

We post here the relevant reports for the power sector in Africa. Feel free to join our efforts and share us any other you may have found. We'd be glad to add them to the list. Just sent an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Publication date: 2017, November

Author: BNEF

Description: Advances in distributed technologies at the frontiers of today's energy system can now provide power where the traditional grid is nonexistent, inadequate, expensive or too distant for connection.

These technologies, and the innovative business models that deploy them, can deliver not just energy but also economic opportunities to the two billion people not reliably served by the energy industry today.

But where exactly are the opportunities? Who are the leaders in the sector? Which markets are they likely to capture?

This report summarizes the highlights from Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s research on the topic undertaken in the last year.

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Publication date: 2017, November

Author: NARUC

Description: To address this issue, the U.S. Agency for International Development in collaboration with NARUC developed the Practical Guide to the Regulatory Treatment of Mini-Grids. This guide provides regulators with concrete guidance and practical tools for developing a clear, enabling regulatory framework for mini-grid development.

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Publication date: 2017, October

Author: ICA

Description: Africa is ready to jump straight into the revolutionary frontiers which may represent the enabling environment for the transformative change requested by the 2030 Agenda. Africa does not need to replicate misleading trends of development, production and consumption which are now calling for deep remedies. Indeed, strong efforts and Partnership at global level are requested to support the achievement of sustainable development while maintaining global Peace, reduce inequality among People and promote a more equitable Prosperity for all, including the Planet at large.

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Publication date: 2017, September

Author: International Rivers

Description: Africa is endowed with enormous renewable energy potential, yet the continent suffers from some of the world’s worst energy poverty. This energy poverty gap is especially pronounced in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where only 13.5% of the population has access to electricity. The deficit stunts economic development and impoverishes millions: In 2015, DRC’s GDP per capita ranked among the lowest in the world.

The good news is that the solution to the country’s energy poverty already exists. Our new study shows that the DRC has abundant, low-cost and accessible wind and solar potential that’s sufficient to not only completely replace but greatly surpass energy that would be supplied by the proposed Inga 3 Dam.

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Publication date: 2017, September

Author: SE4ALL

Description: The new Energizing Finance report series reveals that current flow of finance for energy access and clean cooking will not achieve global goals for delivering universal access by 2030. Yet the data also shows that by scaling and refining finance strategies, we can reach more people, more affordably, with sustainable energy.

The series overarching policy paper from SE4ALL offers key insights and recommendations to help governments and development finance institutions boost finance levels to help achieve universal energy access for all by 2030.

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Publication date: 2017, August

Author: USAID

Description: Power Africa has facilitated the financial close of power transactions expected to generate more than 7,200 MW, and supported private-sector companies and utilities in connecting a total of 10.6 million homes and businesses.

Power Africa is delivering results for American firms. Applying U.S. Government resources in support of U.S. business growth in Africa, Power Africa has a hand in developing multi-million and billion dollar projects that are producing returns for U.S. investors and supporting job growth at home.

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Publication date: 2017, August

Author: EPP

Description: As part of preparations for EEP Phase III the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), and the UK Department for International Development (DFID) in association with the Nordic Development Fund (NDF) have commissioned and published a market landscape study on renewable energy, covering the current 13 EEP S&EA countries as well as Malawi and Zimbabwe. The report highlight’s EEP’s unique value in a combination of flexibility, much needed early stage financing, knowledge exchange and investor networking.

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Publication date: 2017, August

Author: EPP

Description: As part of preparations for EEP Phase III the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), and the UK Department for International Development (DFID) in association with the Nordic Development Fund (NDF) have commissioned and published a market landscape study on renewable energy, covering the current 13 EEP S&EA countries as well as Malawi and Zimbabwe. The report highlight’s EEP’s unique value in a combination of flexibility, much needed early stage financing, knowledge exchange and investor networking.

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Publication date: 2017, August

Author: EPP

Description: As part of preparations for EEP Phase III the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), and the UK Department for International Development (DFID) in association with the Nordic Development Fund (NDF) have commissioned and published a market landscape study on renewable energy, covering the current 13 EEP S&EA countries as well as Malawi and Zimbabwe. The report highlight’s EEP’s unique value in a combination of flexibility, much needed early stage financing, knowledge exchange and investor networking.

