
Past Webinars

Date: 29 October 2020

Organizer: AME Trade

Description: The African continent is a huge reservoir of energy resources, with potentials largely unexploited and many more undiscovered. The Africa region is said to have more than enough energy resources to meet its energy needs, well into the foreseeable future.

An African Development Bank (AfDB) study notes that investment needed to close the electricity deficit in Africa is estimated at an annual cost of $35 to $50 billion to achieve 100% urban electrification, 95% rural electrification by 2025.

With most African countries having a target of achieving universal electricity access by 2025 and 2030, the question ‘how can Africa attract private sector investment into the energy sector?’ remains pertinent.

This webinar on ‘Closing the US$50 Billion Per Annum Investment Gap in Africa’s Energy Sector’ will bring key voices influencing the energy sector, both from the government and financial institution side to discuss issues holding the continent back. Furthermore, the speakers will share their experience in trying out the Puttru digital platform and how they see the technology closing the energy sector investment gap in Africa.

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Date & Time: 8 October 2020

Organizer: Solarplaza

Description: Where wind, solar and storage combine to drive forward the next generation of renewables. As of today, there are more than 25 hybrid projects worldwide (in all stages of development), amounting to 8 GW of wind, 5.7 GW of solar and 120 MW of storage. And this is just the start…

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Date & Time: 1 October 2020 at 4:00 pm SAST

Organizer: Africa Oil & Power

Description: As a continuation of Africa Oil & Power’s Women in Energy series, AOP is proud to highlight the leading women working in Africa’s energy sector, blazing a trail in an industry that has been male dominated since its inception. Join women leaders in Africa’s energy sector as they discuss important trends in energy, breaking through the glass ceiling and issues still be dealt with to achieve gender equality in the energy sector.

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Date: 29 September 2020 - 4 November 2020

Organizers: Nuclear Industry Association of South Africa (NIASA) and ESI Africa

Description: At a high-level panel of senior political figures and experts from leading international energy organisations, the IEA’s chief economist Laszlo Varro said the organisation’s analysis “clearly shows” that nuclear power has an important role in making the energy transition “more cost-effective and more energy secure”.

To this end, the Nuclear Industry Association of South Africa (NIASA) in partnership with ESI Africa, invites you to a digital dialogue five-part series on the nuclear energy position.

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Date & Time: 24 September 2020 at 4:00 pm SAST

Organizer: Africa Oil & Power

Description: COVID-19 has unsettled the oil and gas market throughout the continent, delaying projects and putting up roadblocks for the development of new industry. But with travel limited due to COVID-19, Mozambique has a new opportunity to fill a workforce gap posed by COVID-19 restrictions. What training and education should be prioritized for Mozambicans during this time? How can the country best prepare its domestic sector for activity in 2021 and beyond? What challenges does Mozambique’s local sector face in fully participating in the oil and gas industry, and how can these challenges be mitigated?

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Date & Time: 24 September 2020 at 1:00 pm - 2:40 pm BST

Organizer: ARE

Description: Energy and gender equality are key drivers for development and economic growth. The economic empowerment of women is one of the four pillars of the EU Gender Action Plan, explicitly stated as a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG-5) and intrinsically linked to most of the other SDGs.

Women empowerment and entrepreneurship are important sources of growth, prosperity and poverty reduction with positive impacts on families and children, health and nutrition, communities and the national economy at large.

At the intersection of gender equality, clean energy access and sustainable economic development, it is fundamental that women are supported and encouraged to engage in all stages of the decentralised renewable energy (DRE) space: at customer, company and investor levels and that the contributions of women to the energy access sector are recognised. As such, the socio-economic empowerment of women should be strongly encouraged and facilitated to foster gender balance in the sector and unlock its benefits for the long-term sustainable development of rural communities in developing countries.

This webinar aims to share best practices from innovative entrepreneurs embedding gender in their business models, as well as to spur discussion on best practices to promote gender equality in the DRE sector.

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Date & Time: 7 - 11 September 2020

Organizer: Smart Grid Observer

Description: The event brings together thought leaders, energy executives, and project managers from around the world for focused networking and information sharing concerning the design, implementation and operation of hybrid energy, renewables-centric microgrids. The emphasis is on maximising the effective use of sustainable distributed energy resources, refining the business model for a range of microgrid deployments, and sharing real-world case studies of noteworthy grid-tied, off-grid, island, and remote systems.

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Date & Time: 1 - 3 September 2020

Organizer: Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Nigeria (AHK Nigeria)

Description: The first-ever virtual WACEE (eWACEE) exhibition and conference will be organized by the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Nigeria (AHK Nigeria) and will run from 1 – 30 September 2020.

eWACEE will provide a platform for exhibitors in the clean energy, water, and circular economy sectors to showcase their latest innovations and new products to over 5000 visitors for a period of 30-days. The exhibition will be complemented by a 4-day live conference comprising of presentations, keynote sessions, and panel discussions among relevant stakeholders and decision-makers.

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Date: 1 - 3 September 2020

Organizer: Clarion Energy

Description: Three exciting days of live conference sessions, technical presentations, networking opportunities and an exclusive Utility CEO Forum will form part of the programme of the upcoming Virtual Future Energy East Africa from 1-3 September 2020.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the organisers of this long running regional conference and exhibition have decided to cancel the live event that was scheduled to take place from 1-2 September in Nairobi. However, the event will proceed with a fully-fledged programme online. This will be the 22nd edition of Future Energy East Africa.

