

We post here the relevant reports for the power sector in Africa. Feel free to join our efforts and share us any other you may have found. We'd be glad to add them to the list. Just sent an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Publication date: 2018, December

Author: Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI)

Description: This document maps the many points of intersection between renewable energy and the SDGs, including ways in which the renewable sector can contribute toward the realization of the SDGs, the risks renewable energy operations can pose for sustainable development and the realization of human rights, and the implications of the SDGs for the industry’s future operations. Building on the success of our earlier mapping project, Mapping Mining to the Sustainable Development Goals: An Atlas, special attention will be paid to the interconnections of the human rights framework with the SDGs.

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Publication date: 2018, December

Author: Energy 4 Impact

Description: Powering the Crowd into the Future is the fifth and final report in the Crowd Power series and captures the key learnings from three years of research into crowd-sourced financing for energy access businesses and projects. The report captures three years of data, from 2015 to 2017, on relevant campaigns. We provide recommendations for future research and interventions focused on crowd-sourced financing for energy access related businesses and projects. Data demonstrates that crowd-sourced financing for energy access businesses and projects has grown substantially – from $3.4 million in 2015 to $13.7 million in 2017. We anticipate similar growth trends reflected in 2018 data.

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Publication date: 2018, December

Author: IRENA

Description: This report explains how IRENA approached the challenges of data collection and the methodologies used to produce the estimates of off-grid energy production and use. A brief overview of the data collected, followed by detailed tables of the off-grid data by country, technology and year is provided.

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Publication date: 2018, November

Author: IRENA

Description: Countries have adopted a range of approaches to the development of mini-grids, aiming to extend energy access to underserved areas or communities. Existing regulations, however, have often been inadequate to de-risk and finance such investments.

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Publication date: 2018, November

Author: Bloomberg New Energy Finance

Description: Fuelled by surging electricity demand and sinking technology costs, developing nations are today leading a global clean power transition. This marks a remarkable turnabout from a decade ago when the world's wealthiest countries accounted for the bulk of renewable investment and deployment activity. Developing nations at the time were viewed as holding enormous promise only; wind, solar, geothermal and other clean technologies were regarded as too expensive for mass deployment.

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Publication date: 2018, November

Author: SOGE

Description: Scaling Off-Grid Energy (SOGE) Grand Challenge for Development is a global partnership founded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, Power Africa, the U.K. Department for International Development, the African Development Bank, and the independent charity, Shell Foundation. Our aligned partners include Acumen, GSMA, Microsoft, and the UN Foundation.

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Publication date: 2018, October

Author: Rocky Mountain Institute

Description: In this report, we make the case for a greatly increased focus on supporting demand, outline the key barriers hampering increased use of electricity, and provide a succinct set of recommendations on actions that can be taken to complement the current focus on supply- side solutions.

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Publication date: 2018, October

Author: GIZ

Description: This new publication aims to give guidance to off-grid solar projects on how to address the challenge of hazardous battery waste arising from their projects. The characteristics of different E-Waste resulting from solar projects (panels, control devices, cables, other equipment) is briefly explained, before exploring in-depth the two most commonly used battery chemistries: lead-acid and lithium-ion.

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Publication date: 2018, September

Author: Energy 4 Impact

Description: Innovative energy access projects are increasingly turning to crowdfunding to address their financing needs. But little is known about how effective this tool is in kick-starting projects in developing countries.

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Publication date: 2018, September

Author: EEP

Description: The objective of this study is to provide an overview of the EEP mini-grid portfolio, highlight observations and lessons learned about challenges and opportunities in the mini-grid sector, and provide recommendations for mini-grid developers and the programmes that support them. Countries in Africa are struggling to balance an increasing demand for electricity with the high cost of extending national electricity grids with limited government budgets. With rapid technological development, renewable energy mini-grids are a practical solution to the challenge of electrifying rural areas. Find out more by downloading the EEP Study.

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Publication date: 2018, September

Author: GOGLA

Description: The GOGLA Impact Working Group has used the best available research to develop a set of metrics that companies and investors can use to estimate the impact of their businesses or investments. Updated in September 2018, the metric framework covers a range of off-grid solar technology sizes and seven thematic areas.

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Publication date: 2018, September

Author: Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

Description: This issue of the Oxford Energy Forum focuses on the electrification of Africa, especially sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Due to significant expected population growth, the number of Africans without electricity access in 2030 may not fall much from today’s level of about 600 million, which is about 60 per cent of the world’s current population without access to electricity. The articles cover a wide variety of countries and issues, focusing on barriers to meeting electrification objectives and ways to overcome them.

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Publication date: 2018, August

Author: USAID / Power Africa / Energy 4 Impact / NREL

Description: This report, published in support of the Power Africa: Beyond the Grid Program, explores the business model and technical challenges related to the productive use of energy in smaller micro-grids. In addition to examing the business models used by developers, this report also provides best practices for promoting the productive use of energy.

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Publication date: 2018, August

Author: Africa50

Description: Africa50 is an infrastructure investment platform that contributes to Africa's growth by developing and investing in bankable projects, catalyzing public sector capital, and mobilizing private sector funding, with differentiated financial returns and impact.

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