
Past Webinars

Date & Time: 11 March 2021 at 2:30 pm - 5 pm EAT

Organizer: Precise Consult and African Clean Energy Technical Assistance Facility

Description: The speakers will share experiences from their countries and explore different opportunities as well as challenges facing the SAS sector.

The three main areas of discussion include:

  • Aligning the energy access approach in East Africa;
  • How to attract investment for solar energy in agriculture with experiences from the field;
  • Solving the forex challenge in Ethiopia.

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Date & Time: 11 March 2021 at 1 pm - 3 pm GMT

Organizer: The Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank (TDB) and The World Bank

Description: This launch event presented by The Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank (TDB) and The World Bank will showcase and answer questions on upcoming opportunities pertaining to the African renewable energy market, and more specifically to the SME off-grid market, as well as on the TDB SME Off-Grid Facility, explaining its objective, intended impacts and ways various stakeholders can benefit from it.

After an initial general discussion by both institutions, and a presentation of the new TDB Renewable Energy DealRoom, developed in collaboration with Asoko Insight, the floor will open for an interactive Q&A discussion session.

Participants from the following industry sectors are invited to join us on 15 March 2021 at 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm GMT / 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm EAT  to learn about this exciting initiative:

  • SHS and off-grid investors
  • Off-grid distribution and consumer finance SMEs
  • Off-grid equipment suppliers
  • Private equity, impact funds and other institutional investors
  • Energy service companies
  • Development finance institutions
  • Commercial Banks
  • Media

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Date & Time: 9 March 2021 at 10 am CET

Organizer: IRENA

Description: The last two years have seen an increased focus on net zero emissions energy systems. To achieve this goal, even the most difficult to abate sectors need to be tackled. Hydrogen can complement electrification and energy efficiency in achieving this goal. Green hydrogen can link the renewable electricity with those applications that are difficult to electrify, while providing flexibility to the power system.

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Date & Time: 25 February 2021 at 11 am GMT

Organizer: ESI Africa

Description: With energy storage emerging as a vital technology for utilities to optimise their operations, accelerate renewables adoption and ensure the reliability of grid network, what role is the technology playing in helping grid operators achieve their goals and what are these goals?

With the US battery energy storage market set to grow from 1.2GW in 2020 to nearly 7.5GW (and 26.5 GWh) in 2025 (Wood Mackenzie) and Europe’s electricity networks in need of up to 485GWh of storage capacity by 2040 to meet climate targets ( ENTSO-E), how and where does energy storage generate value for both utilities and consumers?

Applications vary with the end goal but include energy arbitrage to offset costs, flexible peaking resources, frequency regulation to ensure AC current remains within the exact required tolerance bounds of the grid, reserve capacity.

Register to attend this webinar to understand which energy storage use cases are seeing widespread adoption.

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Date & Time: 25 February 2021 at 1 pm GMT

Organizer: ESI Africa

Description: Solar power has the potential to provide sustainable energy used for water pumping by more than 95%, compared to alternative resources.

In recent years, solar-powered irrigation has become increasingly attractive to countries as a reliable, clean-energy solution for agricultural water management, especially in areas with low elevation topography and high solar radiation incidence levels.

In this webinar, guest experts will spotlight how Sub-Saharan African countries can simultaneously work towards agricultural development, gainful employment, rural poverty reduction and the sustainable management of natural resources, especially water.

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Date & Time: 25 February 2021 at 3:30 pm CET

Organizer: IRENA

Description: This webinar will gather public and private sector stakeholders to discuss key opportunities and challenges faced by companies setting and implementing corporate renewable energy heating and cooling targets, including how policies can be designed to effectively encourage the use of renewable heating and cooling in industry. Discussions will include successful examples of companies that are transitioning to 100% renewable energy and have set ambitious renewable energy targets for their heating and cooling operations.

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Date & Time: 23 February 2021 at 12 pm GMT

Organizer: ESI Africa

Description: Financing to mitigate or adapt to looming climate issues is receiving more attention but still lags behind traditional thermal generation and commonplace operational considerations. 

While an increasing number of governments are starting to consider a more sustainable energy transition as central to future climate strategies, this philosophy raises queries around finding the balance between embracing clean energy and exploiting least-cost resources.

In this live webinar, our guests unpack the concern around the role of traditional generation in the energy transition where Africa’s more immediate problem is that of modernisation and expansion.

