

We post here the relevant reports for the power sector in Africa. Feel free to join our efforts and share us any other you may have found. We'd be glad to add them to the list. Just sent an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Publication date: 2017

Author: responsAbility

Description: The 2017/2018 issue of responsAbility’s annual publication looks at the fascinating world of development investments, summarising key trends and highlighting successful case studies.

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Publication date: 2017

Author: Willis Towers Watson

Description: Welcome to our Power and Renewable Energy Market Review for 2018. During the last 12 months, these industries continue to operate in a climate of change; as Selwyn Parker of Petroleum Economist notes in the leading article of the Review, the world has embarked on “an epochal transition” away from hydrocarbon-fuelled economic growth.

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Publication date: 2017, January


Description: This pair of linked reports explores the scientific, technical, economic, and policy opportunities for renewable energy technologies to address Africa’s electricity generation shortfall and tackle the challenge of energy poverty. They identify issues of underinvestment in energy resources at household, national, and regional levels, and highlight the importance of state policy and institutions in meeting the energy challenge.

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Publication date: 2017

Author: REN21

Description: First released in 2005, REN21's Renewables Global Status Report (GSR) has grown to become a truly collaborative effort, drawing on an international network of over 500 authors, contributors and reviewers. Today it is the most frequently referenced report on renewable energy market, industry and policy trends.First released in 2005, REN21's Renewables Global Status Report (GSR) has grown to become a truly collaborative effort, drawing on an international network of over 500 authors, contributors and reviewers. Today it is the most frequently referenced report on renewable energy market, industry and policy trends.The 2017 Edition of the REN21 Renewables Global Status Report reveals a global energy transition well underway, with record new additions of installed renewable energy capacity, rapidly falling costs, and the decoupling of economic growth and energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.  This year’s report continues REN21’s long-standing tradition of providing the most up-to-date data and informative infographics to detail renewable energy’s contribution to the energy transition.

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Publication date: 2017

Author: UNIDO

Description: Despite the considerable potential for an accelerated use of renewable energy-based mini-grids, opportunities for income generation and social and environmental benefits, progress continues to be hampered by a number of key barriers and bottlenecks. Many countries still lack sufficient technical capacities to install, operate and maintain the systems, the regulatory framework to attract project developers, and access to financing to bring sufficient scale. UNIDO’s access to energy projects aim to address these issues, yet the evidence suggests that there is no unique business model that can easily and universally be replicated and scaled-up. This report will take stock of the current experience, and will draw interim conclusions on the lessons learnt, and provide guiding recommendations for designing energy access projects.

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Publication date: 2017

Author: AfDB, ICA, UNEP

Description: This Atlas compiles and synthesizes regional and national information. It presents the scale and distribution of energy resources, production and consumption trends, as well as the existing potential for environmentally sustainable expansion. It will stimulate decision makers, planners, investors, energy experts, businesses and citizens to take actions to achieve sustainable, modern and affordable energy for all in Africa.

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Publication date: 2017

Author: ECREEE

Description: The report “Mapping and Assessment of Existing Clean Energy Mini-Grid Experiences in West Africa” was released at the High-level Workshop on Energy Access in West Africa in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. Among other important issues discussed, the report provides orientation regarding financial schemes, management models and technology to face current energy challenges.

The report aims at closing the wide gap in terms of information and analysis of field experiences. The report also provides orientation on the right financial schemes, management models and technology which are key elements in having sustainable solutions. The extracted information is to be used to build the capacities of policy and decision makers, project promoters and investors to improve the enabling environment in order to accelerate CEMG investments in ECOWAS member states.

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Publication date: 2017

Author: IRENA

Description: The business case for off-grid renewables as a means to expand rural electricity access keeps growing stronger, thanks to steady cost reductions and technological innovation. Yet further accelerating the growth of either mini-grid or stand-alone solutions will depend also on stable policies and regulations, along with dedicated funds and de-risking instruments for renewables.

Technology and business innovation could cut the costs of renewable power generation for mini-grids by 60% in 20 years, according to this conference report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Yet around 600 million people are still expected to lack electricity access in 2040, despite international goals to ensure sustainable energy for all.

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Publication date: 2017

Author: Africa Progress Panel

Description: This new report seeks to build on the political momentum that has been created over the past year to increase energy access in Africa.

Its main aim is to provide additional policy-relevant information and insights to support the implementation of ambitious new public and private initiatives now underway that aim to increase energy access swiftly across Africa, especially the New Deal on Energy for Africa, spearheaded by the African Development Bank.

