
Past Webinars

Date: 14 July 2021

Organizer: EELA

Description: The Accessing financing for energy efficient lighting and appliances and the EELA Technical Assistance and Co-Financing Facility webinar seeks to share experience from financiers and energy efficiency practitioners on the opportunities and challenges of accessing funding for implementing energy efficiency projects. The webinar will also share information on the EELA Technical Assistance and Co-financing facility including the modalities of accessing technical support and funding from the facility.

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Date & Time: 13 July 2021 at 6 pm GST

Organizer: IRENA Youth

Description: The webinar will point at a combination of technologies and innovative solutions as an opportunity to decarbonise the energy system and achieve a 1.5°C Pathway. It will also show the positive impact of technological development on the living standards of young people and how a renewables-powered energy transition can have a positive outcome on young lives by improving access to key services, such as education and health.

During the event, young participants will discuss the socio-economic that the energy transition offers them, including jobs. Green technologies are proving to be an indispensable factor for resilience, inclusion, and equality and key in pursuing the goal of sustainability.

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Date: 13 July 2021

Organizer: IRENA

Description: The COVID-19 pandemic came at a time when Sub-Saharan African countries were already facing severe challenges towards achieving SDG7 objectives. Data shows that at least 25 African countries have electricity access rates of less than 40 per cent. Access to clean cooking is still one of the significant challenges. Additionally, the region’s growing population and economic progress call for a rapid increase in supply on the continent, to which renewable energy must contribute in the decades ahead. Africa therefore has a unique opportunity to pursue sustainable energy development as a basis for long-term prosperity. In this context, through partnerships at continental, sub-regional and national levels, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has been supporting Sub-Saharan African countries in their transition to a sustainable energy future in the pursuit of sustainable development, energy access, energy security and low-carbon economic growth. The event will bring together national and sub-regional stakeholders from across Africa to reflect and agree on the role of the energy transformation in Africa’s response to the current crisis and beyond.

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Date: 12 July 2021

Organizer: International Association for Energy Economics

Description: Economic development under climate change has become a complex challenge for both developing and well-established economies, as it imposes restrictions on the resource availability. To maintain a sustainable electricity supply and mitigate the impact of climate change on economic development, it is therefore important to understand how utility firms respond to water scarcity and unpacks the underlying mechanisms of power outage.

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Date: 9 July 2021

Organizer: International Association for Energy Economics

Description: 2020 was one of the most tumultuous years for global energy in modern history. What actually happened? How surprising was it? What did we learn about the functioning of the energy system? And what messages does it contain for the energy transition and the path to net zero?

This will be the 70th edition of the Statistical Review and there has never been a more dramatic year in its history. Join Richard de Caux from bp's Economics & energy insights team to discover how the energy system responded to the impact of COVID and what messages it might contain the for the energy transition.

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Date & Time: 7 July 2021 at 2 pm CEST

Organizers: Green People’s Energy and Alliance for Rural Electrification

Description: The ‘Stimulating Demand for Productive Use of Renewable Energy Solutions in Local Communities’ webinar is part of ‘Paving the way for Clean Energy Transition with Decentralised Renewable Energy (PWCET) Series’ organised by Green People’s Energy and Alliance for Rural Electrification. 

Decentralised renewable energy (DRE) solutions have the potential to drive green, sustainable and inclusive rural transformation, reduce poverty and improve the livelihoods and climate resilience of rural populations as they provide access to affordable, reliable and clean energy. PURE can be a significant driver of economic growth and social progress in developing countries. 

The webinar will dive into what it takes to stimulate demand for and an uptake of PURE solutions in rural communities and will under a holistic approach address the different aspects of the PURE ecosystem. The speakers will delve into the challenges and barriers, present examples of innovative solutions and highlight the opportunities of productive use activities to improve the livelihoods of rural communities.

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Date: 7 July 2021

Organizer: International Association for Energy Economics

Description: The revolutionary decline in the economies of scale in power generation in recent years has brought about a growing international trend to develop enabling policy and regulatory dispensations for embedded generation so that they can supplement national grids. In this context, embedded generation can be described as the small-scale production of power located close to the place of consumption but also able to sell electricity into the distribution network (prosumers).

Embedded generation has the potential to reduce electricity demand from the grid and simultaneously, improve prosumer’s environmental positions. Such a decentralized approach is supported by some policymakers to assist with concerns about security of supply.

An appropriate regulatory and policy dispensation for embedded generation is crucial for it to make a successful contribution to the often-overburdened systems, particularly in countries in the Global South.

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Date & Time: 30 June 2021 at 11 am CEST

Organizer: ATA Insights

Description: Following an extended development journey, the Redstone Concentrated Solar Power project is breaking ground in the Northern Cape (South Africa). Redstone is a 100MW power tower with 12 hours of thermal storage that is expected to begin commercial operation by the fourth quarter of 2023.

This project signals also a recognition to the clean, firm, baseload power that CSP brings to the table as more variable renewable enters the grid.

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Date: 30 June 2021

Organizer: IRENA

Description: This interactive event, sponsored by the Green Learning Network, the International Renewable Energy Agency, REN21 and UNEP’s Youth and Education Alliance, brings together panelists at the forefront of renewable energy education and training to share innovative approaches to skill building and is useful for anyone interested in building a more sustainable future.

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Date & Time: 29 June 2021 at 2 pm SAT

Organizer: ESI Africa

Description: In recent years, the solar PV industry in sub-Saharan Africa has grown to include large-scale ground-mounted projects, commercial and industrial (C&I) installations, mini-grids and solar home systems (SHS). However, it is the emergence of energy storage systems that supply sustainable energy. 

