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20 March 2024: Climate and impact fund manager Camco has unveiled a new technical assistance facility (TAF) to accelerate the growth of Sub-Saharan African markets for renewable energy and energy access.

Camco is developing the USD 250m REPP 2 fund to invest in the African grid of the future and the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) building it. The private debt fund is structured as a blended finance vehicle to leverage public, private and commercial funding to invest in small-scale and decentralised renewable energy projects in Sub-Saharan Africa, with a particular focus on supporting Least Developed Countries.

The new accelerator will play a critical role in achieving REPP 2’s goal of delivering significant climate, economic and gender impacts while ensuring sustainable returns for investors by addressing both the financial and non-financial barriers that are currently impairing project development and slowing down investments.

REPP 2’s dedicated TAF is part of a new market development focus by Camco that complements its investment activities to deliver broader transformational impacts.

The REPP 2 TAF is launched with support from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) – a cornerstone funder, who has committed USD 5m to the facility’s USD 10m target.

The REPP 2 TAF has three pillars:

Pillar 1: SME growth and project development support: Early-stage project preparation funding to de-risk project development and capacity building activities to make the sector more inclusive and accelerate growth. This is expected to lead to more skilled and experienced local SMEs and project developers.

Pillar 2: Gender equity: Targeted support to earlier-stage female entrepreneurs who are not yet ready for REPP 2 financing and SMEs that offer products or services specifically designed to address the needs of female customers. This supports REPP 2’s comprehensive strategy for achieving 2X alignment.

Pillar 3: Enabling environment and knowledge mobilisation: Targeted advocacy initiatives, strengthened public-private dialogue and knowledge sharing to improve the enabling environment for renewable energy development and investment.

Ieva Indriunaite, Policy and Partnerships Manager, leading the market development work at Camco, said: “The support the REPP 2 TAF will provide is critical to the scaling up of companies in this sector and thereby developing a vibrant renewable energy market in Sub-Saharan Africa.

“Norad understands everything we want to achieve through REPP 2 and the critical role of the TAF in supporting SMEs and the just development of the decentralised renewable energy sector in Africa. We are extremely thankful for its catalytic funding.”

Halvor Heggenes, Senior Advisor at Norad, said: “REPP 2 is an important part of Norad’s efforts to attract more commercial investments to renewable energy development in Africa. One of the big gaps that we work to close is the number of companies and projects that are considered investable by private financiers, and this is precisely what the technical assistance facility will address. We are excited to work with Camco to ultimately increase energy generation and access on the ground in Africa.”

Over its lifetime, REPP 2 aims to develop 330MW of new capacity, resulting in over 12.7 million tCO2e emission reductions. This will provide clean energy access to more than 7.7 million people and enhance the resilience of about one million beneficiaries.




About REPP 2: REPP 2 is a private debt fund designed and managed by Camco that focuses on the energy transition in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is structured as a blended finance facility to ensure an appropriate risk-adjusted return to investors and aims to deliver significant climate, environmental, economic and gender impacts through the financing of small and medium-scale renewable energy assets.

REPP 2 builds on the legacy of the USD 120m Renewable Energy Performance Platform (REPP), which is managed by Camco and fully funded by the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). In October 2023, the Board of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) approved the allocation of USD 50m in junior equity to REPP 2. This followed the signing of an indicative term sheet by REPP for an additional junior equity investment of up to USD 50m from REPP into REPP 2. For more information, visit: www.camco.fm/repp-2.

About Camco: Camco is a specialist climate and impact fund manager, leading the transition in emerging markets. We offer clean, secure investments, pairing the conscience of a development bank with the agility of a private company. Camco is an Accredited Entity of the Green Climate Fund and is authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority. The company has offices in Auckland, Helsinki, Johannesburg, London, Nairobi, Sydney and Toronto. For more information, visit: www.camco.fm.

