

RES4Africa Foundation and Engreen partners for RES promotion in Africa

5 July 2021: RES4African Foundation and EnGreen signed an agreement to jointly boost the promotion of renewable energy solutions in Africa. The Rome-based Foundation and the service provider signed a letter of intent identifying training and capacity building, advocacy and knowledge sharing as main fields of cooperation. 

Since 2012, the no-profit Foundation RES4Africa gathers members across the green energy value chain with the mission to create enabling environments for renewable energy investments in African countries. On the other hand, EnGreen is a network of qualified professionals providing advisory, design and execution services on off-grid renewable energy systems in developing countries, including several African states. The clear synergies among their goals and missions bring the two organisations to confirm their intentions as partners. In particular, they agreed on sharing knowledge and expertise relating to renewable energy technological advancements, policies, innovative business models and best practices; carrying out studies of market, commercial, technical and economic nature related to RE technologies green hydrogen, energy transition, grid access and renewable energy integration; organising outreach and advocacy initiatives, such as events, conferences and webinars; collaborating in the organization and promotion of training and capacity building initiatives for local workforce development, such as the RES4Africa’s Micro-Grid Academy programme.

“Supporting Africa in achieving universal access to energy by 2030 means empowering local workforce and building new generations of skilled professionals, committed in creating a sustainable future.” commented Roberto Vigotti, RES4Africa’s Secretary General “At RES4Africa, we are proud to stand with Africa in this path, and doing so in collaboration with other innovative entities such as Engreen brings us closer to this goal”.

“We believe in a multi-sector action to deploy viable solutions for sustainable development” commented Carlo Tacconelli, EnGreen CEO, “and, according to this approach, long-lasting collaborations working at different level of the RE value chain are crucial to achieve tangible results on energy access.”




Renewables Now


Africa Energy Forum
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Future Energy Nigeria
Africa Energy Indaba 2020