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Publication date: 2017, July

Author: SolarPlaza

Description: Africa is quickly becoming one of the most significant regions in the global expansion of the solar PV industry. The high levels of solar irradiation and increasing amount of renewable energy related commitments by governments in the region are just some of the factors that are sparking growing interest from local businesses and international stakeholders alike.Africa is quickly becoming one of the most significant regions in the global expansion of the solar PV industry. The high levels of solar irradiation and increasing amount of renewable energy related commitments by governments in the region are just some of the factors that are sparking growing interest from local businesses and international stakeholders alike.In 92 pages, this report provides an overview and valuable outline of the energy landscape in the African solar markets.

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Publication date: 2017, July

Author: Energy 4 Impact

Description: Debt crowdfunding appears to demonstrate the most promising and sustained growth of all energy access related crowdfunding activity. Although debt crowdfunding was previously dominated by zero-interest (to lender) microloans, interest-bearing working capital loans grew significantly in 2016. They now account for almost half of all energy access related debt crowdfunding, while they accounted for less than 10% of debt crowdfunding in 2015.

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Publication date: 2017, July

Author: IEA

Description: World Energy Investment 2017 provides a critical foundation for decision making by governments, the energy industry and financial institutions.

With analysis of the past year’s developments across all fuels and all energy technologies, the report reveals the critical issues confronting energy markets and features the emerging themes for 2017 and beyond. It highlights the ways in which investment decisions taken today are determining how energy supply and demand will unfold tomorrow, complementing the forecasts and projections found in other IEA publications.

This year’s edition examines the financial landscape for energy investment and how financing flows are evolving in relation to renewable energy expansion, shorter-cycle oil and gas projects, and innovations in energy efficiency financing.

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Publication date: 2017, July

Author: Bloomberg New Energy Finance

Description: The market for micro-grids and hybrid generation in emerging economies is getting bigger, with particularly strong demand from islands, remote regions, and the mining sector. While the project count remains small, policy-makers and project developers are growing more comfortable with the role that micro-grids and stand-alone solar kits play in serving remote regions.

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Publication date: 2017, July

Author: IRENA

Description: The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has set out to produce comprehensive, reliable data sets on renewable energy capacity and use worldwide. The Renewable Energy Statistics 2017 yearbook shows data sets on renewable power-generation capacity for 2007-2016, renewable power generation for 2007-2015 and renewable energy balances for about 100 countries and areas for 2014 and 2015. Further, it features statistics on investments in renewable energy from 18 major multi-lateral, bilateral and national development financial institutions, presented for the period 2009-2015.

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Publication date: 2017, July

Author: IRENA

Description: The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) produces comprehensive renewable energy statistics on a range of topics. This publication presents renewable power generation capacity statistics for the last decade (2007-2016) in trilingual tables.

Renewable power generation capacity is measured as the maximum net generating capacity of power plants and other installations that use renewable energy sources to produce electricity. For most countries and technologies, the data reflects the capacity installed and connected at the end of the calendar year. Data has been obtained from a variety of sources, including IRENA’s questionnaire, official national statistics, industry association reports, other reports and news articles.

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Publication date: 2017, June

Author: AfDB, OECD, UNDP

Description: The African Economic Outlook (AEO) presents the current state of economic and social development in Africa and projects the outlook for the coming two years. The AEO is a product of collaborative work by three international partners: the African Development Bank, the OECD Development Centre and the United Nations Development Programme.

AfricanEconomicOutlook.org is the only resource on Africa which employs a cross-country, macro-economic framework, allowing for comparative analysis both over time and across countries. It also undertakes in-depth studies of sectors critical for the continent’s development. Beyond the country outlooks, you will find important resources such as ongoing research, news and events.

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Publication date: 2017, June

Author: Smart Villages

Description: This pocket guide is intended as a quick reference to off-grid technologies, policies, and impacts – including stories of successful village energy projects from across the global south.

For remote off-grid villages, local solutions are often both more realistic and cheaper than national grid extension.

Together, energy and entrepreneurship underpin lasting development in smart villages, alongside the many services they can propel: health, education, WASH, livelihoods and productive uses of energy… and beyond.

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