
Burkina Faso

We post here the relevant reports for the power sector in Burkina Faso. Feel free to join our efforts and share us any other you may have found. We'd be glad to add them to the list. Just send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Publication date: 2017, June

Author: SE4ALL

Description: This paper, part of the Green Mini-Grid Market Development Programme (GMG MDP) document series, assesses the green mini-grid market in Burkina Faso. Green-mini grids include mini-grids powered by renewable energy resources – solar radiation, wind, hydropower or biomass – either exclusively, or in combination with diesel generation.

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Publication date: 2017, May

Author: WB

Description: This Project Paper seeks the approval of the Executive Directors to provide an additional financing (AF) credit in the amount of EUR 74.9 million (US$80 million equivalent) to the Burkina Faso Electricity Sector Support Project (ESSP, P128768).

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Publication date: 2017

Author: EU

Description: This publication is a Science for Policy report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process. The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position of the European Commission. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use that might be made of this publication.

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Publication date: 2016, August

Author: ADF

Description: The Electrification Project for Semi-Urban Areas of Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioualasso (PEPU) is an investment project that seeks to expand the electrical networks and establish electrical connections. The project objective is to increase the electricity access rate in Burkina Faso, especially in the outlying districts of the above towns.

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Publication date: 2015, December

Author: WB

Description: In Burkina Faso, cooperatives known as coopels (Coopératives d’électricité), are partly responsible for rural electrification. As of 2014, there were almost 100 coopels providing electricity to around 112,000 people. The success of coopels varies, and the business models they employ vary as well. This model usually combines elements of cooperative with private enterprise. The coopels raise part of the financing for their projects, and a rural electrification fund the rest. After construction, the coopels either manage the operation themselves or delegate it to private companies using affermage contracts.

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Publication date: 2015, June

Author: ADF

Description: Management hereby submits this proposal to award a UA 20 million ADF grant to Burkina Faso to finance the Energy Sector Budget Support Programme (PASE). This is a sector budget support operation which will be implemented in 2015 to back the efforts of the authorities to find a lasting solution to the crisis in the electricity sub-sector.

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Publication date: 2014, April

Author: Ministry of Mines and Energy

Description: The Burkinabe energy situation is characterized by:

(i) a predominance of the use of energy from biomass;

(ii) the country's dependence on fossil fuels;

(iii) low and unequal access to modern energy; and

(iv) very limited development of endogenous renewable energy.

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Publication date: 2011, May

Author: AICD

Description: This study is a product of the Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic (AICD), a project designed to expand the world’s knowledge of physical infrastructure in Africa. The AICD provides a baseline against which future improvements in infrastructure services can be measured, making it possible to monitor the results achieved from donor support. It also offers a solid empirical foundation for prioritizing investments and designing policy reforms in Africa’s infrastructure sectors.

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Publication date: 2009, July

Author: ADF

Description: The Electricity Infrastructure Strengthening and Rural Electrification Project is an investment project involving the rehabilitation and extension of MV/LV lines, implementation of accelerated connections in urban and rural areas and installation of public lighting units, and reduction of technical and commercial losses through the rehabilitation of the distribution network and the installation of pre-paid meters. All these operations are intended to boost countrywide network coverage, improve the network operating conditions and increase the number of localities and households with access to electricity. Lastly, two studies were incorporated into this project with a view to preparing future Bank operations in the sector. The total project cost is estimated at UA 36.17 million. It is scheduled to be implemented within a timeframe of 36 months, as from 2010.

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Publication date: 2006, September

Author: ECREEE

Description: The information in this report was gathered from publicly available sources (the source list is available at www.energyrecipes.org), like surveys, statistical data from the internet and books and other publications.

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