
Past Webinars

Date & Time: 30 August 2021 at 3 pm BST

Organizer: PV magazine

Description: Comprehensive testing at every stage has been vital to the solar industry’s impressive growth to date – investors, insurers, and other project stakeholders all need some assurance that this still young technology can live up to expectations, particularly when those expectations are centered around the entire system being installed outdoors and left to the elements for a lifetime of 20 years or more.

When it comes to trackers, proving reliable wind resistance is among the most vital of these tests. However, a closer look at common wind loading standards reveals that they do not accurately represent the way the wind loads the module. In this pv magazine Webinar, we’ll look at this in detail, as well as how bifacial and large format modules impact the maximum wind speed that can be supported by the modules and tracker system. 

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Date: 26 August 2021

Organizer: AFSIA

Description: The South African solar industry has experienced a crucial development a few weeks ago by having the legal capacity limit requiring a license moved from 1MW to 100MW. This has a monumental impact on the C&I segment, as many projects requiring more than 1MW of PV can now be developed without any fear of being stopped for licensing considerations.

As solar is increasingly gaining popularity in South Africa, a careful selection of equipment and planning is key to a successful project.

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Date: 26 August 2021

Organizer: IRENA

Description: This virtual launch pertains the official launch of the Renewable Readiness Assessment (RRA) Botswana and serves as a platform for government officials, partners, and other stakeholders to discuss the recommendations for improving renewable energy development in the country. The RRA, developed in close coordination with the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security (MMGE), provides a set of six key thematic areas to be carried out in line with the country’s energy strategy and plans. Within these areas, the RRA process identified and recommended actions for the short and medium term that could create more conducive investment environment while addressing key challenges to renewable energy development in the country.

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Date & Time: 25 August 2021 at 11 am CEST

Organizer: ATA Insights

Description: Nigeria has long been considered the Giant of Africa, having the biggest economy and more than 200 million people. However, more than 40% of its inhabitants currently live without electricity and this problem only gets worst in rural communities.

In this webinar, you will learn more about Nigeria’s plans to deploy minigrids as part of its plan to increase access to electricity to 90% by 2030 and at least 10% of renewable energy mix by 2025.

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Date: 25 August 2021

Organizer: PV magazine

Description: Many solar developers assume that all solar performance models are created equal.

However, many different solar performance models are available, and using the wrong one can damage your chances at closing a project, or expose you to liability you may not realize.

Getting the model right matters for solar developers for a number of reasons, including the risk of over-promising if a model fails to show important design faults that will hamper performance. What’s more, some developers are not able to tune their numbers to win the deal, while others aren’t getting enough credit for the good work they are already doing.

This pv magazine Webinar explains how solar projects can become constrained, and developers outright burned, by using the wrong solar performance model when generating sales proposals. We’ll go in depth into the pros and cons of different performance modeling approaches, identify where each one has blind spots, and show how to spot modeling-related shortcuts in a competitor’s bid.

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Date & Time: 24 August 2021 at 12 pm GMT

Organizer: ESI Africa

Description: Join ESI Africa as we explore various interventions for ensuring the justness of the energy transition.

This session will also unpack the implications for the coal sector in South Africa, which relies heavily on coal-fired power.

Guest speakers will address how East Africa is exploring a just transition of their own and the lessons that could be shared between the regions and how you can apply them to your utility environment.

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Date & Time: 18 August 2021 at 12 pm GMT

Organizers: Enlit Africa and ESI Africa

Description: The ability of the national grid to recovery quickly from a number of threats – both natural and manmade – is a key indicator of the transition toward a new energy dynamic. Grid flexibility in the face of any number of uncertainties, however, takes planning, investment and coordination between any number of stakeholders.

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Date & Time: 19 August 2021 at 6 pm CEST

Organizer: PV Tech

Description: The utility-scale PV market is poised for exponential growth and yet the industry still has many fundamental opportunities to improve on standards and best practice. Tracker shade loss has been one of those topics that deserve more attention, but has been typically handled by derate factors rather than trying to accurately forecast the loss over the life of the system. This has led to a majority of projects in the industry that have been shown to underperform against plant yield expectations and yet the low hanging fruit for more accurate financial modeling of plants is not being explored.

The industry needs to take a closer look at shade modeling as project portfolios are primed to grow in project numbers and investors and owners need scalable ways to reduce risk and rely on the forecasted return on investment.

Join Nextracker’s subject matter experts, Aron Dobos and Neelesh Umachandran, and Rounak Kharait, director of solar energy assessments at DNV, for a webinar about why shade modelling matters and giving recommendations on what the solar industry should do about it.

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Date: 18 August 2021

Organizers: SADC Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE) and African Union Youth Club (AUYC)

Description: The webinar will be focused on both Renewable Energy (RE) and Energy Efficient (EE) technologies and related services. In addition, focus on energy access, research & innovation, entrepreneurship, climate change mitigation, productive use of energy, and water-energy-food (WEF) nexus will also be prioritized. The webinar shall provide the befitting platform for the youth to engage in stimulating plenary sessions, discussion panels, video presentations, and workshops. The key benefits for the participants will be to make virtual connections; to build national, regional, and international networks; career development; propose solutions to industry challenges; mentorship and linkages to financiers, association & collaboration. The outcomes and recommendations captured from the Webinars will contribute to SACREEE and regional strategic interventions which will lead to policy recommendations and evidence-based solutions.

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Date: 18 August 2021

Organizer: AFSIA

Description: In this webinar it will be:

  • discuss how it could actually take only $50M to electrify half of Africa’s healthcare facilities to address the 2 major pain points of rural doctors;
  • present a tool that helps public officials and solar professionals precisely size the required solar installation for any kind of healthcare facility depending on the medical equipment available and used;
  • present the new approach of international aid agencies to speed up healthcare electrification by adapting to and aligning with the needs of private solar companies across the continent.

