Publishing date: 10 March 2021
Location: Africa
Description: The Shell Foundation and Odyssey’s Powering Health Platform have developed a pilot program to test health facility electrification models in Sub Saharan Africa, in cooperation with UK Aid. The overall aim is to gather data and learn about key success factors for business models that best leverage the private sector and for successful engagement between developers, communities and local and national governments around powering health facilities. These learnings will be shared with other donors in the sector who are interested in Powering Health programs at scale.
Beyond the construction of sites, the success of this program will be anchored in bringing together the energy and health sectors for stronger, more effective electrification programs going forward. Therefore, the program will hire a health specialist who will learn from the developers and their local government/health contacts in a range of market contexts and provide input as to how a larger, longer-term program can be best designed to bring together the health and energy sectors.