Highlights of Virtual Future Energy East Africa will include:

Conference: 1-3 Sep 2020

- Keynote

- Country focus roundtables

Utility CEO Forum: 2-3 Sep 2020

Matchmaking: 1-3 Sep 2020

- Throughout the three-day event programme

Training sessions: 1-3 Sep 2020

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Date: September 2020 - February 2021

Organizers: CbI Meetings and African Energy

Description: The 7th AIX: Power & Renewables will be a series of monthly meetings held in a virtual environment between September 2020 to February 2021, with live streaming, fringe events, an online exhibition and networking opportunities.

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Date & Time: 27 August 2020 at 2:00 pm CAT

Organizer: SegenSolar

Description: This training session will provide a thorough and engaging run down of the Kodak products.

The team of experts are excited to provide in-depth information on KODAK Solar Products.

The SegenSolar team will cover all the regulatory requirements around installing the various products together, as well as practical guidance on wiring, communication settings and much more.

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Date & Time: 27 August 2020 at 4 pm CAT

Organizer: ATA Insights

Description: Nigeria has long been considered the Giant of Africa, having the biggest economy and more than 200 million people. However, more than 40% of its inhabitants currently live without electricity and this problem only gets worst in rural communities. In this webinar, you will learn more about Nigeria’s plans to deploy minigrids as part of its plan to increase access to electricity to 90% by 2030 and at least 10% of renewable energy mix by 2025.

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Date & Time: 26 - 27 August 2020 at 2 pm - 5 pm South Africa Time Zone

Organizer: Euroconvention Global

Description: As the world transitions into a Green Recovery, we invite you to join RENPOWER Africa: Mining and Renewables – Online Conference. This exclusive virtual event will give you an insight to Africa’s mining industry commitment to a greener and sustainable environment as well as the opportunity to network with mining and renewable energy key stakeholders in a post-pandemic recovery stage. 

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Date & Time: 25 August 2020 at 10:30 am CAT

Organizer: SegenSolar

Description: This session will cover:

  1. Goodwe & Pylontech systems in seconds;
  2. Hybrid systems: what they are, how they work and what scenarios they are suitable for;
  3. Sizing and specifying a system using Goodwe Hybrid with Pylontech;
  4. Basic Installation procedure;
  5. Advanced configuration such as WiFi setup and firmware update;
  6. GoodWe’s remote monitoring portal.

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Date & Time: 25 August 2020 at 10 am CAT

Organizer: Jubaili Bros Solar

Description: This event is addressed to design engineers and all stakeholders interested in how to minimize the amount of excess power delivered to the grid. They will go through the devices, configuration required and how to tackle power export in areas where net-metering is not allowed by the public grid authority.

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Date & Time: 25 August 2020 at 10 am CAT

Organizer: Solar Show Africa

Description: In recent years, the industry has been chasing higher and higher efficiency, and lower production costs. However, with current cell technologies, efficiency-boosting innovations are increasingly hard to come by. This is leading the industry to focus on other ways to improve module efficiency and lower project investment.

In this Webinar, they are going to discuss balancing module efficiency and cost. Carl Lee, Sales Director of EMEA at Seraphim Solar, was invited to talk about the optical and electrical advantages of 9 busbar cells, reduced shading, mismatch loss, and bifacial power gains in Seraphim’s newest product.

With new data, Carl will demonstrate how these improvements increase module power outputs and how the CAPEX of solar projects, as well as the LCOE, will decrease markedly. Through flexible application demonstrations and operation simulations in varied locations like Europe, Asia, and the Americas this webinar will illustrate the potential for these module-level innovations to positively impact LCOE.

Join this Webinar to learn how to balance efficiency and cost as well as improve energy yield at system level.

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Date & Time: 13 August 2020 at 13h00 GMT

Organizer: ESI Africa

Description: The Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (CPPA) market is set to realise exponential growth as global corporations are now looking more at this market for renewable energy procurement solutions to fulfil their decarbonisation objectives.

Corporations bought a record amount of clean energy through PPAs in 2019, up more than 40% from the previous year’s record.

According to the Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s 1H 2020 Corporate Energy Market Outlook, some 19.5GW of clean energy contracts were signed by more than 100 corporations in 23 different countries in 2019. This was up from 13.6GW in 2018, and more than triple the activity seen in 2017.

The high profile RE100 campaign, a global corporate leadership initiative bringing together influential businesses committed to sourcing 100% renewable electricity, has seen some of the world’s largest companies commit to this goal.

The RE100 totaled 221 members through 2019, collectively consuming 233TWh of electricity in 2018, based on their latest filings – slightly less than South Africa’s entire power generation fleet.

Bloomberg New Energy Finance estimates these 221 RE100 companies will need to purchase an additional 210TWh of clean electricity in 2030 to meet their targets.

As onsite power becomes the new norm, CPPAs will likely continue to be the preferred choice in enabling corporates’ meet their decarbonisation goals while ensuring stable power supply and low energy costs.

This live discussion will provide information on the benefits and risks involved with regards to the evolving nature of CPPAs.

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Date & Time: 6 August 2020 at 4 PM South Africa Standard Time

Organizer: Germany-Africa Business Forum

Description: While Covid-19 has hit world markets very hard, African economies are showing more resilience than others. Out of the 37 countries escaping recession this year, 22 are Africans according to the IMF’s latest forecasts. Before of post Covid-19, Africa will remain the fastest growing region in the world, and one where a new world also means new deals. German companies have increasingly made successful business in Africa over the recent past, and opportunities for German businesses and public sector companies will only grow as Africa builds sustainability and cleaner energy mixes in a post Covid-19 world.

To explore the opportunities offered to German companies in a post Covid-19 Africa, the Germany-Africa Business Forum (GABF) will be organizing an exclusive webinar in August in cooperation with Africa Oil & Power. The event will be exploring the deals that are set to shape up the post-Covid-19 German-African economic and business relations.

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Renewables Now


Africa Energy Forum
Future Energy East Africa
Future Energy Nigeria
Africa Energy Indaba 2020