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Date: 3 August 2021

Organizer: AFSIA

Description: SustainSolar has launched new asset leasing and construction finance for their product line of turnkey Generation solutions, providing catalytic capital to mini-grid (and off-grid) companies. Developed with support from GET.invest Finance Catalyst, their model is a “force multiplier,” enabling faster scalability of mini-grid portfolios at lower “all-in” cost.

Encountering mini-grid finance and procurement challenges, SustainSolar has structured scalable finance models for short and long-term contracts to match developer needs. Inspired by similar asset-based financing models used in mature industries such as construction and mining, SustainSolar’s new finance tools are designed to address some of the most important hurdles faced by mini-grid developers.

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Date: 29 July 2021

Organizer: SAPVIA

Description: "As the representative voice of the solar PV industry, we are constantly working towards collaborating with stakeholders across the renewable energy sector to share knowledge and drive effective change.

Various factors in the business environment continue to strengthen the business case for Solar PV. These include; availability of supply, decreasing technology costs, the increased cost of electricity, various financing options and tax incentives to name a few. While we embark on the path to reduce the impact of climate change personally and professionally, decision making comes down to the rands and cents of it all. This session will focus on different perspectives on the business case for distributed Solar PV generation."

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Date & Time: 28 July 2021 at 1 pm GMT

Organizers: Michelin South Africa and Mining Review Africa

Description: The importance and positioning of sustainability in business has seen recent growth and been intensified by the global pandemic. There is a renewed sense of urgency for climate resilience coupled with an evolved way people deal with socio-economic issues.

And so, the ask for any business operating today is that sustainability be a cross-cutting issue, pulling businesses closer to communities and their natural capital.

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Date & Time: 27 July 2021 at 12 pm GMT

Organizer: ESI Africa

Description: President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement to increase the self-generation without a licence threshold from 1MW to 100MW has been a long time coming for South Africa’s commercial and industrial sector. 

While there are regulatory details to iron out, the announcement signals in theory that it will become easier for companies to enter into Power Purchase Agreements with private entities. Instead of a lengthy licencing process, a future applicant would only need to register their generation project with the National Electricity Regulator of South Africa (NERSA).

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Date & Time: 26 July 2021 at 5 pm GST

Organizer: IRENA

Description: This Dialogue will raise the ambition to accelerate the delivery of distributed renewable energy to the last mile in Africa. Policy makers, investors as well as the Rockefeller Foundation, will explore the opportunities and enablers needed to reach consumers and producers in the last mile and achieve a leap forward to renewable energy for all. Speakers will cover the case for livelihoods, investment and the bankable demand for on- and off-grid renewable energy solutions, as well as pointing out what remains to be done. The discussion will feed into an anticipated implementation lab on distributed renewable energy at the Africa Climate Week in September 2021.

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Date & Time: 21 July 2021 at 12 pm GMT

Organizer: AFSIA

Description: During this Showcase, Johannes will tell you more about the latest technologies and solutions available to deal with unreliable grid and select the most appropriate and cost-effective back-up solutions for your specific need.

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Date & Time: 20 July 2021 at 12 pm GMT

Organizers: Enlit Africa and ESI Africa

Description: When President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the self-generation threshold would be raised to 100MW he was at pains to point out that municipalities would still retain a large measure of autonomy over whether this would happen in their boundaries or not. 

Power projects have to be grid-compliant, even if islanded from the national system, and businesses who generate their own electricity will also be allowed to wheel electricity to the grid, subject to wheeling charges and connection agreements with Eskom and relevant municipalities. Municipalities will retain discretion to approve grid connection applications on their networks, and the entire process will still be regulated by NERSA and overseen by the DMRE. 

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Date & Time: 15 July 2021 at 12 pm GMT

Organizers: Cat® Electric Power and Mining Review Africa

Description: The pressure and desire for the mining industry to reduce green-house gas emissions is mounting, and with that the trend for renewable energy is gaining momentum.

Meeting sustainability goals at a mine now plays a huge part in deciding which power generation solution is best suited, whether it be temporary rental power or power plants for production.

Many mining operations take place in remote parts of the world where access to a reliable supply of electricity from the grid is unavailable or requires significant investments in transmission, the solution has traditionally been to use a thermal power plant on site burning fossil fuels.

Join Cat® Electric Power and Mining Review Africa for a Webinar that discusses the following three key considerations to power generation and how to find the optimum solution while maintaining grid stability for uninterrupted production at the mine site:

  1. Growing trends and the necessity to become more sustainable;
  2. Cat® Electric Power Solutions – from traditional fuel such as diesel, oil and natural gas to sustainable solutions including Solar power, Energy Storage systems and alternative fuels, we discuss the various options available to you;
  3. Support – from prospecting and construction to production, expansion and aftermarket services.

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Date & Time: 14 July 2021 at 12 pm GMT

Organizers: Jinko Solar, Enlit Africa and ESI Africa

Description: In recent years, the solar PV industry in sub-Saharan Africa has grown to include large-scale ground-mounted projects, commercial and industrial (C&I) installations, mini-grids and solar home systems (SHS). However, it is the emergence of energy storage systems that supply sustainable energy. 

Storage solutions have become an essential environmental technology to increase solar PV penetration in terms of reliability and efficiency. This technology also reduces fuel consumption, especially in industrial and commercial applications.

In this webinar, JinkoSolar will present its energy storage system (ESS) solutions for solar PV panels combined with battery storage specifically aimed at the C&I market. The panel of experts will explain the critical and growing role that energy storage plays in accelerating the clean energy transformation.

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