

We post here the relevant reports for the power sector in Uganda. Feel free to join our efforts and share us any other you may have found. We'd be glad to add them to the list. Just send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Publication date: March 2021

Author: Tetra Tech International Development

Description: There is government support for off-grid electrification programmes, although there seems to be a tendency among government officials to favour grid extension over off-grid solutions. Lack of coordination among and within several ministries and government bodies hampers the effective implementation of (off-grid) energy policies.

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Publication date: 9 January 2021

Author: Springer

Description: The continued influx of refugees into Uganda confronts people and hosting landscapes with severe challenges. Vast volumes of biomass resources are required for energy and building materials. Consequently, woodlands have come under pressure as the key source within refugee-receiving regions. This raises the question of how to simultaneously achieve a higher standard of living and energy autonomy for the population while reducing primary resource demand and safeguarding nature.

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Publication date: 2021

Author: Elsevier

Description: Effectively mitigating climate change entails a quick upscaling and redirection of electricity infrastructure investment towards clean power. Given that the bulk of greenhouse gas emissions increases until 2050 will come from low- and middle-income countries, finding cost-effective ways to mitigate climate change while meeting development targets is essential. However, recent research has shown some of the limitations of broad financing mechanisms, such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and existing carbon markets.

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Publication date: 23 November 2020

Author: African Development Bank

Description: Energy is a critical enabler in reaching development goals. However, the benefits of increased access to modern and cleaner energy services often fail to accrue evenly to men and women. The African Development Bank and ENERGIA recognise the need to prioritise policy action in the field of gender and energy to meet the international Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This country brief on gender and energy in Uganda is one in a series to support equality of access and use of energy by women and men through evidence-based initiatives.

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Publication date: October 2020

Author: Applied Research Programme on Energy and Economic Growth

Description: The historical context from which many African utilities have emerged has left a challenging legacy regarding the provision of energy service delivery to all . As rural electrification receives growing attention, a wave of decentralised renewable energy (DRE) technologies and business models are changing the energy service delivery landscape. Given the variety of electricity delivery platforms now available and the wide range of customer needs, electrification approaches that mobilise all these capabilities in an integrated framework may offer solutions to delivering access while unlocking economic growth and social impact. African utilities are thus poised on the cusp of a major opportunity to extend access while improving financial sustainability through integration.

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Publication date: October 2020

Author: UOMA

Description: Off-grid solar energy has become a major success story, accelerating energy for millions of Ugandans. Over the last decade, off-grid solar products have become commonplace in Uganda, with over 4 million products currently in the market. They provide not only clean and modern energy for lighting, but also mobile phone charging and household appliances such as radios and televisions. In Uganda, the sector has attracted one of the highest concentrations of private sector providers of solar products, resulting in a vibrant and active sector today.

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Publication date: 2020

Author: UOMA

Description: UOMA started in 2017 and is focused on supporting sustainable & universal access of affordable clean energy for Ugandans.

The Uganda Off-Grid Energy Market Accelerator (UOMA), implemented by Open Capital in partnership with the Shell Foundation, DFID, USAID, and Power Africa, completed a 3rd successful year, growing from an early catalyst for innovation to being a trusted partner and central advisor for off-grid energy access in Uganda.

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Publication date: 2020

Author: BloombergNEF and SEforALL

Description: Uganda currently has 34 mini-grids known to be installed. For developers, the biggest obstacles to further build-out are cumbersome government approval processes and regulated tariffs that make it difficult to recver project costs without subsidies. In 2017, the government identified sites using a least-cost electrification approach and introduced a bundled tender scheme to scale mini-grids in the country.

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Publication date: 2016, September

Author: Power Africa

Description: Power Africa’s Beyond the Grid partners are already working to bring power to rural Ugandans. Firms such as BBOXX, Virunga, MKOPA, and Fenix International, among others, have developed and deployed innovative technologies which have provided electricity to thousands of people in Uganda for the first time.

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Publication date: 2015, June

Author: MoEaMD

Description: This report was prepared by Pépin Tchouate Heteu (Dr.-Ing.), Team Leader of the EU Technical Assistance to Uganda’s SE4ALL Secretariat, at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development with fruitful collaboration of the Secretariat’s staff and support from the following key stakeholders and Donor partners in Uganda’s energy sector who provided data and information.

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Publication date: 2014, April

Author: ODI / ACODE

Description: This paper describes the findings from the very first application of a new methodology to support governments and development partners that wish to mobilise private finance for climate-compatible development (CCD). Piloting this methodology in Uganda’s energy sector allowed us to make two distinct sets of findings that are useful for actors seeking to mobilise private climate finance.

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Publication date: 2013, November

Author: CCSE

Description: Uganda is among the very few countries in Africa that have fully embraced reforms in the electricity sector. These reforms that included unbundling, privatization, and the creation of an independent regulator were intended to improve sector performance and efficiency. The key feature of Uganda’s model is that it sought privatization in the form of concessions and encouraged competition in the form of independent power producers on long term contracts. By focusing on developments in the generation and distribution segments, this paper gives a recount of the reforms and evaluates the progress made.

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Publication date: 2013, July

Author: REA

Description: This document presents the Government’s Rural Electrification Strategy and Plan (RESP) for the ten-year period 2013-2022. This is the second comprehensive RESP, following the one which was published in 2001 covering the period 2001-2010 (but whose official expiry time is 2012 due to delayed implementation).

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Publication date: 2013, June

Author: MoEaMD

Description: Outline of Presentation:

  1. Country Profile;
  2. Scope of the Energy Sector in Uganda;
  3. Policy Framework;
  4. Institutional Framework;
  5. The Energy Resource Base;
  6. Generation Statistics;
  7. Strategies to increase power generation;
  8. Challenges in the energy sector and gov's plans;
  9. Training Priorities.

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Publication date: 2012, June

Author: EPRC

Description: Using time series and the Uganda National Household Survey data, this paper seeks to examine the impact of the electricity reforms on the performance of the sector. Specifically, we investigate the effectiveness of the reforms in terms of sector performance taking into consideration various performance indicators such as electricity access, generation per capita, distribution efficiency, price trends, subsidies and customer growth. These indicators were selected on the basis of the rationale of the reforms.

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Publication date: 2007

Author: MoEaMD

Description: Government’s Policy Vision for Renewable Energy is:

  • To make modern renewable energy a substantial part of the national energy consumption.

The Overall Policy Goal is:

  • To increase the use of modern renewable energy, from the current 4% to 61% of the total energy consumption by the year 2017.

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Publication date: 2002, September

Author: MoEaMD

Description: Uganda’s Energy Sector has hitherto been driven by annual ministerial policy statements on the budget. Yet the importance of the energy sector in the economy requires that a long-term planning approach for energy development be adopted. In particular, the liberalisation of the energy sector, in line with the overall macro-economic policies, requires that clear, long-term policy guidelines be in place to encourage project development and harmonise sector activities. In this context the energy policy needs to make institutions support private sector growth as elaborated by the Government in the “Medium-Term Competitive Strategy for the Private Sector (2000-2005)”.

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