Publication date: 2017, July
Author: Sungy
Description: In Algeria, the development has led to a sustained primary energy demand growth and should double as well (38.5 million people in 2012).
We post here the relevant reports for the power sector in Algeria. Feel free to join our efforts and share us any other you may have found. We'd be glad to add them to the list. Just send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Publication date: 2017, July
Author: Sungy
Description: In Algeria, the development has led to a sustained primary energy demand growth and should double as well (38.5 million people in 2012).
Publication date: 2016, October
Author: MPRA
Description: This paper aims to empirically re-examine whether economic growth has effect on electricity consumption for Algerian economy.
Publication date: 2016, September
Author: Jacques Delors Institut
Description: This policy paper calls for a more prominent position of Algerian energy and its potential impact on the resilience of the Southern Mediterranean region on the EU agenda. Thereby it suggests the establishment of a targeted energy cooperation aimed at switching Algerian domestic consumption to renewable energy as a potential way of addressing the encountered policy challenges.
Publication date: 2016, May
Author: GENI
Description: This report was researched and written to prove that Algeria is capable of being one of leading countries in the energy supply business.
Publication date: 2015, May
Author: IJRES
Description: For a century, the mastery of energy resources such as coal, petroleum, natural gas and to some extent, nuclear energy, has allowed a raise in the standard of living of the world's population, especially in developed countries. However, the abrupt increase in the petroleum prices that occurred in 1973 caused Man's interest in other energy resources. In Algeria, even if the opinions currently differ around a precise date, everyone is unanimous in saying that there will come a day when the depletion of fossil fuels will be inevitable.
Publication date: 2012, March
Author: Vaasa University
Description: Oil and gas sector remains the driving force in the Algerian economy and represent 50% of GDP and 97% of Algerian exports.
Publication date: 2011, May
Author: CDER
Description: The Algerian energy strategy is decidedly towards sustainable development by integrating the promotion of renewable energy.
Publication date: 2010, August
Author: Wuppertal Institute
Description: In the present discussion about the role of renewable energies in a future European energy supply scheme, certain scenarios envision the exploitation of the substantial North African solar and wind energy potentials in order to supply Europe with green electricity.
Publication date: 2010
Author: University Oran
Description: During the last few years, political support for renewable energies has been growing continuously both at the national and international level and most scientists now agree that the Middle East and North Africa are perfectly placed to play a leading role in the lucrative future solar and wind power industries. Algeria plays a very important role in world energy markets, both as a significant hydrocarbons producer and exporter, as well as a key participant in the renewable energy market. Due to its geographical location, Algeria has been considered as one of the best countries for exploiting solar energy.
Publication date: 1999, October
Author: ASICTP
Description: This paper summarises the activities in photovoltaics (PV) in Algeria for the last fifteen years. The main activities which are reported are related to PV power systems programs, research, education and market penetration. Concluding remarks recommend the transition from demonstrating small projects to large scale ones in order to promote and develop PV technology in Algeria.
Nairobi, KENYA