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Date & Time: 23 February 2021 at 11 am GMT

Organizer: IRENA

Description: Building the skill base necessary for achieving the energy transition requires the implementation of education and training policies and programmes that address the need to reskill and upskill the existing energy workforce as well as educate a new generation of energy professionals. This webinar will share preliminary findings from the upcoming brief on renewable energy education and training and will showcase examples of policies and initiatives including public-private partnerships for training; enhanced curriculum frameworks; teacher training; ICT utilisation for skill delivery; and recruitment of underrepresented groups.

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Date & Time: 23 February 2021 at 11 am CAT

Organizer: AFSIA

Description: Even more than access to electricity, access to (drinkable) water can be a challenge across Africa. Luckily, more and more ingenious technology is being developed to use existing water resources for irrigation or for human consumption.

These technologies are inextricably linked to solar as this often is the only way to power them.

In this webinar you will learn about solutions combining solar energy and water and changing the lives of millions across Africa.

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Date: 20 January 2021

Organizers: GOGLA, ESMAP and Lighting Global

Description: Solar home systems, productive use equipment, mini grids, and other decentralized renewable technologies transform the lives and livelihoods of those living in energy poverty, and have provided first time access to millions of low income and rural households. Yet even before the COVID-19 pandemic, estimates projected that hundreds of millions of people would still be unable to afford off-grid solar solutions by 2030. The impact of COVID-19 has pushed a further 70 million people into extreme poverty, intensifying this “affordability gap”. 

End-user subsidies, which directly reduce costs for consumers, have the potential to address the affordability challenge and enable energy access for the most vulnerable communities. However, for them to be as effective as possible, they must be considered alongside other enablers, such as supportive fiscal policy and supply side subsidies. In addition, as end-user subsidies are complex and create the risk of market distortion - which can hamper other energy access efforts - they need to be designed very carefully.

This webinar will explore the ‘smart’ design of end-user subsidies to address this complexity and uncover solutions. It will have a particular focus on stand alone solar technologies.

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Date: 16 - 17 February 2021

Organizer: R&I Partnership ‘Climate Change and Sustainable Energy’ of the AU-EU High-Level Policy Dialogue on Science, Technology and Innovation (HLPD)

Description: The Workshop “COVID-19 and the Health-Energy-Climate Nexus” will take place virtually on 16th - 17th February 2021. This event is organised by the R&I Partnership ‘Climate Change and Sustainable Energy’ of the AU-EU High-Level Policy Dialogue on Science, Technology and Innovation (HLPD).

Strengthening the Africa-Europe partnership on Climate Change and Sustainable Energy’ (CCSE) and linking research and innovation hubs, to test solutions with research funding opportunities and to fuel innovation, are the main objectives of the event.

The event will be divided in two thematic sessions and will involve, research and international institutions, academia, the private sector and policy makers.

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Date & Time: 15 December 2020 at 10:30 am CAT/CET and 2:30 pm CAT/CET

Organizer: AMER

Description: As part of the discussions on Private Sector Perspectives in Renewable Energy in Mozambique, AMER invites to the fourth part of its webinar series on 15 December 2020. The webinar, supported by GET.invest, the Lusophone Renewable Energy Association (ALER), SolarPower Europe (SPE) and the Kreishandwerkerschaft Steinfurt-Warendorf (KH+S), will cover the market segment of Independent Power Producers (IPP).

Divided into two sessions (A and B), from 10:30 to 12:00 and from 14:30 to 15:30 CAT/CET respectively, the webinar will delve into a range of topics, including technical requirements, legal and regulatory framework, access to finance and risk.

Part one will include a round table discussion on IPPs in Mozambique. For this purpose, companies working in the area have been invited to present their activities and visions for the future of the sector. Dr. Olga Utchavo, representative of national energy company Electricidade de Moçambique, E.P. (EDM), will speak on the prospects for renewable energy in the country.

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Date & Time: 5 January 2021 at 1 pm - 1:30 pm GMT

Organizers: IRENA

Description: The webinar explains the role of thermal energy storage (TES) in the global energy transition. The information is based on IRENA’s recently released report “Innovation Outlook: Thermal energy Storage”. TES technologies can address some challenges in energy systems including, for example, decoupling heating and cooling demand from immediate power generation and supply availability, as well as balancing seasonal energy supply variations for thermal applications. The report outlines the pathway for the different TES technologies in the decade to come. The suitable TES technologies, their applications and expected development are elaborated for five applications: power, industry, buildings, district heating and cooling, and cold chains.

