
Past Webinars

Date: 30 September 2021

Organizer: ASAER

Description: On September 30th, the event “ASAER and the promotion of renewable energy in Angola” will take place, with the purpose to introduce the new Association and encourage the promotion of renewable energy in Angola.

The event, organized by ASAER, in partnership with ALER and, with the support of Get.Invest and the British Embassy, will take place in the Auditorium of the Kilamba Building, in Marginal, from 9am to 1pm and will have online transmission. The panel of speakers will be composed by several members, from government representatives to companies, funding institutions and promoters, who play an important role in promoting renewable energy in Angola.

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Date: 29 September 2021

Organizer: IRENA

Description: This event will serve as a forum for continental discussions on how NDCs are driving energy transformation and inclusive development. IRENA will showcase the existing renewable energy technology and innovation options available to African governments to help implement mitigation and adaptation measures in line with net-zero by midcentury commitments under the Paris Agreement. Participants will hear from representatives from international organisations on support and advise rendered to countries on implementation of NDCs. In addition, representatives from governments will provide insights into the work done to achieve climate action and sustainable development goals through prioritization of renewable energy development.

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Date: 28 September 2021

Organizer: EnAccess Foundation

Description: Why do people and companies in Energy Access make the conscious decision to use open source materials? This time around, the panelists will dive into a conversation about Open Source from the adopters point of view. If you have been considering using open source materials in your own work and want to hear how and why others choose to do the same, you’ll definitely want to join.

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Date: 28 September 2021

Organizer: Rolls-Royce

Description: Rolls-Royce SMR would like to invite you to an intimate panel discussion with speakers representing the African public sector, private industry players and Rolls-Royce’s nuclear technology experts.

It will be discuss the role of nuclear in the energy transition to a low carbon future; hear from young nuclear rising stars about the future capability of nuclear in their country; and debate on policy and resource mobilisation required today to make nuclear a viable solution across Africa tomorrow.

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Date: 23 September 2021

Organizer: IRENA

Description: Renewable-based district heating and cooling systems can be a key component of smart energy systems and at the same time play a major role in the reduction of carbon intensity in the building sector. Geothermal is one of the renewable energy resources which can be integrated into district energy systems to decarbonise the building sector through the supply of space heating and/or cooling and domestic hot water.

Though widely available, geothermal resources remain largely underutilised due to challenges related to public perception, policies, financing, regulations and capacity. Therefore, the establishment of enabling frameworks as well as development of innovative tools and methodologies could support the accelerated deployment of geothermal energy into district energy systems. In this regard, more effort is required by different stakeholders to promote the increased development and utilisation of geothermal resources, including in district heating networks.

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Date: 20 September 2021

Organizer: AFSIA

Description: Think you know the African solar industry?

Come and test your knowledge during this fun 1-hour quiz that will cover all corners of the continent and highlight the latest African solar news.

This is a team event, so we warmly invite you to make a team with your colleagues to represent your company and showcase your skills and knowledge of the African solar industry.

And if you do not have a team, no problem, we will find you teammates!

Nothing to win this time, except for the pride of the eternal recognition from your peers and the pleasure of testing your knowledge and networking with fellow solar professionals in Africa.

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Date: 16 September 2021

Organizer: IRENA

Description:The UN High-Level Dialogue on Energy aims to provide transformational action on the energy-related goals of the 2030 Agenda and support the implementation of the Paris Agreement. The world has less than nine years to achieve the goal of ensuring clean energy for all, and we are falling behind. Transformational energy transitions require dramatically upscaling renewable energy and energy efficiency and equally downscaling and phasing out coal and other fossil fuels while innovating for the future, to arrive at the global decarbonization goal required to achieve net zero by 2050.

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Date & Time: 15 September 2021 at 2 pm SAST

Organizer: ESI Africa

Description: Wheeling is a scalable solution to creating a stable electricity supply industry within the southern African region.

While wheeling does not necessarily mean that the electrons entering the transmission network at point A will be used at point B, it is a solution to balancing the energy from the generator with the end-user load.  

