

We post here the relevant reports for the power sector in Africa. Feel free to join our efforts and share us any other you may have found. We'd be glad to add them to the list. Just sent an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Publication date: 2018, September

Author: GOGLA

Description: The GOGLA Impact Working Group has used the best available research to develop a set of metrics that companies and investors can use to estimate the impact of their businesses or investments. Updated in September 2018, the metric framework covers a range of off-grid solar technology sizes and seven thematic areas.

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Publication date: 2018, September

Author: Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

Description: This issue of the Oxford Energy Forum focuses on the electrification of Africa, especially sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Due to significant expected population growth, the number of Africans without electricity access in 2030 may not fall much from today’s level of about 600 million, which is about 60 per cent of the world’s current population without access to electricity. The articles cover a wide variety of countries and issues, focusing on barriers to meeting electrification objectives and ways to overcome them.

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Publication date: 2018, August

Author: USAID / Power Africa / Energy 4 Impact / NREL

Description: This report, published in support of the Power Africa: Beyond the Grid Program, explores the business model and technical challenges related to the productive use of energy in smaller micro-grids. In addition to examing the business models used by developers, this report also provides best practices for promoting the productive use of energy.

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Publication date: 2018, August

Author: Africa50

Description: Africa50 is an infrastructure investment platform that contributes to Africa's growth by developing and investing in bankable projects, catalyzing public sector capital, and mobilizing private sector funding, with differentiated financial returns and impact.

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Publication date: 2018, July


Description: The project includes findings from 11 investor interviews, with a top-line finding that despite material risk issues facing infrastructure projects in some SSA countries, OECD asset owners’ risk perceptions around the African continent may be overblown, particularly in light of the substantial returns that are possible.

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Publication date: 2018, June

Author: DBL Partners

Description: Sub-​​Saharan Africa is on the cusp of a tril­lion dol­lar tomor­row. Emerg­ing from a his­tory of lim­ited energy access, the region has the oppor­tu­nity to unleash over $1 tril­lion of GDP sim­ply by invest­ing in off-​​grid solar to pro­vide energy access to those who need it.

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Publication date: 2018, June

Author: Hogan Lovells

Description: This report explores how utility-scale renewable energy projects are being deployed across sub-Saharan Africa. It covers the decisions that have been taken and their successes and failures; the persisting hurdles and new opportunities; and how experiences in individual countries are informing deployment decisions in others.

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Publication date: 2018, June

Author: DLA Piper

Description: DLA Piper is proud to release the first edition of Renewable Energy in Africa. This publication is an ambitious task, seeking to summarise each country’s regulatory environment for renewable energy, highlight the key policy objectives for national governments and provide insight into the projects which are anticipated to deliver these goals.

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Publication date: 2018, June

Author: USAID

Description: This Power Africa Gas Roadmap builds on the Power Africa Roadmap to outline a plan for achieving up to 16,000 MW of additional gas-fired power generation in sub-Saharan Africa by 2030, which is over 50 percent of Power Africa’s topline goal. Exhibit 1 illustrates the anticipated impact of Power Africa support for gas-to-power projects.

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Publication date: 2018, June

Author: Multiconsult / NMBU / AfDB

Description: AfDB’s New Deal on Energy for Africa 2016-2025. The starting point for this analysis is the AfDB’s “aspirational vision to achieve universal access to electricity by 2025 – 100% access in urban areas and 95% access in rural areas.” The Strategy goes further in terms of establishing “strategic building blocks to achieve universal access”, which by 2025 include 130 million new grid connections and 75 million end-users benefiting from off-grid solutions.

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Publication date: 2018, June

Author: SolarPower Europe

Description: In this year’s edition we are delighted to have a special focus on the GW-scale solar power markets in 2017 around the globe, assessing the status, challenges and forecasts in the world’s largest markets thanks to insightful contributions by solar associations from Australia, Brazil, China, Japan, United States and Turkey. Moreover, the Trends chapter explores the developments that will shape the solar power sector in the coming years, covering solar mobility, storage, corporate sourcing and emerging markets, amongst other topics.

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Publication date: 2018, May

Author: AfDB

Description: This first Electricity Regulatory Index therefore aims to serve as the basis for carrying out future periodic assessments of the sector’s regulatory environment in African countries. It provides regulators a tool with which they may begin assessing current progress compared to their peers, as well as against international best practice. For other stakeholders, it may serve as a useful tool to better understand the context within which they are working or investing.

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Publication date: 2018, May

Author: IEA / IRENA / UN / WB / WHO

Description: This joint tracking report provides the most comprehensive look available at the world’s progress towards global energy targets on access to electricity, clean cooking, renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Prepared by the Custodian Agencies for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG7), the report gives the international community a global dashboard to register progress on three key targets. This joint tracking report provides the most comprehensive look available at the world’s progress towards global energy targets on access to electricity, clean cooking, renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Prepared by the Custodian Agencies for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG7), the report gives the international community a global dashboard to register progress on three key targets.

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Publication date: 2018, May

Author: SEI

Description: This paper identifies how centralised and decentralised approaches might support development of a secure low-carbon energy infrastructure in Southern Africa to meet increased demand and ensure universal energy access. In doing so, it sets out the energy challenges facing the SADC region, highlights the political economy challenges in achieving greater regional cooperation in the power sector, and presents opportunities for catalysing decentralised energy systems.

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Publication date: 2018, May

Author: Patrícia Pereira da Silva, Pedro André Cerqueira, Wojolomi Ogbe

Description: Given the importance of renewable energy in the discussion of a reliable and sustainable energy future, it is imperative to understand its main determinants and to draw result implications for energy policy. This study analyses these determinants for Sub-Saharan Africa.

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