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Publication date: 2018, January
Author: ESMAP
Description: Getting to Gender Equality in Electricity Infrastructure: Lessons from Electricity Generation, Transmission, and Distribution Projects examines the social and gender footprint of large-scale electricity generation, transmission, and distribution projects to establish a foundation on which further research and replication of good practices can be built.
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Publication date: 2018
Description: This article is based on a regional study by the authors reviewing the status, challenges and prospects of ongoing and planned power sector reform in eastern and southern Africa with special emphasis on the implications for the poor.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: Frankfurt School / UN / BNEF
Description: The Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment report, formerly Global Trends in Sustainable Energy Investment, was produced for the first time in 2007 under UN Environment’s Sustainable Energy Finance Initiative (SEFI). It grew out of efforts to track and publish comprehensive information about international investments in renewable energy. The latest edition of this authoritative annual report tells the story of the most recent developments, signs and signals in the financing of renewable power and fuels. It explores the issues affecting each type of investment, technology and type of economy.
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Publication date: 2018, January
Author: Clifford Chance
Description: We explore opportunities for the mining and renewables sectors to collaborate from renewable power offering mining companies lower energy costs, protection against fuel price volatility and mitigation of the risk of power interruptions to renewable energy companies benefiting from the growth of a new category of credit-worthy, long term power purchasers and potential locations for project development.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: IRENA
Description: Renewable power generation capacity is measured as the maximum net generating capacity of power plants and other installations that use renewable energy sources to produce electricity. For most countries and technologies, the data reflects the capacity installed and connected at the end of the calendar year. Data has been obtained from a variety of sources, including IRENA’s questionnaire, official national statistics, industry association reports, other reports and news articles.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: Acumen
Description: Our intent with this report is to share what Acumen has learned about capital – the needs, the optimal mix, and the role that patient capital plays in off-grid energy.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: IRENA / CPI
Description: Following the format of CPI’s Global landscape of climate finance series, the report highlights correlations between renewable energy finance, cost reductions and megawatts and installed.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: IRENA
Description: Renewable Energy and Jobs, presents the status of employment, both by technology and in selected countries, over the past year. Jobs in the sector (including large hydropower) increased 5.3% in 2017, for a total of 10.3 million people employed worldwide, according to this fifth edition in the series.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: REN21
Description: This year’s Renewables 2018 Global Status Report GSR reveals two realities: one in which a revolution in the power sector is driving rapid change towards a renewable energy future, and another in which the overall transition is not advancing with the speed needed.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: IRENA
Description: This latest brief from IRENA captures some of these trends and discusses the key components of an enabling environment to scale-up off-grid deployment.
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Publication date: 2018, January
Author: Dalberg Advisors / Lighting Global
Description: The 2018 Global Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report is the fourth report in a biennial series established over the past 8 years as the report of record for the off-grid solar industry. While the Lighting Global/GOGLA franchise of six-month market updates (H1 2017, H2 2016) serve as the go-to source of information for investors, industry members, policymakers, and other stakeholders in the off-grid solar space, the flagship Market Trends Report provides an opportunity to step back for reflection on long-term trends, challenges and opportunities—illuminating a path forward for the sector. The 2018 publication takes stock of the industry across six axes: market fundamentals, sales, the competitive landscape, finance, the enabling environment, and impact. It provides in-depth analysis on current market dynamics, projections for the coming five years, and a blueprint for how actors in this market can compete in a swiftly evolving industry ecosystem.
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Publication date: 2018, January
Author: IRENA
Description: Recognising that investment levels in renewable energy are still far from what is needed to decarbonise the energy sector, the IRENA Coalition for Action has focused its joint efforts during the last year on the issue of scaling up of renewable energy investment - both private and community based. Through its Business and Investors Group (co-chaired by Bruce Douglas, SolarPower Europe Deputy CEO and Co-chair of the Global Solar Council and Steve Sawyer, GWEC CEO) the Coalition just launched a white paper on scaling up investment in emerging markets as input to the first Public-Private Dialogue at IRENA's General Assembly in Abu Dhabi.
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Publication date: 2018, January
Author: KPMG
Description: Margins are tight, forcing key players to seek out new ways to improve efficiency and returns on investment, and new revenue streams.
At the same time, customers expect more from suppliers. They are demanding increasingly green energy options that are both consistent and made available at a reasonable price.
Governments, meanwhile, are struggling to adapt or reinvent their energy policies to help the industry meet this demand, maintain a healthy energy sector and address the challenges posed by climate change.
We spoke with 200 senior-level investors in renewable energy to find out where they’re looking for the next big opportunities.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: Multiconsult
Description: Multiconsult - Perspectives on Investment in Africa: Enabling frameworks, market attractiveness and solar auctions.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: IRENA
Description: Renewable energy auctions have emerged as an important mechanism to drive the adoption of renewable sources for power generation. Like in other regions, auctions can help countries across sub-Saharan Africa achieve record-low prices for solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind power. Ghana, Mauritius, Uganda, South Africa and Zambia have all run renewable energy auctions, while at least 15 more sub-Saharan African countries are developing such programmes for competitive procurement.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: Power Africa
Description: As part of the "Understanding Series" of reference handbooks published by Power Africa, in September 2017, CLDP (in partnership with the African Legal Support Facility) brought together a group of world-class legal, policy and regulatory experts to draft a guide on power project procurement. The new handbook, Understanding Power Project Procurement, is the culmination of extensive consultations with public and private sector stakeholders from Africa and the United States. The handbook is intended to serve as a practical resource for decision-makers on the policy and strategy behind the procurement of power projects.
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Publication date: 2018, January
Author: IRENA
Description: Renewable energy has emerged as an increasingly competitive way to meet new power generation needs. This comprehensive cost report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) highlights the latest trends for each of the main renewable power technologies, based on the latest cost and auction price data from projects around the world.
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Publication date: 2018
Author: World Energy Council
Description: This ninth iteration of the monitor is based on insights provided by more than 1,200 energy leaders to provide over 30 national assessments across six regions. 2018 will see the launch of a new interactive online tool for visualising the data that underpins the Issues Monitor, developed in collaboration with our Project Supporter ARUP.
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Publication date: 2018, January
Author: AfDB
Description: The African Development Bank launched the 2018 edition of its yearly flagship report, the African Economic Outlook (AEO), on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 at its headquarters in Abidjan. As a leading African institution, the Bank is the first to provide headline numbers on Africa’s macroeconomic performance and outlook.
The African Economic Outlook bridges a critical knowledge gap on the diverse socio-economic realities of African economies through regular, rigorous, and comparative analysis. It provides short-to-medium term forecasts on the evolution of key macroeconomic indicators for all 54 regional member countries, as well as analysis on the state of socio-economic challenges and progress made in each country.
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Publication date: 2017, December
Author: Bloomberg New Energy Finance
Description: Renewable Energy Market Outlook
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