Now that South Africa’s Department of Mineral Resources and Energy will be gazetting the amendment to Schedule 2 of the country’s Electricity Regulation Act that pushes the self-generation threshold up to 100MW, it is timeous to review how wheeling operates and what changes can be anticipated within the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP).

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Date & Time: 14 September 2021 at 1 pm EAT

Organizer: AFSIA

Description: When planning a solar project, we all know how to think about PV panels, inverters and batteries. But there are many more elements that compose a solar projects and which are often overlooked or not considered important.

When planning for a 25-year infrastructure project, all details and all components are however important if you wish for a smooth solar journey. In this webinar, we will shed light on the elements of solar projects which are often overlooked or totally forgotten, and yet which could make or break your project.

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Date: 9 September 2021

Organizers: IRENA and ENEL Foundation

Description: IRENA and ENEL Foundation have reached the 3rd webinar edition organized under the umbrella of the IRENA Youth Talk which will focus on the role of youth in international climate and energy cooperation. This upcoming IRENA Youth Talk will be held as part of the “All4Climate” program set up in the run-up to the COP26. To emphasize the inevitable role of youth in tackling the climate crisis, the webinar will be dedicated to the theme “The importance of international cooperation to address climate change: empowering the role of youth”.

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Date: 9 September 2021

Organizer: ATA Insights

Description: Agrovoltaics, also known as agro-photovoltaics, consists of using the same area of land for both solar energy and agricultural products. Solar panels coexist with crops in the same land.

Designing agrovoltaics projects is a balancing act to optimize energy generation with crop yields, however it can save water and even augment crop production in very hot climates. However, as NIMBYism grows against large-scale PV solar projects, agrovoltaics may prove to be the key to alleviate local opposition to development of projects.

In this webinar it will be analyse the design, construction, operation and maintenance of agrovoltaics projects and the most efficient business model combining solar PV generation systems with the development of agricultural activities.

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Date: 10 September 2021

Organizer: Energy Innovation Network

Description: “Energy efficiency is the workhorse of the clean energy world. Though solar and other renewable energy technologies usually take the spotlight, energy efficiency often works quietly in the background, making huge strides in lowering emissions without the fanfare.” – Kate Zerrenner, Researcher, Harvard Business School

As elsewhere, developing countries in Africa and the Caribbean gain from energy efficiency in multiple ways, including increased energy security, job creation, and environmental mitigation. A focus on energy efficiency in parallel with new sustainable energy supply can help reduce energy intensity, realize energy savings, lower the carbon footprint, create jobs and markets for energy efficiency related products and services, and allow electricity generation expansion to meet increasing demand in a timely, low-cost, and sustainable way. Energy efficiency is a critical tool for financial viability and energy security as energy demand and the pursuit of clean energy options continue to intensify in these developing countries.

Outside the community of energy practitioners, there is very limited awareness of energy efficiency initiatives in African and Caribbean countries. This EIN Webinar will provide insight into the status and effectiveness of energy efficiency initiatives in these countries and will outline ways in which energy efficiency measures can be made more well-known and relevant to the general populace in these countries.

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Date & Time: 7 September 2021 at 3:30 pm CET

Organizers: Energy Peace Partners and Sustainable Energy for All

Description: With over 300 corporations committing to 100% renewable energy globally, there is a significant opportunity to leverage corporate procurement dollars to support high-impact, climate positive energy access projects in regions that struggle to attract traditional climate finance and corporate investment. Microsoft’s recent inclusion of climate equity in its annual sustainability report is a promising development and illustrates how companies are beginning to extend their sustainability commitments to include broader social benefits. This webinar will highlight examples of, and opportunities for, corporate engagement and renewable energy procurement mechanisms for high-impact projects in Africa. We will present on the landscape of renewable energy development in Africa, the acute financing needs to support energy access projects across the continent, and the opportunities to leverage corporate renewable energy and climate commitments to accelerate Africa’s energy transition.

