

Date: 21 – 24 June 2022

Location: Brussels

Description: The Africa Energy Forum 2022 will be held in June in Brussels under the theme ‘Africa for Africa: Building Energy for the Just Transition’.

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Date: 28 – 30 June 2022

Location: Hybrid Event

Description: EAIF is the top annual business and finance event for the renewable electrification sector, enabling and fostering business and investor partnerships for the purpose of sustainable electricity access, decarbonisation, economic growth and fighting against climate change. 

The Forum will convene private and public financiers, energy and climate investors, development finance institutions, international funding partners, government officials and private sector companies with the goal to boost clean electricity access globally, where 759 million people still lack access to electricity and another 2.8 billion people suffer from unreliable power services. 

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Date: 22 – 23 June 2022

Location: Polana Serena Hotel, Mozambique

Description: The international Mozambique Energy & Industry Summit is organised at a perfect time with massive inbound investments coming into Mozambique through its nascent oil and gas sector.

Endorsed by both The Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy and The Ministry of Industry and Commerce, under the theme of Driving Investment, Growth and Prosperity in Mozambique, the strategic summit programme will be centered around building a new future for Mozambique's economy through the actual and anticipated inbound investment flows from the huge LNG and gas projects. In addition, the programme will deliver sessions focused across the diversified economy including finance, regulation, local content, services and technology. 

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Date: 1 – 3 June 2022

Location: Accra International Conference Centre, Accra, Ghana

Description: WAMPEX is the leading platform connecting the West African mining and power value chain. Attracting over 2500 professionals from more than 16 countries, makes WAMPEX one of the most important industry meeting places in the mining calendar. Leading suppliers from across the globe participate at WAMPEX to showcase their latest technologies, innovations and products – but more importantly, to build leads, network and do business.

WAMPEX runs alongside the West African Mining & Power Conference (WAMPOC) where senior government and industry heads and influencers discuss policy, legislation, challenges and market developments.

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Date: 2 – 3 June 2022

Location: Maputo, Mozambique

Description: The 8th Mozambique Mining, Oil & Gas and Energy Conference and Exhibition (MMEC 2022) returns to Maputo on 2 – 3 of June 2022. The event will be held at the prestigious Joaquim Chissano Conference Centre. The main theme of this edition is “Sustainable Development Across the Entire Mineral and Energy Value Chain. Towards a Low Carbon Future”, in a context where the effect of global climate change on Mozambican economic activities has been profound in recent years. 

MMEC 2022 will focus on key developments, local content, climate change and emerging policies and projects in Mozambique’s Energy and extractive industries, in a world post pandemic. It will showcase Mozambique as a business-friendly country where policy reforms are being implemented to encourage the flow of domestic and foreign direct investment into the energy and extractives industry. It will also contribute to achieving the objectives of promoting employment generation, improved foreign exchange earnings and wealth creation in the country. 

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Date: 21 – 23 June 2022

Location: Lagos, Nigeria

Description: Nigeria has the 7th largest population in the world and growing fast, as a result the supply for Power and Water will need to increase to keep up with the growing demands. With just over 51% of the population having access to power sometimes, the lack of power has been the biggest obstacle for the country to grow. The water sector on the other hand faces similar challenges with 71% of the population having access to safe water, and yes climate is to be blamed, however research shows a much-needed upgrade in the water supply infrastructure.

Power & Water Nigeria Exhibition & Conference offers global stakeholders to access and engage in technical discussion to do on the spot assessment of region’s opportunities in power generation, distribution, renewables, and water & utilities sectors. The exhibition offers an annual platform for buyers to explore & compare innovative technologies from the leading local and international suppliers.

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Date: 7 – 9 June 2022

Location: Cape Town International Convention Centre

Description: Enlit Africa, formerly African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa was originally scheduled to take place live from the 11-13 May 2021 and the next live edition of the conference and exhibition has been scheduled to 7 - 9 June 2022, Cape Town International Convention Centre.

As Africa’s power, energy and water industry’s partner of choice, Enlit Africa will continue to contribute to the sector, providing a platform to connect stakeholders and facilitating profitable relationships throughout the year by offering an exciting line-up of content, round-table discussions and networking.

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Date: 19 - 21 May 2022

Location: Kenya

Description: Kenya is all prepared to spend USD 2.1 billion on electrification in off-grid areas focusing on renewable powered minigrids.As part of the nation’s 2016-21 strategic plan, the Rural Electrification Authority aims to install around 450 minigrids powered by solar sources.

