

We post here the relevant reports for the power sector in Lesotho. Feel free to join our efforts and share us any other you may have found. We'd be glad to add them to the list. Just send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Publication date: May 2022

Author: University of Cape Town

Description: The determinants of household energy fuel choice have not been studied in some developing countries, including Lesotho, despite the potential benefits such a study might have for policy design and implementation. This study uses the data collected by Lesotho’s Bureau of Statistics through a national household energy consumption survey of 2017, and a multinomial logistic regression to analyse the determinants of household energy fuel choice in Lesotho. The results indicate that the gender of the household head does not influence the choice of cleaner energy fuels for cooking and water heating. However, the age and education of the household head, household size, level of income, and access to electricity are drivers of energy fuel choice. 

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Publication date: 10 January 2022

Author: Cogent Social Sciences

Description: This study examined how the government of Lesotho failed to design policies that encourage cooperatives and rural dwellers to own and manage electricity in the country. It informs the government, policy-makers and stakeholders in the energy sector of the problems caused by exclusionary policies. It encourages them to design policies that are participatory to ensure sustainable economic growth. It also adds to the literature on environmental sustainability. 

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Publication date: 2016

Author: SE4ALL

Description: The purpose of Rapid Assessment and Gap Analysis is to provide:

  • A quick brief look of the energy situation in the country (Section 1) within the context of its economic and social development and poverty eradication;
  • A good review of where the country is in terms of the three SE4ALL goals (Section 2), and;
  • A good estimate of the main challenges and opportunities vis‐à‐vis the three goals of SE4ALL where the major investments, policies and enabling environments will be required (Section 3);
  • A sound basis and background for an Action Plan that may follow as part of the SE4ALL activities in the country.

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Publication date: 2020

Author: UNDCF

Description: Lesotho has a total installed capacity of 72 megawatt (MW), all of which is generated from renewable sources. In fact, a single power plant - the Lesotho Highlands Water Project’s Meula Hydropower station - accounts for all domestic grid electricity generation capacity, from which the Lesotho Electricity Company (LEC) procures more than half of the country’s electricity requirement. The Lesotho Highlands Development Authority (LHDA), a joint venture between Lesotho and South Africa, is responsible for the implementation, operation, and maintenance of Lesotho’s portion of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project - the water infrastructure is owned jointly with South Africa while the hydropower plant is owned exclusively by Lesotho.

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Publication date: 2015

Author: MoEaM

Description: Energy plays a pivotal role in driving socio-economic development of any country, Lesotho included. In this regard, ensuring that energy is accessible for all socio-economic demand sectors is the central role of the energy sector public and private institutions under the overall guidance of the Government through the ministry responsible for energy.

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Publication date: 2011, March

Author: Lesotho Gov

Description: This Act may be cited as the Lesotho Electricity Authority (Amendment) Act 2010 and shall come into operation on such a date as the Minister may, by notice published in the Government Gazette, appoint.

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Publication date: 2006, May

Author: LEA

Description: Issues concerning the sector:

  • Low access to electricity (now 11%, we want 35% by 2015);
  • Inefficiency in the power sector institutions;
  • Lack of financial resources (for increased access, system expansion, generation).

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Publication date: 2004

Author: WB

Description: The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this report are entirely those of the authors and should not be attributed in any manner to the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) or to the World Bank, to its affiliated organizations, or to members of its Board of Executive Directors or the countries they represent.

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Publication date: 2003

Author: Lesotho Gov

Description: An energy policy is influenced by local, regional and international development trends such as trade relations, foreign investment criteria and political and economic ideologies.

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