Publication date: November 2021
Author: Elsevier
Description: With over 70% of households without access to clean energy, Uganda presents a huge potential for increased adoption of solar photovoltaic (PV) technologies. However, their uptake is relatively low. This study employs a nationally representative data set from Uganda's National Electrification Survey of 2018 to analyze factors influencing households' choice of solar PV system. Conditional mixed process model was estimated for quantification of associations between flexible payment mechanism, influential persons, access to grid electricity and solar PV adoption in the first stage, then type of solar PV adopted in the second stage. We find that, the determinants of adoption as well as type of solar PV adopted are heterogeneous. Specifically, flexible payment mechanism is positive for uptake of solar home systems and solar kit; Influential people were insignificant in all cases, while grid access was negatively associated with uptake of both solar kits and solar home systems.