On the consumer side, it is estimated that about 25,000 to 30,000 solar PV products are traded annually in the Kenyan market and that at least every household has owned atleast one solar PV product.

The 7th Solar Expo Kenya will not only serve as a platform in Kenya but the entire East and Central African region. The participation in 2022 is expected to rise by at least 30% owing to the ever increasing need of solar projects and products in Africa. While exhibitors from 14 countries participated in 2019, the figures in 2022 are expected to reach 20 countries.

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Date: 19 - 21 May 2022

Location: Kenya

Description: The 9th edition of Power & Energy Africa is an imposing demonstration of its importance to the successful development of the power and energy sector in Kenya. The expectations with the first show were not only fulfilled, but clearly surpassed.

The 9th Power & Energy Africa is being held from 19 - 21 May, 2022 at Kenya's prime international venue; Kenyatta Int’l Convention Centre in Nairobi.

Exhibiting at the largest power event in the industry will allow you to showcase your products and services to the industry's largest gathering of qualified decision-makers.

Trade visitors from all over East & Central Africa are being invited directly and in collaboration with several regional trade bodies in Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Uganda, Somalia, Mozambique & Congo. Though Kenya by itself is one of the biggest markets in Africa.

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Date: 17 - 19 May 2022

Location: Hybrid Event

Description: The Africa Energies Summit brings together Africa’s energy industry for a unique event shaped for companies active in Africa’s energy game and provides unrivalled insight into the Continent’s fast changing energy landscape. The Africa Energies Summit will be hybrid event, encompassing an in-person conference in London in which an online audience also participates.

Hear directly from key players and decision-makers from corporate players active in Africa through to fast-moving independents, finance, legal and service & supply companies and African governments and NOC’s seeking investors.

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Date: 25 May 2022

Location: Hybrid Event

Description: ALER and AMER, in partnership with EDM - Electricity of Mozambique, and with the support of GET.invest Mozambique - funded by the European Union and Germany, and part of the European programme GET.invest are organizing the hybrid event "Storage and Integration of renewables in the grid in Mozambique" that will take place May 25th at the no Indy Congress Hotel  in Maputo, with online transmission.

At this event, the current status and future developments of renewable energy projects and the electricity grid in Mozambique will be presented, solutions for storage and integration of production from renewable sources in the grid will be discussed, as well as the existing technical and regulatory framework will be analyzed.

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Date: 18 - 19 May 2022

Location: International Conference Center Algiers (CIC)

Description: For its first edition and for two days, Algeria Solar Summit 2022, annual event, will bring together all the leaders and major players in the field of solar energy in Algeria. It translates and supports the ambition and commitment of Algeria towards a diversification of its energy sources through:

  • The development of renewable energies and the upgrading of the government’s energy transition program ranked as a major priority by the President of the Republic Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, a program with a capacity of 15,000 MW by 2035 (SOURCE) and this, exclusively based on solar Photovoltaics;
  • Lowering Algeria’s dependence on hydrocarbons and ensuring energetic self-sufficiency from clean energy for years to come.

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Date: 19 May 2022

Location: Johannesburg, South Africa

Description: For many years coal has been the main energy source in South Africa accounting for 80% of the country’s energy mix. However, to contribute to the energy transition, South Africa adopted the Integrated Resource Plan to set the ambitious target of 20 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2030 which will benefit the nation not only by decarbonizing its economy but also addressing major issues of power shortage which are counterproductive for the industry and country’s development.

Breaking down the numbers, South Africa plans to allocate at least 6 GW of large scale solar by 2030, planning for 1 gigawatt of solar per year allowing for solar to supply about 10% to its energy mix. As South Africa’s energy availability factor (EAF) dips below the 60% mark, wind power will represent the major bulk of 16 GW of generation capacity by the end of the decade. As a solution for the critical need of extra generation capacity, the government raised the licensing threshold for embedded generation projects from 1 MW to 100 MW, opening the doors for IPPs to compete in the market.

Late in 2021, the results of the fifth round of the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Program (REIPPPP) awarded 12 wind projects and 13 solar projects, totaling 1 GW of solar PV and 1.6 GW of wind giving positive signs that developers continue having interest in the South African energy market. It is also important to note that 39 wind and 63 solar projects competed in this round.

