

We post here the relevant reports for the power sector in Namibia. Feel free to join our efforts and share us any other you may have found. We'd be glad to add them to the list. Just send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Publication date: 9 June 2022

Author: MDPI

Description: This paper examines different off-grid renewable energy-based electrification schemes for an informal settlement in Windhoek, Namibia. It presents a techno-economic comparison between the deployment of solar home systems to each residence and the supplying power from either a centralized roof-mounted or ground-mounted hybrid microgrid. The objective is to find a feasible energy system that satisfies technical and user constraints at a minimum levelized cost of energy (LCOE) and net present cost (NPC).

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Publication date: May 2021

Author: Springer

Description: Access to electricity is vital for the social and economic development of a country. Nevertheless, electrification is still a major challenge, especially for countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Growth in access to electricity in total numbers has slowed down in recent years. Namibia in particular appears to be in a predicament, since a large portion of its widespread population cannot be connected to the main grid at reasonable costs. Furthermore, Namibia relies heavily on imports of coal-based electricity, which limits the country’s ability to achieve its pledged sustainability goals.

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Publication date: 2016

Author: SE4ALL

Description: Energy policy and planning is guided by the 1998 Energy White Paper chiefly aimed at achieving social development, economic efficiency and sustainability. Within the guidance of the 1998 White Paper, energy has also been integrated into the development plans particularly the Vision 2030 and Namibia’s Development Plan (NDP). The strategic plan 2012/13 to 2016/17 of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, formally launched in June 2012, provides the strategic directions towards the implementation of activities which will contribute to the goals of the sustainable energy for all.

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Publication date: 2015, July

Author: KAS

Description: This publication and the material featured herein are provided for informational purposes only. Material in this publication is explicitly not intended to be and cannot be construed to constitute investment advice.

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Publication date: 2014, January

Author: RERA / euei

Description: This study has been elaborated on behalf of the Regional Electricity Regulators’ Association of Southern Africa (RERA) to establish a framework for attracting increased investment in mini-grids employing renewable and hybrid generation in the countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC). This project has been financed under the Africa-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme, an integral part of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP).

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Publication date: 2014

Author: Nampower

Description: NamPower has in the past five years continued to fulfil its mandate of ensuring security of supply to Namibia, despite regional supply shortages which have necessitated load shedding and loss of supply in many countries. Through pro-active trading of electricity and making wise investment decisions, NamPower has managed to “keep the lights burning”, although it was certainly no easy task.

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Publication date: 2013

Author: NPC

Description: This paper studies the relationship of energy use in Namibia to economic growth and other key development indicators such as Price, exchange rate, energy production, wages and employment. It also provides a short term energy outlook for the period of seven years (2014 to 2020). The paper applies the econometrics methodology to examine the impact of relationship between energy and other indicators mentioned.

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Publication date: 2012, October

Author: KAS

Description: Energy is an essential pillar of any economy. The availability, affordability and security of energy supplies are necessary pre-requisites for development. This study focuses on Namibia’s electricity sector, and the role and contribution that renewable energy and energy efficient technologies can play to sustainably power the nation into the future. The study aims to constructively contribute to a vibrant and robust debate, and thereby foster decisive action on Namibia’s energy future, and with it influence the direction of our national development.

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Publication date: 2012, September

Author: ECB

Description: Namibia is endowed with abundant renewable energy resources: solar, biomass and wind.

  • Namibian Energy Demand far exceeds Supply;
  • There is Urgent need to commercially exploit the RE resources for energy generation;
  • Both public and private sectors have a role to play;
  • The biggest challenge is lack of capacity by the market to manage multiple risks;
  • Access to Electricity is no longer a luxury but an imperative for development.

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Publication date: 2011, February

Author: MoE

Description: "Under section 43 of the Electricity Act, 2007 (Act No. 4 of 2007) I have

(a) made the regulations set out in the Schedule; and

(b) repealed the Electricity Regulations: Administrative published in Government Gazette No. 2371 of 12 July 2000".

I. Katali - Minister of Mines and Energy

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Publication date: 2010

Author: MoE

Description: The Rural Electricity Distribution Master Plan (REDMP) for Namibia was originally introduced in 2000, and was conceptualised and developed as part of the Government’s policy agenda to guide the social upliftment of especially poor, rural communities and economic development of the nation.

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Publication date: 2007, October

Author: Namibia Gov

Description: The following Act which has been passed by the Parliament and signed by the President in terms of the Namibian Constitution is hereby published in terms of Article 56 of that Constitution.

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Publication date: 2007, January

Author: GEF / UNDP

Description: This project, Off-Grid Energisation Master Plan for Namibia (OGEMP), is one of several projects that have been initiated by the UNDP/GEF/MME Barrier Removal to Namibian Renewable Energy Programme (NAMREP). The underlying objective of the OGEMP is to provide access to appropriate energy technologies to everyone living or working in offgrid, pre-grid and “grey” areas.

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Publication date: 2007, January

Author: GEF / UNDP

Description: This project, Development of a Regulatory Framework for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency within the Namibian Electricity Sector, is one of several projects that have been implemented by the UNDP/GEF/MME Barrier Removal to Namibian Renewable Energy Programme (NAMREP). As the project entitle indicates, the primary objective of the project is to recommend the essential elements of a regulatory framework for renewable energy and energy efficiency in Namibia.

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