In light of the continent’s dynamic links with the rest of the world, the report also highlights critical steps that must be taken by leaders in the international public and private sectors.

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Publication date: 2017

Author: Sun-Connect News

Description: Sun-Connect News publishes since 2012 practice-relevant articles from renowned international authors of the off-grid business. With more than 8,000 recipients of its regular newsletter, Sun-Connect News is the largest information media of this young industry.

The most important and relevant articles of the year 2016 were selected for the present anthology, covering the entire spectrum of the off-grid business. The contributions do not provide a comprehensive handbook, but give suggestions, hints and tips. Some essays are also challenging, stimulate in-depth discussion or opposition.

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Publication date: 2017

Author: IEA

Description: Our new Outlook describes multiple future pathways for global energy through to 2040. Among them, the New Policies Scenario describes where existing policies and announced intentions might lead the energy system, in the anticipation that this will inform decisionmakers as they seek to improve on this outcome.

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Publication date: 2017

Author: PBL Netherlands Environmental Agency

Description: With the adoption of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the global community has committed to achieving universal electricity access by 2030. This study analyses the technology and investment requirements for achieving this target in Sub-Saharan Africa. Furthermore, it discusses the role of climate change mitigation policy, as well as key issues for driving the transition.

Achieving the target of universal electricity access requires significant expansion of generation capacity and transmission and distribution networks. Grid-based electrification is only attractive for densely populated areas with an expected high demand for electricity, and/or for locations within reasonable distance from the existing grid. For the many households in poor and sparsely populated rural areas far from the existing grid, mini-grids and stand-alone systems play a vital role in the provision of electricity.

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Publication date: 2017

Author: International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Description: Renewable energy is a fundamental and growing part of the global energy transformation. Increasingly, renewables have become the first choice for expanding, upgrading and modernising power systems around the world. Renewable energy is a fundamental and growing part of the global energy transformation. Increasingly, renewables have become the first choice for expanding, upgrading and modernising power systems around the world. REthinking Energy, the flagship report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), examines trends and developments in the global quest for a sustainable energy future. As this third edition emphasises, accelerated deployment will fuel economic growth, create new employment opportunities, enhance human welfare and contribute to a climate-safe future.Renewables, consequently, are crucial for sustainable development, including the pursuit of SDG 7, the United Nations-adopted goal of ensuring “affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all”.

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Publication date: 2017

Author: Allianz Climate Solutions

Description: The Allianz Climate and Energy Monitor ranks G20 member states on their current attractiveness as potential destinations for investments in low-carbon electricity infrastructure. It further considers their current and future investment needs in line with a trajectory compatible with the 2°C/1.5°C temperature limits of the Paris Agreement.

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Publication date: 2016, December

Author: ECREEE

Description: "The report “Mapping and Assessment of Existing Clean Energy Mini-Grid Experiences in West Africa” was released at the High-level Workshop on Energy Access in West Africa in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. Among other important issues discussed, the report provides orientation regarding financial schemes, management models and technology to face current energy challenges.

The report aims at closing the wide gap in terms of information and analysis of field experiences. The report also provides orientation on the right financial schemes, management models and technology which are key elements in having sustainable solutions. The extracted information is to be used to build the capacities of policy and decision makers, project promoters and investors to improve the enabling environment in order to accelerate CEMG investments in ECOWAS member states."

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Publication date: 2016, December

Author: Bloomberg

Description: Climatescope, an assessment of clean energy market conditions and opportunities in 58 emerging nations in South America, Africa, the Mideast, and Asia. This third global release of the project takes into account the extraordinary 12 months of clean energy investment, construction, and policymaking of 2015. It also contextualizes that progress against activity in other, wealthier nations. As in years past, Climatescope scores countries based on their levels of activity and the environments they create to attract further clean energy investment.

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Publication date: 2016, November

Author: University of Pretoria

Description: The research has conclusively defined the critical success factors for private investment in the power sector of Sub-Saharan Africa and formulated it into a practical framework. Consensus about these critical success factors suggested that investment performance and participation would improve if these factors are adhered to.

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Publication date: 2016, October

Author: EY

Description: If evidence were needed of the appetite investors currently have for renewable energy assets, it’ s to be found in the green bond market. Issuance is soaring this year, with green bond sales typically several times oversubscribed by investors hungry for yields from environmentally friendly assets.

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Publication date: 2016, September

Author: IRENA

Description: Cost reduction opportunities for solar home systems exist for the core hardware components of modules and batteries, but also for the balance of system, including all non-hardware, costs. For minigrids, the challenges are more varied given the multi-stakeholder engagement required, and project development costs dominate the total cost reduction opportunities.

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