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Date: 7 September 2021

Organizer: ATA Insights

Description: Agrovoltaics, also known as agro-photovoltaics, consists of using the same area of land for both solar energy and agricultural products. Solar panels coexist with crops in the same land.

Designing agrovoltaics projects is a balancing act to optimize energy generation with crop yields, however it can save water and even augment crop production in very hot climates. However, as NIMBYism grows against large-scale PV solar projects, agrovoltaics may prove to be the key to alleviate local opposition to development of projects.

In this webinar we will analyse the design, construction, operation and maintenance of agrovoltaics projects and the most efficient business model combining solar PV generation systems with the development of agricultural activities.

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Date & Time: 1 September 2021 at 12 pm SAST

Organizer: ESI Africa

Description: Hydrogen as an energy carrier, fuel source or way to store renewable energy is one of this year’s buzzwords in the energy sector.

One cannot trawl the internet for energy news without tripping over yet another study speculating on the latest strides in green hydrogen technology or falling down a rabbit hole about how hydrogen will change the energy discussion. For every story that details the exact dimensions of a hydrogen fuel cell that is now being manufactured, there is a web entry about yet another developer eyeing a prime piece of real estate to develop a factory building electrolysers that will be the next big thing. Soon.

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Date & Time: 1 September 2021 at 3 pm CAT

Organizer: AFSIA

Description: Solar products and equipment keep evolving on a permanent basis and it is sometimes hard to keep track while developing projects and building new client relationships at the same time.

SegenSolar, as South Africa’s leading distributor of top solar brands, has created its Portal specifically to help solar installers gain time and money in the planning of their projects. With is unique Project Designer Tool, the SegenSolar Portal will help you build your entire BOQ in just a few clicks and see in real-time which products are in stock. And the Portal has many more cool features to help you with project planning and sourcing.

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Date & Time: 30 August 2021 at 3 pm BST

Organizer: PV magazine

Description: Comprehensive testing at every stage has been vital to the solar industry’s impressive growth to date – investors, insurers, and other project stakeholders all need some assurance that this still young technology can live up to expectations, particularly when those expectations are centered around the entire system being installed outdoors and left to the elements for a lifetime of 20 years or more.

When it comes to trackers, proving reliable wind resistance is among the most vital of these tests. However, a closer look at common wind loading standards reveals that they do not accurately represent the way the wind loads the module. In this pv magazine Webinar, we’ll look at this in detail, as well as how bifacial and large format modules impact the maximum wind speed that can be supported by the modules and tracker system. 

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Date: 26 August 2021

Organizer: AFSIA

Description: The South African solar industry has experienced a crucial development a few weeks ago by having the legal capacity limit requiring a license moved from 1MW to 100MW. This has a monumental impact on the C&I segment, as many projects requiring more than 1MW of PV can now be developed without any fear of being stopped for licensing considerations.

As solar is increasingly gaining popularity in South Africa, a careful selection of equipment and planning is key to a successful project.

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Date: 26 August 2021

Organizer: IRENA

Description: This virtual launch pertains the official launch of the Renewable Readiness Assessment (RRA) Botswana and serves as a platform for government officials, partners, and other stakeholders to discuss the recommendations for improving renewable energy development in the country. The RRA, developed in close coordination with the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security (MMGE), provides a set of six key thematic areas to be carried out in line with the country’s energy strategy and plans. Within these areas, the RRA process identified and recommended actions for the short and medium term that could create more conducive investment environment while addressing key challenges to renewable energy development in the country.

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Date & Time: 25 August 2021 at 11 am CEST

Organizer: ATA Insights

Description: Nigeria has long been considered the Giant of Africa, having the biggest economy and more than 200 million people. However, more than 40% of its inhabitants currently live without electricity and this problem only gets worst in rural communities.

In this webinar, you will learn more about Nigeria’s plans to deploy minigrids as part of its plan to increase access to electricity to 90% by 2030 and at least 10% of renewable energy mix by 2025.

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