

We post here the relevant reports for the power sector in Mozambique. Feel free to join our efforts and share us any other you may have found. We'd be glad to add them to the list. Just send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Publication date: 15 October 2024

Author: Taylor & Francis Group

Description: Debates on urban infrastructures in the global South have suggested that heterogeneous infrastructures may help improve urban electricity access yet also raise equality concerns. However, neither the urban inequalities associated with such electricity access nor how those inequalities play out in different urban neighbourhoods has been systematically studied. To better understand how electricity access develops in the context of heterogeneity, we examine five urban neighbourhood types in Mozambique’s Greater Maputo region, where heterogeneous electricity constellations provide some access to critical services yet have been unable to advance equal access to electricity. Connectivity is increasing at city level, but affordability and reliability are compromised in some neighbourhoods, and negative health, safety, and environmental impacts are observed in others. To accelerate equal electricity access throughout the city more attention must be paid to reducing trade-offs between different access dimensions that affect specific user groups in different settlements.

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Publication date: December 2023

Author: GOGLA

Description: GOGLA and AMER have published a new briefing note profiling how off-grid solar is helping to combat climate hazards and enhance resilience in Mozambique.

The country is one of the most climate vulnerable on the planet, with the twin issues of energy poverty and climate disaster devastatingly present. 22 million people lack access to energy and with it some of the most basic tools they need to help combat the devastating cyclones, droughts and flooding they must endure.

The briefing note highlights the potential for off-grid solar to help bolster food security, electrify health infrastructure and power disaster warning and response. It also explores the policies and programmes that have contributed to the development of a strong off-grid industry in Mozambique and shares case studies to illustrate the potential for even greater impact via off-grid solutions.

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Publication date: 21 March 2023

Author: MDPI / Energies

Description: Given the constraints associated with grid expansion costs, limited access to reliable electricity, and priorities in addressing the climate agenda and Sustainable Development Goals in low-income countries, microgrids and off-grid solar projects represent a viable solution for rural electrification. This type of solution has the advantage of being less expensive than conventional technologies, is rapidly scalable, affordable, environmentally sustainable, and can play a critical role in empowering rural communities.

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Publication date: February 2023

Author: Elsevier

Description: Access to electricity in a sustainable, affordable, and reliable manner is still a challenge, especially for rural communities in developing regions. In this study, we applied the HOMER Pro software for scaling up electricity and finding the optimum system that can satisfy the future electricity demand cost-effectively. Additionally, we analyzed the aspects that could influence the sustainability of the project, based on selected indicators, to address the best strategies for future improvements in the system performance. The main source of information for this research was the data collection in the study area through interviews with 35 individuals, including the owners of households, revenue collectors, and local governance selected based on their level of involvement and also their knowledge about the project.

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Publication date: January 2022

Author: Energy Nexus

Description: Mozambique is one of the largest energy producers in the Southern African Development Community. Substantial efforts have been undertaken in recent years to increase energy access for poverty reduction in the country, however, most efforts seem to be concentrated to rural areas ignoring the existence of urban energy poverty, and despite all the efforts made, almost 70% of the Mozambican population still lives without modern energy services. The study assesses the extent of energy poverty and the impact of the different dimensions of energy poverty in Mozambique using the multidimensional energy poverty index approach and Mozambican demographic and health surveys data for households.

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Publication date: March 2021

Author: Tetra Tech International Development

Description: Awareness of stand-alone solar (SAS) products has increased in Mozambique, with 68 per cent of respondents in a 2019 study reporting they had heard of solar products. A further 22 per cent of households could afford solar home systems (SHS) without any financial assistance. A survey of six active SAS companies showed total sales figures of 21,252 units in 2019, and 46,802 units in 2020, demonstrating that the sales figures have doubled. In terms of productive use of solar, Global Off-Grid Lighting Association (GOGLA) reported that 2,843 solar powered appliances were sold between July 2019 and June 2020. Currently Solarworks and Digitech are the only companies selling solar productive use systems, but other companies have shown interest.

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Publication date: 2020, June

Author: Cogent Engineering

Description: Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world. About 54% of the population are below the poverty line and about 70% of approximately 30 million people (2018) live and work in rural areas (World Bank, 2018). Subsistence agriculture occupies about 80% of the labor force (Cuvilas et al., 2010; Mozambique Forest Information and Data, 2011). Mozambique has, however, experienced a strong economic growth during the last two decades. During this period, the average annual GDP growth was 7.4% due to trade, manufacturing, extractive industries, transport, communication, and electricity production (World Bank, 2017). The rapid growth, however, has not resulted in significant poverty reduction. The general electrification rate increased from 5% in 2001 to about 26% in 2016 (Energypedia.info, 2018). However, the electrification as well as the domestic power generation is uneven both socially and spatially (Power & Kirshner, 2018). Access to electricity is mainly focused on urban areas (67%) while only 5.7% use electricity for lighting in rural areas. Forest resources, in general, satisfy more than 95% of energy requirements in rural areas.

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Publication date: 2020

Author: UNDCF

Description: Mozambique has a total installed grid electricity generation capacity of 2,827 megawatts (MW), the majority of which is generated from renewable sources- 2,184 MW is from hydroelectric sources. The remainder is mostly from gas power plants. Hydroelectric generation, in turn, is mostly from the Cahora Bassa dam, with a capacity of 2,075 MW, and situated at the Zambezi River in Tete province in the Northwest. 

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Publication date: 2017, June

Author: EDM

Description: Presentation Outline:

  1. Mozambique Macro Economic Landscape;
  2. Power Sector Strategic Investments;
  3. Generation Projects;
  4. EDM Ongoing Transformation;
  5. Key Observations.

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Publication date: 2016, November

Author: BERF / DFID

Description: This report was prepared in response to DFID Mozambique’s request for the Business Environment Reform Facility (BERF) to analyse business environment constraints faced by private sector actors wishing to enter the off-grid renewable energy market, specifically for Improved Cook Stoves (ICS), Pico Solar Systems, Solar Home Systems (SHS) and Green Mini-Grids (GMG).

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Publication date: 2016

Author: Thomson Reuters

Description: Based on the available data, 88.4 per cent of the Mozambican energy mix results from traditional non-sustainable sources such as coal and fuel-wood. The lack of access to moder, stable and sustainable energy not only prevents economic growth but also contributes to major damages to the environment, thus jeopardizing sustainable standards.

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Publication date: 2015, November

Author: WB

Description: This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/ The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of The World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries.

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Publication date: 2015, June

Author: MoE

Description: Presentation Outline:

  1. General Information of the Country;
  2. Current energy policy and measures;
  3. Past energy demand and supply (statistics);
  4. Outlook of energy demand and supply;
  5. Major difficulties and bottlenecks currently faced in formulating energy policies;
  6. Subjects I would like to study in the order of priority and the reason.

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Publication date: 2015, May

Author: MPRA

Description: This paper presents the first comprehensive Energy Outlook for Mozambique, a country that since long is one of the poorest nations of the world but since recently also developing into a leading energy producer. We present projections until 2030, based on a newly developed integrated long-run scenario model, new national and regional energy statistics, demographic and urbanization trends as well as cross-country based GDP elasticities for biomass consumption, sector structure and vehicle ownership.

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Publication date: 2014, March

Author: Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment

Description: Mozambique’s strategic geographic position to serve the hinterland countries, including Malawi, Zambia, the Southern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zimbabwe, the Eastern region of Botswana and the North-Eastern region of South Africa, resulted in the development of a West-East (from hinterland to the sea) infrastructure grid during the colonial era, which is still largely in place today.

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