessons learnt from these initiatives;
  • Presentations from selected private sector companies offering innovative and ‘ready-to-go’ solutions to electrify health facilities;
  • Q&A with the audience.

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Africa Energy Indaba 2020
