

We post here the relevant reports for the power sector in Africa. Feel free to join our efforts and share us any other you may have found. We'd be glad to add them to the list. Just sent an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Publication date: January 2022

Author: IRENA

Description: An energy system centred on renewable energy can help resolve many of Africa’s social, economic, health and environmental challenges. A profound energy transition is not only feasible, it is essential for a climate-safe future in which sustainable development prerogatives are met. Renewables are key to overcoming energy poverty, providing needed energy services without damaging human health or ecosystems, and enabling a transformation of economies in support of development and industrialisation.

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Publication date: 2022

Authors: UNECA, RES4Africa and IRENA

Description: Under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) framework, Africa is pursuing broad-based development by addressing constraints to its long-term growth and transformation. The development vision of Africa is anchored on Agenda 2063, articulated through the Africa We Want, and the United Nations Agenda 2030. To meet these goals, by leveraging the immense potential of the continent, further bold steps are needed both in addressing barriers to growth and in adopting forwardlooking policies to create new opportunities for improving livelihoods and increasing prosperity on the continent. The infrastructure gap in Africa is among the greatest barriers to growth, impacting investment across sectors.

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Publication date: 2022

Author: Wärtsilä

Description: Despite the diversity of the African countries, the ingredients of the energy transition are the same for every nation. Renewable energy, supported by flexible balancing capacity, is the most effective way to replace inflexible generation, reduce energy costs, increase energy access, and improve reliability.

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Publication date: October 2021

Author: World Meteorological Organization

Description: The State of the Climate in Africa 2020 report provides a snapshot of climate change trends and impacts, including sea level rise and the melting of the continent’s iconic glaciers. It highlights Africa’s disproportionate vulnerability and shows how the potential benefits of investments in climate adaptation, weather and climate services and early warning systems far outweigh the costs.

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Publication date: November 2021

Authors: RES4Africa and PwC

Description: Africa’s electricity grids are characterised by infrastructural flaws, inefficiency and limited coverage, preventing universal access to electricity and hampering the continent’s development. RES4Africa and PwC present the new study "Private Sector Participation in African Grid Development", examining the phenomenon, its causes and viable solutions. The analysis is focused on ten countries (Algeria, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia).

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Publication date: October 2021

Author: Power Africa

Description: Global Women’s Network for the GWNET empowers women in energy through interdisciplinary networking, advocacy, training, coaching and mentoring. GWNET seeks to address the current gender imbalances in the energy sector and to promote gender-sensitive action around the energy transition in all parts of the world. GWNET facilitates connections among women working in the fields of renewable energy and energy efficiency to advance the energy transition.

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Publication date: 23 September 2021

Author: WEF

Description: Africa’s power sector will play a central role in the transition from fossil fuel-driven power generation to a renewable-strong energy mix. The migration to a multi-stakeholder-oriented net-zero power grid is being driven by “the 3Ds:”

  • Decarbonization: moving from fossil fuel sources to renewables
  • Decentralization: Shifting from centrally managed generation, transmission, and distribution to decentralized systems
  • Digitalization: Leveraging digital technology to advance the transition

The report contends that new coalitions and investments with developed nations and NGOs including the World Economic Forum must coordinate and enable countries to leapfrog existing technologies and infrastructure.

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Publication date: September 2021

Author: AERC

Description: Access to electricity leads to overall economic growth through improved agricultural and firm productivity, public service delivery, and enhanced household investment in human capital, net income, and general quality of life. Yet more than 540 million people in Africa still lack electricity today, and many more suffer from unreliable power supply. The considerable untapped renewable energy potential, and the associated rapid reductions in cost, make sustainable and decentralized electricity service a promising option for the continent, for transforming these deficits into opportunities.

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Publication date: August 2021

Author: AEEP

Description: The Africa-EU Energy Partnership’s European Financial Flows on SDG7 to Africa report quantifies global commitments made towards the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 7 in Africa for the period 2014-2019. Estimating annual investment needs and assessing the present funding gap, the report shows clearly the progress made to date and highlights the quality of financing mobilised to support the SDGs and Agenda 2063, while also detailing the equitability of European financial flows through targeted support for poorer countries.

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Publication date: August 2021

Author: friends of the earth africa

Description: The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report’s findings are both dire and clear: unless there are immediate, rapid and large-scale reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, limiting warming to close to 1.5°C or even 2°C will be beyond reach. Climate change is already devastating too many lives and livelihoods. We need a change, we need an energy transformation.

Yet there is hope. Friends of the Earth Africa’s ‘Just Recovery Renewable Energy Plan for Africa’ shows that it is not only urgent, but entirely possible, to reduce emissions, transform the energy system and support a just recovery on the continent.