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Date & Time: 26 January 2021 at 1 pm - 1:30 pm GMT

Organizers: IRENA

Description: IRENA’s International Standards and Patents in Renewable Energy (INSPIRE) database is an interactive online patent data platform developed by IRENA with the support of the European Patent Office EPO and WIPO. In this free access web tool, users can monitor the innovation trends in renewable technologies using patents and standards data. This webinar explores the value of patent and standards data analytics and how information can be translated into valuable insights for policymakers, entrepreneurs, industry, research bodies and other key stakeholders in the energy sector. The audience will be able to learn how to research patents and standards in different renewable energy technologies to identify innovation trends, front runner countries, and leading technology organisations.

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Date & Time: 9 December 2020 at 5:30 pm GST

Organizer: IRENA

Description: The fourth IRENA Policy Talk will focus on citizen-led renewable energy projects – commonly referred to as “community energy” – and their potential to support an inclusive energy transition. Following a presentation on the findings of the IRENA Coalition for Action white paper "Stimulating Investment in Community Energy", a panel discussion will be held to discuss how policies can be designed to value citizen participation, current experiences in the implementation of financing instruments to support community energy, and examples of initiatives that have successfully mobilised financing to deploy renewable energy projects benefitting citizens and communities.

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Date & Time: 9 December 2020 at 12 pm CET - WAT

Organizer: ATA Insights

Description: In Africa, utilities and private large consumers (mines, factories, communities, etc.) are moving to solar power because of its low price and predictability in the long term. Many projects are under development and in order to realize them it is necessary to obtain long-term financing.  

In this webinar it will be analyzed how to obtain financing for large projects in Africa.

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Date: 8 - 9 December 2020

Organizer: Reuters Events

Description: Future of Renewables Global will unite policy makers and top thought leadership on one stage and unfurl the green recovery playbook. Shedding light on where the most lucrative opportunities await, whether it be the expansion of infrastructure, the electrification of end use sectors or decarbonising the way we do business. Therefore, charting the path for the energy majors of tomorrow.

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Date & Time: 25 November 2020 at 11 am GMT

Organizers: The Solar Hub, International Organization for Migration, Oxfam, US Agency for International Development and energypedia

Description: With falling panel costs and improvement in technologies, solar powered water systems (SPWS) have become a cost-effective and sustainable way of providing water in long-term displacement settings such as IDP camps as well as in host communities. This webinar, the first of the four-part webinar series, will introduce the SPWS technology focusing on different configurations such as DC vs AC, standalone vs hybrid, and submersible vs surface pumping. Lorentz and Grundfos will highlight their SPWS solutions available in the market as well as their applicability in the humanitarian context. A case study will then showcase SPWS examples from around the world. 

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Date & Time: 20 November 2020 at 10 am GMT

Organizers: ALER

Description: On 20 November at 10 am (GMT - Portugal time), ALER in partnership with the Ministry of Infrastructures and Natural Resources (MIRN) will organize the webinar “Sustainable Energy to accelerate green recovery in São Tomé and Príncipe post-COVID 19”.

São Tomé and Príncipe is carrying out many initiatives that identify the country as a market with several investment opportunities in sustainable energy. This webinar is intended to inform about the renewable energy and energy efficiency market in São Tomé and Príncipe and raise awareness about its opportunities.

ALER's most recent national report on São Tomé and Príncipe Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Status Report will also be presented, which was co-financed by Camões institute and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

The program will have as speakers MIRN, the international cooperation partners of STP responsible for the support programs for the energy sector and companies that will invest in renewable energy projects in the country.

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Date & Time: 17 November 2020 at 3 pm UTC + 1 - Portugal time

Organizers: ALER

Description: On 17 November at 3 pm (UTC + 1 - Portugal time), ALER in partnership with the Ministry of Public Works, Infrastructure, Natural Resources and the Environment (MOPIRNA) will organize the webinar “Sustainable Energy in São Tomé and Príncipe”.

São Tomé and Príncipe is carrying out many initiatives that identify the country as a market with several investment opportunities in sustainable energy. This webinar is intended to inform about the renewable energy and energy efficiency market in São Tomé and Príncipe and raise awareness about its opportunities. 

ALER's most recent national report on São Tomé and Príncipe Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Status Report will also be presented, which was co-financed by Camões institute and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

The program will have as speakers MOPIRNA, the international cooperation partners of STP responsible for the support programs for the energy sector and companies that will invest in renewable energy projects in the country.

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Renewables Now


Africa Energy Forum
Future Energy East Africa
Future Energy Nigeria
Africa Energy Indaba 2020
