

We post here the relevant reports for the power sector in Somalia. Feel free to join our efforts and share us any other you may have found. We'd be glad to add them to the list. Just send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Publication date: February 2025

Author: SIPRI

Description: Communities in areas of south-central Somalia newly recovered from al-Shabab control are grappling with the interconnected challenges of climate change, environmental degradation and lack of access to basic services. Energy insecurity is a particularly pressing concern: only 39 per cent of the rural population has access to electricity, leaving most people dependent on biomass fuels such as firewood and charcoal. Women and girls bear a disproportionate burden of this energy poverty as cooking and firewood collection are traditionally gendered responsibilities.

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Publication date: 17 December 2022

Author: AfDB

Description: Somalia’s development priorities are presented in the Ninth National Development Plan (NDP- 9) 2020–2024, which seeks to consolidate achievements made under NDP-8 (2017–2019). The NDP-9 is anchored on four pillars: (i) economic development, (ii) social development, (iii) inclusive politics and security, and (iv) rule of law.

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Publication date: 29 March 2022

Author: MDPI

Description: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the feasibility of a wind–solar hybrid system on and off-grid power system for electricity generation at a selected location in Somalia using the renewable energy optimization software HOMER. The simulation model was successfully applied to find the best simulation results based on the energy-efficient system for the specific load. The technical and economic performance of an on-grid and stand-alone combination of 25 kW wind power and 60 kW solar photovoltaic was investigated. Since the city of Cadaado has not yet installed its own standard modern electricity grid and due to the great need to reduce energy costs in Somalia, a feasibility study was conducted on how to supply electricity to a sampled residential consumption. Based on the basic characteristics of renewable energy sources in central Somalia, the on-grid wind and solar photovoltaic systems could be economically feasible.

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Publication date: March 2022

Author: The Henry L. Stimson Center and Energy Peace Partners

Description: Somalia has faced a daunting set of challenges since the collapse of the state more than 30 years ago. Efforts to gradually reestablish state authority and a ruling government have evolved through fits and starts since the late 2000s, with climate change and the emergence of the al-Shabab insurgency playing an increasingly visible role in the last 15 years and adding to insecurity. This report examines the evolution of the energy sector in Somalia, one of the least electrified countries in the world, and its role in the country’s political, economic, and conflict dynamics. The study reviews the energy practices of the missions deployed by the UN and the African Union.

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Publication date: February 2021

Author: Tetra Tech International Development

Description: Somalia is a federal state made of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS), the five Federal Member States (FMS) of Puntland, Galmudug, Hirshabelle, South-West and Jubbaland, and the self-declared independent state of Somaliland. The decentralised system has yielded benefits in terms of operationalising public and other development activities but created notable constitutional problems.

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Publication date: 2016, December

Author: Sida

Description: This Scoping Study for a Renewable Energy Skills Development PPDP Facility seeks to understand how a PPDP (Public Private Development Partnership) training initiative can successfully bridge the renewable energy skills gap in the Somali power sector while ensuring a sustainable impact on the local population.

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Publication date: 2016, August

Author: Metropolia

Description: Electricity remains one of the fundamental factors that facilitates the economic growth and development of any nation. This thesis, Solving the Energy Challenges in Adado, Somalia is written to identify the cause(s) of unreliable and unaffordable electricity in Adado, a suburb in Somalia, and to suggest a functional solution to the problem that has been affecting individuals, firms and the environment of the Adado community. It is almost impossible to write about solving electricity problem in Adado without relating it to Somalia because solving the electricity problem in Somalia is tantamount to solving the electricity problem in Adado and other communities in Somalia.

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Publication date: 2016

Author: USAID

Description: 2016-2019 represents a crucial period for Somalia’s transition from decades of state failure. Should Somalia harness economic, political, and social momentum to achieve greater stability, build a functional economy, improve security, and establish credible and durable governance systems, the implications for stability not only in Somalia but through the Horn of Africa will be profound. Despite the immense challenges facing the country, Somalis are forging a promising path forward, evidenced by the country’s extraordinary efforts to establish regional states, rebuild institutions, and re-engage with the international community. To capitalize on this unique window of opportunity and Somali-led effort, USAID proposes a three-year (2016 – 2019) Transitional Strategic Framework (the strategy) for Somalia that guides USAID priorities and principles of engagement to assist the people of Somalia in making progress towards their development goals.

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Publication date: 2016


Description: The Somali Renewable Energy Skilled Workforce Survey sought to better understand the current and future labor force needs to effectively grow the Somali renewable energy sector, and gain insight to inform efforts to enhance the relevance and quality of in-country training programs. The survey, carried out with executives at fourteen renewable energy companies (including independent power providers), found that there is an evident gap in the supply of technically-trained laborers versus the demand for qualified workers.

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Publication date: 2015, November

Author: AfDB

Description: While assistance is required in all sectors of the Somali economy, infrastructure is particularly important, as it is the base of all productive and social activities. Thus, the efficient and effective intermediation of development assistance targeted towards the rehabilitation and development of Somalia’s infrastructure sub-sectors (Energy, Transport, Water & Sanitation, and ICT) is a top priority. In this regard, the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) intends to play an increasingly important role in attracting foreign development assistance and private investment toward infrastructure. This will play a critical role in accelerating Somalia’s inclusive and sustainable economic recovery, peace and state building.

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