We post here the relevant reports for the power sector in Africa. Feel free to join our efforts and share us any other you may have found. We'd be glad to add them to the list. Just sent an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Publication date: 2018, January
Author: Dalberg Advisors / Lighting Global
Description: The 2018 Global Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report is the fourth report in a biennial series established over the past 8 years as the report of record for the off-grid solar industry. While the Lighting Global/GOGLA franchise of six-month market updates (H1 2017, H2 2016) serve as the go-to source of information for investors, industry members, policymakers, and other stakeholders in the off-grid solar space, the flagship Market Trends Report provides an opportunity to step back for reflection on long-term trends, challenges and opportunities—illuminating a path forward for the sector. The 2018 publication takes stock of the industry across six axes: market fundamentals, sales, the competitive landscape, finance, the enabling environment, and impact. It provides in-depth analysis on current market dynamics, projections for the coming five years, and a blueprint for how actors in this market can compete in a swiftly evolving industry ecosystem.
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Publication date: 2018, January
Author: AEEP
Description: Achieving universal energy access in Africa remains a significant challenge, and one that must be met in a sustainable manner in order to ensure a secure and renewable energy future for the continent. In light of this challenge, youth have risen to the forefront as advocates and innovators in bringing sustainable energy solutions to their homes, communities, regions and even countries.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: AfDB
Description: The economic outlook for the Southern Africa region is cautious. Broad-based economic activity is expected to recover at a slow pace, but the outlook remains modest, given the diverging growth patterns for the region’s economies. Upper middle-income countries turned in low and declining rates of growth. Meanwhile, lower income transitioning economies recorded moderate and improved growth, albeit at reduced rates.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: Cornell University, INSEAD, and the World Intellectual Property Organization
Description: The Global Innovation Index 2018 provides detailed metrics about the innovation performance of 126 countries and economies around the world. Its 80 indicators explore a broad vision of innovation, including political environment, education, infrastructure and business sophistication. The GII 2018 analyses the energy innovation landscape of the next decade and identifies possible breakthroughs in fields such as energy production, storage, distribution, and consumption. It also looks at how breakthrough innovation occurs at the grassroots level and describes how small-scale renewable systems are on the rise.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
Description: The Transmission Roadmap to 2030 is a critical piece of Power Africa's 2.0 strategy, which recognizes that the power generation projects Power Africa is supporting must have adequate transmission and distribution infrastructure to actually bring electricity to millions of people.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: IEA
Description: World Energy Investment 2018 provides a critical benchmark for decision making by governments, the energy industry, and financial institutions to set policy frameworks, implement business strategies, finance new projects, and develop new technologies. It highlights the ways in which investment decisions taken today are determining how energy supply and demand will unfold tomorrow.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: ALSF / CLDP
Description: The power purchase agreement (PPA) is the central contract for any independent power generation project, especially in emerging markets. This handbook explains the context for the PPA and sets out the key considerations for drafting and negotiating the PPA. It was written by practitioners who have been engaged in power project development around the world for decades and is intended to provide governments, utilities, investors and other interested stakeholders.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: PPIAF
Description: Established in 1999, PPIAF is a multi-donor technical assistance facility financed by 11 multilateral and bilateral donors and housed inside the World Bank Group. PPIAF is the only global facility dedicated to strengthening the policy, regulatory and institutional underpinnings of private sector investment in infrastructure in emerging markets and developing countries.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: BP
Description: The Energy Outlook explores the forces shaping the global energy transition out to 2040 and the key uncertainties surrounding that transition.
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Publication date: 2018
Description: This booklet gathers important insights and recommendations in all these dimensions, drawing on a wealth of analysis of relevant data, industry and investor surveys, and stakeholder engagement across the sector. We complement this with a range of case studies that amply illustrate how far renewables crowdfunding has come in recent years.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: Innovative Energy & Research
Description: This research is helpful for finding out difficulties in rural electrification, awareness of policies, fundings, loan facilities, subsidies and training for the farmers. Also this research indentifies what Steps are to be initiated with Rural Electric corporation, power sector reforms and State Electricity boards. Also this research provides the features of rural electrification in India and the photovoltaic solar farming, solar home systems for rural electrification.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: European Union
Description: This report covers the first year of the operation of the European Fund for Sustainable Development (EFSD). As such, it merges into one the reports on blended finance operations under the Africa Investment Platform (AIP, formerly the AfIF) and the European Neighbourhood Platform (NIP, formerly the NIF). It presents the first results of the EFSD, such as approved blending investments, and the first steps towards implementing the EFSD Guarantee.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: SEforALL
Description: We hope that, through this report, a critical message will be sent to decision-makers in donor governments, the development finance community, the private sector, and recipient countries to ensure that future financial commitments are focused on ensuring access to sustainable energy for all. Urgent action is needed now to trigger more investment in this critical sector over the next 12 years, to keep the promise of the Sustainable Development Goals—to leave no one behind.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: EJM / Africa50
Description: There are significant natural gas resources across the African continent. Natural gas can be an essential source of liquid fuels like propane, and is an important building block for industrial products – fertilizers, plastics and pharmaceuticals. It is a heat source for the manufacturing of glass, cement, ceramics and more. This flexibility coupled with abundant natural gas resources in sub-Saharan Africa, Africa’s energy demand growth, and its commitments to universal electricity access and cleaner energy, are intensifying the focus on the development of African gas.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: Lighting Global / IFC
Description: This short report introduces a new tool developed to provide information to companies, investors and policy makers on market attractiveness for pay as you go (PAYG) energy services in Sub-Saharan Africa. The index comprises 70 indicators of market attractiveness, organised under three main pillars – demand, supply and enabling environment - and a variety of sub-pillars.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: IRENA
Description: A previous report (IRENA, 2017) examined longterm modelling and tools to expand variable renewable power in emerging economies. The present report complements that earlier work. It considers proven processes and regulatory practices for long-term power system planning, drawing primarily on experiences with integrated resource planning (IRP) from South Africa and regulated markets in the United States. Based on insights from those regulated markets, the study aims to guide power system planning processes and regulatory actions, with particular consideration given to ramping up solar and wind power, over the next few years.
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Publication date: 2018, January
Author: IFC
Description: The 2018 Global Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report is the fourth report in a biennial series established over the past 8 years as the report of record for the off-grid solar industry. While the Lighting Global/GOGLA franchise of six-month market updates (H1 2017, H2 2016) serve as the go-to source of information for investors, industry members, policymakers, and other stakeholders in the off-grid solar space, the flagship Market Trends Report provides an opportunity to step back for reflection on long-term trends, challenges and opportunities—illuminating a path forward for the sector. The 2018 publication takes stock of the industry across six axes: market fundamentals, sales, the competitive landscape, finance, the enabling environment, and impact. It provides in-depth analysis on current market dynamics, projections for the coming five years, and a blueprint for how actors in this market can compete in a swiftly evolving industry ecosystem.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: ALSF / CLDP
Description: Part of the ‘Understanding’ series, this handbook provides its readers with a better understanding of the expansive, and often confusing, universe of financing options for power project development.
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Publication date: 2018, January
Author: Quantum Global
Description: This report examines case studies of recent and current green energy infrastructure projects and their financing in Africa.
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Publication date: 2018, January
Author: IGA / IRENA
Description: IGA / IRENA: Geothermal Outlook in East Africa: Perspectives for Geothermal Development.
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