Friends of the Earth Africa believes that the triple crises of climate change, energy poverty in Africa and COVID-19 recovery must be addressed together. This ‘Just Recovery Renewable Energy Plan’ outlines how the continent can dismantle existing dirty energy systems to leapfrog Africa to 100% renewable energy for all by 2050. Such a plan would require over 300 gigawatts (GW) of new renewable energy by 2030, as agreed by the African Union, and over 2000 GW by 2050.

The report, based on the work of renowned academic Dr Sven Teske from Sydney University, demonstrates how a Just Recovery plan could be achieved for US$130 billion per year and funded through public finance from the global North, putting an end to tax dodging and dropping the debt. It also highlights the potential to create 7 million new jobs in renewable energy.

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Publication date: August 2021

Author: CrossBoundary Energy

Description: Declining solar equipment costs continue to drive African commercial-industrial (C&I) users toward solar energy solutions. Irradiation – the measurement of how much sunlight shines in each location and therefore how much electricity a solar array can produce – is a key design factor for solar customers, suppliers, and investors alike. But are the industry’s current methods of calculating long-term solar production in Africa reliable?

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Publication date: July 2021

Author: Tony Blair Institute for Global Change

Description: Despite progress, the energy access challenge is expected to persist. While the OGS industry has successfully scaled up activities in some market segments, providing Tier 1 modern electricity services commercially to millions of households globally, there are large segments below the “commercial frontier”.

In Sub Saharan Africa (SSA), approximately 120 million households lack access to adequate electricity today. Estimates based on electrification rates and population growth indicate that 60 million households will continue to lack access by 2030, jeopardizing the achievement of SDG 7 – universal sustainable electricity access.

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Publication date: June 2021

Author: EIB/Dalberg

Description: Despite progress, the energy access challenge is expected to persist. While the OGS industry has successfully scaled up activities in some market segments, providing Tier 1 modern electricity services commercially to millions of households globally, there are large segments below the “commercial frontier”.

In Sub Saharan Africa (SSA), approximately 120 million households lack access to adequate electricity today. Estimates based on electrification rates and population growth indicate that 60 million households will continue to lack access by 2030, jeopardizing the achievement of SDG 7 – universal sustainable electricity access.

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Publication date: June 2021

Author: Persistent

Description: Persistent, like many others, thought that pay-as-you-go off-grid solar as a subsector of energy access would reach profitability and hockey stick growth within 5-7 years. That has not happened. This publication not only provides insights from learnings but also a lot of good news!

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Publication date: 22 April 2021

Authors: Shell Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation

Description: The research, supported by The Rockefeller Foundation and Shell Foundation, and benefiting from technical advice from IKEA Foundation, The Rocky Mountain Institute, Sustainable Energy for All, is the first of its kind on several fronts and will be followed by a series of country deep dives. It combines historical trends analysis, extensive financial modelling and a full lifecycle analysis of energy sources to produce three feasible scenarios to meet the energy needs of rural households and small and medium enterprises in Africa, with varying levels of reliance on DRE and grid extension.

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Publication date: 23 March 2021

Author: African Development Bank Group

Description: The goal of this project is to explore and understand the potential for “Green Investment Banks” and National Climate Change Funds (NCCFs) to increase the capacity of African countries to access and mobilize climate finance in support of implementing NDCs and related national climate and development goals.

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Publication date: March 2021

Author: Power Africa

Description: Case study on gender smart investing as a tool that can be used to address the gender gap in the off-grid energy sector in sub-Saharan Africa. Read more about an approach piloted by responsAbility Investments with technical support from Power Africa.

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Publication date: March 2021

Author: UNIDO

Description: Mini-grids have been touted by experts as central to the rural electrification challenge for many years but remain poorly understood by decision-makers. Their energy services are high quality, their technologies are mature, but they are often constructed in remote, hard to reach areas, and their business models are quite different to many independent power producers.

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Publication date: February 2021

Authors: Olakunle Alao and Wikus Kruger

Description: The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the extent of the critical energy gap in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), but also presents a unique opportunity to fast-track the energy transition. With public capital largely being directed towards the recovery of other economic sectors, the role of private investors in the region’s electricity sector has become more critical thanever.

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Publication date: February 2021

Author: AFSIA

Description: AFSIA’s annual Africa Solar Outlook report is the most complete review of the status of solar in Africa, country by country.

Each country is presented through different angles: national solar and renewable energy objectives, current grid tariffs per customer segment, installed PV capacity per segment, all applicable policy and regulation, and finally notable market developments in the country.

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Africa Energy Indaba 2020