Storage solutions have become an essential environmental technology to increase solar PV penetration in terms of reliability and efficiency. This technology also reduces fuel consumption, especially in industrial and commercial applications.

In this webinar, JinkoSolar will present its energy storage system (ESS) solutions for solar PV panels combined with battery storage. The panel of experts will explain the critical and growing role that energy storage plays in accelerating the clean energy transformation.

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Date: 29 June 2021

Organizer: PV magazine

Description: Join this PV magazine webinar and learn about the new wind mitigation strategy. Also, on the agenda, it will be discuss the differences between deploying a lot of stiffness or damping to deal with high wind conditions. 

PV magazine Webinar content:

  • Storm damage in the tracker industry;
  • What is the right stow angle?
  • FTC Solar’s new wind mitigation system;
  • Aeroelastic stability of trackers and wind tunnel reports;
  • Q&A.

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Date: 29 June 2021

Organizer: IRENA

Description: Population growth leading to an overload on existing infrastructure, place cities increasingly at the forefront of challenges in the quest for a global energy transition. These challenges call for innovative and collaborative efforts from stakeholders to consciously embrace sustainable energy practices to achieve carbon-neutral goals.

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Date: 28 June 2021

Organizer: PV magazine

Description: Join this PV magazine Webinar and learn how the REC Alpha Pure has achieved the advancements on solar sustainability,   ensures lasting high power, and discuss the critical role that sustainable manufacturing will play moving forward. 

PV magazine Webinar content:

  • REC Alpha Pure Module design specifics: HJT cells (half cut), advanced cell connections, gapless cell layout, Twin module design, strong frame, leading temperature coefficient, high power density, lead free;
  • The significance of REC Alpha Pure’s achievement of being lead-free;
  • The importance of proven, consistent, and long-term high quality when choosing modules.

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Date: 25 June 2021

Organizer: IRENA

Description: IRENA is organising a side event in the margins of the Ministerial Thematic Forum on "Climate Investment Platform: Catalysing Concerted Action on the Ground towards Achieving Global Energy Transition". The event will be organised in the form of a panel discussion focused on the example of the Climate Investment Platform (CIP), with participation of CIP founding partners as panellists.

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Date & Time: 24 June 2021 at 11 am CEST

Organizer: ATA Insights

Description: The South African energy landscape is faced with the unique challenge and opportunity to become more energy secure by using renewable sources for future generation. The nation and country have long been disturbed by frequent blackouts, outdated electricity infrastructure with supply constraints, and an urgent need for additional capacity to prevent load shedding.

The country has prioritised a fast-track basis for large-scale dispatchable energy capacity to bridge the gap between demand and supply.

For the first time on such a scale, hybrid plants, including renewables, storage, and thermal power, have been offered and have resulted competitive to provide dispatchable power and are currently navigating to reach financial close no later than end-July 2021.

Besides the co-location of RE and energy storage, South Africa is also considering stand-alone solutions, currently under the Eskom program, to provide direct balance services and attenuate the impact of renewable energy generation on the grid. 

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Date: 24 June 2021

Organizers: IRENA and SELCO Foundation

Description: Decentralized renewable energy (DRE) solutions will play a central role in achieving universal modern energy access. Linking such solutions with livelihoods across sectors, such as agriculture, cottage industry, tourism and retail, offers the opportunity to translate electricity connections and kilowatt-hours into higher incomes for communities and enterprises, local jobs and well-being in rural and peri-urban areas.

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Date: 24 June 2021

Organizers: IRENA and World Health Organization

Description: On the margins of the 2021 High-level Dialogue on Energy, Ministerial Thematic Forums, IRENA and the World Health Organization co-organise this event, titled, Energy Access for promoting Universal Health Coverage and for Achieving multiple SDGs.

The meeting will bring together stakeholders from the energy, health and other sectors to reflect on the key role that renewable energy plays in the achievement of universal healthcare and in the attainment of various SDGs. The event will provide participants the opportunity to share experiences, lessons learned and best practices, and to explore modalities to enhance multisectoral cooperation.

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Date: 24 June 2021

Organizers: IRENA and REN21

Description: IRENA and REN21 is organising a side event during the Ministerial Thematic Forum on Enabling SDGs Through Inclusive, Just Energy Transitions of the UN High Level Dialogue. This event will launch the 2021 Climate Action Pathway for Energy (version 2.1) to showcase updates on the milestones to 2050.

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Date: 23 June 2021

Organizers: Trina Solar and ATA Insights

Description: As photovoltaic energy becomes more competitive, more African countries have deployed – or plan to install – renewable energy projects to reduce their carbon footprint and improve energy quality.

Although the learning curve may be steep, inexperienced players will be able to leverage the lessons learned in Egypt, South Africa and Morocco and implement this knowledge into development plans.

On this webinar, it will be explored the key aspects that installers and project developers need to consider when designing and building new PV projects in Africa:

  • Understand which are the key aspects that you should consider when designing your PV system to maximize the return on your investment;
  • Hear fist-hand experiences on the best practices to develop photovoltaic installations, from design to construction and start-up of the project;
  • Learn from the manufacturer how new modules and trackers are adapting to cover market needs and improve the productivity of solar generation projects.

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Date: 23 June 2021

Organizers: IRENA and Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

Description: IRENA and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany, also a Country Champion of the Energy Transitions Theme, are organising a side event in the margins of the Ministerial Thematic Forum on “Renewable Energy Transitions in Africa”.

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Renewables Now


Africa Energy Forum
Future Energy East Africa
Future Energy Nigeria
Africa Energy Indaba 2020
