
Past Webinars

Date & Time: Wednesday 17th October 2018, 16:00 CEST

Organizer: ata insights

Description: The Internet of Energy (IoE for short) is the implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) technology into distributed energy systems to optimize the efficiency of energy infrastructure and reduce wastage.

This webinar explores how the IoE is changing the industry to unearth more value from data and machine to machine (M2M) communication.

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Date & Time: Tuesday 16th October 2018, 16:00 CEST

Organizer: ata insights

Description: Artificial Intelligence and quantum computing are transforming the energy sector. Algorithms that automatically analyze operating data, environmental conditions and component properties, often better than human experts, are already operating across thousands of companies in various capacities.

AI has been said to enable the 4th industrial revolution, and it has the potential to take performance to the next level.

This webinar explores the role that AI is going to take in the energy industry going forward.

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Date & Time: Wednesday 10th October 2018, 19:00 CEST

Organizer: ata insights

Description: With more solar and grid entering the grid at record low prices, the future of energy is renewable. But as more peak load electricity enters the system, batteries and storage become essential for load shifting and to maintain the integrity of the grid.   So, what are the most promising technologies developing that allow grids to manage energy loads? And more importantly, what is the role of policy to aid grid integration of renewable generation?

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Date & Time: Tuesday 25th September 2018, 12:00 CEST

Organizer: ata insights

Description: Senegal aims to strengthen its energy sector and reduce dependency on imported fossil fuels by 2025. Given its significant solar resources, it should come as no surprise that solar energy has ample room for growth in Senegal. In this webinar, experts on the Senegalese energy market will share key insights into the potential of solar energy in this market.

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Date & Time: Wednesday 19 September 2018 14:00 CEST

Organizer: LEDS

Description: In this webinar, senior experts will provide an overview of the diverse mini-grids policy, regulatory and legislative environments in Central, East, and West Africa. Project developers will share their experiences working in markets that have created a wide range of business models. Participants will discuss innovative business models for the development, financing, ownership, and management of mini-grids, and how governments can address challenges in licensing, tariff setting, connection costs and compensation for mini-grid businesses that are compromised by the arrival of a main grid.

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Date & Time: Wednesday 12 September 2018  4:30 PM – 5:30 PM CEST

Organizer: SolarPower Europe

Description: As part of the Emerging Markets Task Force, SolarPower Europe is exploring exciting new markets for solar energy outside Europe. As a first episode of an upcoming series of webinars, we invite you to learn about market opportunities for solar energy in Mozambique from Jan Cloin, Project Manager of the Africa-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme (RECP).

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Date & Time: Thursday 6th September 2018, 15:00 CEST

Organizer: ata insights

Description: Storage is the answer to resolve the peak load nature of PV and wind energy. However, at this stage, it is unclear in what way this market will develop. Different business models are being trialled in different places. This webinar analyses the business models that make renewables + storage work.

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Date & Time: Wednesday 5th September 2018, 12:00 CEST

Organizer: ata insights

Description: With more than 180 million inhabitants, Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa. Unfortunately, its current power generation fleet is simply insufficient, leaving 85 million people with no access to electricity. Solar power could help Nigeria supply this unmet need affordably.In this webinar, industry experts discuss the potential of solar energy in the Nigerian market.

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Date & Time: Wednesday 29th August 2018, 11:00 CEST

Organizer: ata insights

Description: Namibia has set itself an ambitious target of providing 70 percent of the country’s energy mix from renewable resources by 2020. Botswana currently imports 90% of its energy from South Africa. Both countries have enviable solar resources and this webinar that could be harnessed to power these two emerging nations cleanly and affordably.

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Date & Time: Tuesday 28th August 2018, 15:00 CEST

Organizer: ata insights

Description: Nearly three years after the South African energy minister announced plans to offer an additional 6.3 GW of renewable capacity in new reverse bids, the government has given a major go-ahead to Eskom to sign the power purchase agreements (PPAs).

This webinar explores the fate of the projects and rounds that were on hold and more REIPPP tenders that can now be expected in South Africa in the near future.

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Date & Time: Thursday 23 August 2018 | 15h00 CET

Organizer: ESI Africa

Description: Power Africa, co-hosted with Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr, launched its fourth ‘Understanding’ handbook in May this year – Understanding Power Project Procurement.

This handbook aims to outline the principles of successful power project procurement in order to accelerate the critical planning within the African power market.

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Date & Time: Tuesday 15 May 2018, 11:00 CEST

Organizer: ata insights

Description: Tower projects with molten salt storage have taken up the lion’s share of the Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) projects announced in the past few months. This webinar explores the evolution of this technology from the original ‘Solar 1’ project, decades ago, to the latest state-of-the-art technology developments.

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Date & Time: Wednesday, 24th April 2019 at 16:00 CEST

Organizer: ata insights

Description: This webinar aims to explore the solar energy opportunities in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

Update on the renewable energy status of West African countries, including recent announcements, tenders and market movements in the main markets leading the development including Nigeria and Ghana, Ivory Coast, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Togo.

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Date & Time: Tuesday 17 April, 11:00 CEST

Organizer: ata insights

Description: With an abundance of land, sunny weather and burgeoning energy demand, Egypt could prove fertile ground for a growing solar industry. Egypt’s solar energy plan aims to install 3.5 GW by 2027; including 2.8 GW of PV (photovoltaic) and 700 MW of CSP (concentrated solar power). This webinar will analyze the opportunities in the Egyptian market.

 - Get an update on the status of the ongoing renewable projects tendered in the last rounds; and the tenders coming up in the country in the next few weeks

 - Understand how Egypt aims to fulfil social and financial goals through the deployment of renewables; and what opportunities this is creating for development of new local businesses

 - Egypt’s energy generation options: In-depth look at load profile and projected energy demand.

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Date & Time: Tuesday 27 March, 16:00 CET

Organizer: ata insights

Description: In this webinar, our experts will discuss about the main challenges and opportunities:

 - Get an update on the status of current and upcoming tenders in Tunisia, and consider the opportunities they create for companies across the wind value chain

 - Understand the impact of renewables on Tunisia’s economic and social development, including new business creation

 - Hear experts talk about the role of renewables in meeting future energy demand, safely and affordably.

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Date & Time: Thursday 15 March 2018, 13:00 CET

Organizer: ata insights

Description: Battery storage is key to provide dispatchability in island and micro-grid systems. This webinar explores areas for renewable + batteries that are not connected to the main electric grid, or only have access to electricity powered by diesel for a few hours a day.

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Date & Time: Wednesday 14 March 2018, 13:00 CET

Organizer: ata insights

Description: More than 620 million people who live in sub-Saharan Africa don’t have access to energy, with East Africa being the most affected region of the continent. This webinar focuses on the solar opportunities in East African Community (EAC) countries such as Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Uganda and Tanzania.

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Date & Time: Tuesday 13 March 2018, 13:00 CET

Organizer: ata insights

Description: This webinar aims to explore the solar energy opportunities in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

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Renewables Now


Africa Energy Forum
Future Energy East Africa
Future Energy Nigeria
Africa Energy Indaba 2020