To reach its 2030 goals, South Africa will require an estimated $35.6 billion, which are expected to come mainly from the commercial sector to finance the projects. Tapping into the nation’s renewable power potential will be crucial to create greater energy security, reduce costs, and generate local socioeconomic benefits for South Africa.

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Date: 17 - 19 May 2022

Location: Kigali, Rwanda

Description: Sustainable Energy for ALL (SEforALL) has made the decision to reschedule the SEforALL Forum in Kigali, Rwanda with a view towards holding an in-person Forum in 2022. This decision has been taken in consideration of the COVID-19 situation and is a result of in-depth discussions regarding the format and desired outcomes of the Forum with our host, the Government of Rwanda, the SEforALL Administrative Board and key partners.

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Date: 12 - 14 May 2022

Location: Nairobi, Kenya

Description: LIGHTEXPO 2022 is unique event in the East Africa market. Having being branched out from BUILDEXPO previously, LIGHTEXPO will be the largest event for the lighting market in East Africa.

The lighting industry in East Africa is on a globalization drive and is now providing the African consumers a variety of lighting products sourced domestically as well as internationally. In the context of the reduced import duty, the globalization drive is gaining momentum.

LIGHTEXPO 2022 will be your window to meeting high-level buyers with-in the African Industry. As an exhibitor, the show will offer you the chance of increasing your market at the heart and hub of the industry.

Take advantage of the fair to present your latest products, innovations and solutions in newly structured product groups that will cover the entire industry of lighting all under a single roof.

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Date: 11 - 12 April 2022

Location: Amsterdam

Description: On 11 & 12 April 2022, FMO and Solarplaza will host the 'Future of Energy' in Amsterdam, uniting global renewable energy players - from top developers to investors. For its 4th edition, the scope will stretch beyond solar development, and will now also venture into hybrid (wind) applications, green hydrogen, energy storage, distributed energy and grid infrastructure.

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Date: 28 - 30 April 2022

Location: Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai, India

Description: This event will be bringing together businesses, sustainable energy industry trade associations, government agencies, and energy policy research organizations to showcase the status and potential of the cross-section of renewable energy industry. The expo is proclaimed at the right time when there is a paradigm shift in the global trend towards massive deployment of solar power and other renewable along with investments worth billions of dollars in technology and green energy.

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Date: 5 May 2022

Location: Dakar, Senegal

Description: Join Renpower Senegal 2022 – a powerful business development platform, enabling you to build brand awareness, forge new relationships, promote your technology, create new leads or source future investment.

Access to reliable, affordable and clean energy is crucial for the economic and social development in Senegal. The country’s electrification rate is about 69%, reflecting 93% in urban areas and nearly 50% in rural areas. The opportunity for private investment in solar, wind and biomass alongside government initiatives to prioritize green schemes has started to drive the way forward across the country. The government is now concentrating its efforts in remote and rural areas, relying on renewable energy providers. Achieving universal access to electricity will require decentralized solutions and more investments in diverse generation sources and distribution channels, including both grid connections and micro-grids.

The Agence Sénégalaise d’Electrification Rurale unlocks several rural electrification projects for medium-voltage grid extension, mini-grids and solar home systems. Promoting renewables and increasing the energy mix using natural gas (gas to power strategy), boosting energy efficiency and the development of off-grid rural electrification will ensure a smooth transition to full clean power in the country. New technologies and financing will be key drivers in that process.

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Date: 28 April 2022

Location: Maputo, Mozambique

Description: Mozambique possesses a wide range and diverse energy potential, with renewable energy growing increasingly its share of the countries’ energy mix. Large hydro remains the dominant form of RE generation, and new projects are being launched, but solar, wind and biomass projects have been developed over the last few years and new projects are expected in the coming years through the PROLER program. The government is concentrating its efforts in remote rural areas, relying on renewable energy technology providers. Achieving universal electricity access by 2030, a goal set by the government, will require decentralized solutions and more investments in diverse generation sources and distribution channels, including both grid connections and micro-grids.

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Date: 24 – 26 March 2022

Location: Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania

Description: The 6th Power & Energy Tanzania 2022 will be held from 24 - 26 March, 2022 at Tanzania's prime international venue; the Diamond Jubilee Expo Center in Dar-es-Salaam.

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Renewables Now


Africa Energy Forum
Future Energy East Africa
Future Energy Nigeria
Africa Energy Indaba 2020
