

We post here the relevant reports for the power sector in Kenya. Feel free to join our efforts and share us any other you may have found. We'd be glad to add them to the list. Just sent an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Publication date: 15 April 2021

Author: Tetra Tech

Description: Stand-alone solar products (SAS) play a critical role in delivering electricity access for all, especially for hard-to-reach, low-income Kenyan households. In rural Kenya, only 26% of households have access to the main grid, while 30% rely on SAS technologies as their primary source of lighting. There is still a significant gap to reach the universal access targets in rural areas, where over 40% of the population relies on paraffin, gas lamps, torches, batteries, wood and candles.

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Publication date: March 2021

Author: Climate Policy Initiative

Description: Kenya is a party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), its Kyoto Protocol, and the Paris Agreement. Over the past five years, considerable efforts have been made to mainstream climate change considerations into the country’s plans, policies, strategies, projects and programmes.

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Publication date: March 2021

Author: Tetra Tech International Development

Description: The country will need at least 2.2 million solar home systems (SHS) to achieve universal access by 2022. With the government-led Kenya Off-Grid Solar Access Project (KOSAP) programme expected to provide at least 250,000 SHS by 2023, there is a big potential for the private sector and other players to participate. The pay-as-yougo (PAYG) model also provides another option to help attain the target in a country where mobile penetration is over 90 per cent and at least 95 per cent of households have access to one of the available mobile payment platforms.

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Publication date: 23 November 2020

Author: African Development Bank

Description: Energy is a critical enabler in reaching development goals. However, the benefits of increased access to modern and cleaner energy services often fail to accrue evenly to  men  and  women.  The  African  Development  Bank  and  ENERGIA  recognise  the  need to prioritise policy action in the field of gender and energy to meet the inter-national Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This country brief on gender and energy in Kenya is one in a series to support equality of access and use of energy by women and men through evidence-based initiatives.

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Publication date: 20 October 2020

Author: MDPI

Description: Currently, Kenya depends mainly on oil, geothermal energy and hydro resources for electricity production, however all three have associated issues. Oil-based electricity generation is environmentally harmful, expensive and a burden to the national trade balance. The rivers for hydropower and their tributaries are found in arid and semi-arid areas with erratic rainfall leading to problems of supply security, and geothermal exploitation has cost and risk issues amongst others. Given these problems and the fact that Kenya has a significant yet underexploited potential for photo voltaic (PV)-based power generation, the limited—although growing—exploitation of solar PV in Kenya is explored in this paper as a means of diversifying and stabilising electricity supply.

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Publication date: June 2020

Author: World Resources Institute

Description: Impact investment aiming at generating both financial and socioeconomic returns is critical to achieve universal energy access. Off-grid energy access companies have absorbed about US$1.7 billion worldwide in disclosed investments in the period 2010 to 2018. The pace of investment has accelerated in the last few years. At the same time, impact investors have been criticized for investing only in foreign-owned companies and not local entrepreneurs, particularly in Africa.

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Publication date: 8 May 2020

Author: Policy Center for the New South

Description: Digital technological innovation, combined with new financing approaches, can make a significant contribution in the field of access to energy. This is the case in Kenya, where payas- you-go solutions, combined with solar home systems and an extensive mobile network, have enabled thousands of Kenyans to access clean and affordable off-grid electricity. This policy paper identifies the drivers of the development of pay-as-you-go solutions in off-grid systems in Kenya, assesses their successes and shortcomings based on two case studies, and develops a set of recommendations to better capitalize on the various opportunities and avoid the potential risks related to the emergence of off-grid pay-as-you-go solutions in developing countries.

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Publication date: 2020

Author: Village Data Analytics

Description: The e-GUIDE “Electricity demand estimation and viability analysis for off-grid villages in Kenya” set out to test innovative data analytical tools to estimate and validate predictions of energy demand in off-grid areas. Data is essential for reliably predicting energy demand, choosing the most cost-efficient electrification solution and to right-size the chosen electricity access solution to ensure the best possible electrification economics. This will help achieve universal access to modern energy both more quickly and in the most cost-efficient manner, enabling scarce infrastructure investment resources to go further.

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Publication date: December 2019

Author: Ambition to Action

Description: The objective of this report is to synthesize the analysis and results from analytical and capacity support activities undertaken as part of the “Ambition to Action” (A2A) project in Kenya between March 2017 and December 2019. The insights aim to inform policy planning in the Kenyan electricity sector and to feed into the discussions around more ambitious climate targets for successive NDCs, aligned with the country’s sustainable development agenda, and the long-term strategy.

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Publication date: 2017

Author: Power Africa

Description: Kenya’s economy has been growing at approximately 5.1% per year over the last 10 years; however, economic growth is constrained by an insufficient supply of electricity. As of the end of March 2015, Kenya has an installed generation capacity of only 2,295 MW or 0.049 kW per capita. Although this has grown from an installed capacity base of 1,885 MW as of the end of June 2014, it is still very low.

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Publication date: 2016, May

Author: Power Africa

Description: The Kenyan power sector is a true success story in sub-Saharan Africa, with strong leadership at the highest levels of Government, long-standing participation of the private sector in generation, impressive growth in access, and a strong enabling environment for innovation in off-grid solutions.

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Publication date: 2016, January

Author: MoEaP / SE4ALL

Description: The goal of the initiative is to: mobilize all stakeholders to take concrete action toward ensuring universal access to modern energy services; double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency and; double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix, within the UN timeframe of 2030.

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Publication date: 2015, November

Author: WB

Description: The analysis and recommendations in this Open Energy Data Readiness Assessment are based on the information and opinions collected from the interviews undertaken and materials provided by the government and other stakeholders during this study.

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Publication date: 2015, July

Author: Power Africa

Description: The Government of Kenya has set forth its “Vision 2030,” a program to transform Kenya into a “newly industrializing, middle-income” country. Yet, Kenya has 2,150 MW of generation capacity to serve its population of more than 43 million, which constrains economic growth. Kenya is believed to possess more than 7,000 MW of undeveloped geothermal energy resources in the Rift Valley. Wind and biomass energy are also significant potential sources for power generation. Power Africa is helping Kenya reduce reliance on expensive diesel-fueled generation and other high-cost fossil resources.

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Publication date: 2015, June

Author: MoEaP

Description: This policy document is organised into nine substantive chapters, starting with the Introduction in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 deals with Petroleum and Coal while Chapter 3 deals with Renewable Energy, including electricity generation from geothermal and hydro resources. Chapter 4 covers Electricity while Chapter 5 is on Energy Efficiency and Conservation. Chapter 6 covers Land, Environment, Health and Safety. Chapters 7, 8 and 9 deal with Devolution and Provision of Energy Services; Energy Financing, Pricing and Socio-Economic Issues; and Cross Cutting Issues, respectively.

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Publication date: 2015

Author: IEA

Description: Kenya is in a very interesting development phase with regards to its domestic energy requirements. In the past decade the country has grappled with the challenge of unreliable, expensive and unsustainable energy use supporting a stagnating industrial and manufacturing base. This is due to aging energy infrastructure that can no longer meet the modern day requirements as envisaged in the country’s economic blueprint, the Kenya Vision 2030. At the same time the country has recently made some welcome discoveries in the form of coal, oil and gas deposits that could significantly change the structure of the economy, with major contributions to public revenue as well as impact on other economic sectors.

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Publication date: 2013, July

Author: MoEaP

Description: Energy Sector Investment Policy:

  • Private sector involved in commercial power generation since power sector was liberalized in 1997;
  • Role of the private sector expected to grow over time in power generation;
  • Many opportunities exist especially in the electricity generation from renewable sources.

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