About Norad: Norad – the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation – is a professional development agency under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). Together with our partners and on behalf of Norway, Norad strives for a greener future in a world without poverty. Human rights must be respected, and no one left behind. By way of knowledge and cooperation, we ensure that the funds of Norwegian development aid contribute to sustainable global development. For more information, visit: www.norad.no/en/front.

13 March 2024: A positive step for global efforts to replace fossil fuel-powered generators with renewable energy-based alternatives was made today at the Transforming Energy Access Forum 2024 in Kigali, with funding announced for projects to bring better access to renewable energy products in Africa, South Asia, and the Pacific Islands, as part of the Zero Emission Generators (ZE-Gen) initiative.

ZE-Gen is pleased to announce its collaboration with the Green Genset Facility (GGF), a spin-off from the Access to Energy Institute. ZE-Gen’s investment of £250,000 into the GGF aligns with its commitment to supporting sustainable energy initiatives that will replace fossil-fuelled generators. This contribution underscores ZE-Gen’s ongoing efforts to promote innovation in renewable energy alongside existing funders BGFA, DOEN Foundation, Good Energies Foundation, IKEA Foundation, NEFCO and Sida.

The GGF aims to make it simple and transparent for distributors to buy solar-powered generators, accelerating a move away from fossil fuel alternatives. The facility, supported by Open Capital Advisors, will address the lack of accessible and affordable working capital — seen as the biggest obstacle that distributors face in procuring solar generators from suppliers.

Through digital tracking of repayment and usage patterns, the facility will make it easier to buy stock to serve customers and grow distributors’ businesses, with the aim of improving livelihoods and reducing emissions and pollution in Africa. In a market due to exceed $20 billion in Nigeria alone, the facility will focus on unlocking the market for solar powered generators with the aim of raising $100 million in funding.

In addition, two innovative projects were announced as the winners of the ZE-Gen Demonstrator — a £2 million funding competition to evidence the capability, applicability, and scalability of integrated renewable alternatives to fossil-fuelled generators.

An expandable, solar generator for Nigerian businesses from off-grid renewable developer BioLite was chosen as one of the projects to receive the ZE-Gen Demonstrator funding. Building on BioLite’s deep technical expertise in solar generators the company will develop EverPower, an expandable, zero-emissions solar generator, to replace fossil fuel generators to meet the energy needs of weak grid or off-grid Nigerian SMEs.

A project in Côte d’Ivoire and Fiji for wind-generator technologies to charge approximately 400 e-mobility batteries a day for electric motorbikes, scooters, small boat outboards and drones was the other winner announced today. Led by British e-mobility charge-point developer Aegis Energy, the Zephattan project will showcase the readiness for wind powered generators to meet remote and off-grid African and Pacific Island Country electricity needs. With the potential to save around 500-tonnes of CO2-equivalent emissions in six-months of field testing, the project is a collaboration with Abidjan-based local gender and social inclusion programming specialist and community-wind entrepreneur KOC Bridges to Peace, and Suva-based renewables development finance specialist Leaf Capital.

Dr James Coombs Obrien, Innovation Lead – Energy at Innovate UK said:

“We are delighted to announce these interventions at the Transforming Energy Access Forum, as part of ZE-Gen’s holistic approach to displacing fossil-fuelled generators.

“The Green Genset Facility and the winners of the ZE-Gen Demonstrator will drive forward the renewable energy-based generator landscape in Africa, South-Asia and the Pacific Islands, tackling the barriers to meet the growing market — and need — for renewable-based solutions. This supports ZE-Gen’s mission to enable the replacement of millions of polluting and expensive fossil-fuelled generators by accelerating the transition to renewable energy-based alternatives.”




About ZE-Gen: ZE-Gen is a collaborative initiative by the Carbon Trust and Innovate UK, with support from the IKEA Foundation and UK aid through the UK Government’s Ayrton Fund, via the Transforming Energy Access (TEA) platform.

Launched at COP27 with an initial commitment of over £15 million and an ambition to scale to £100 million, ZE-Gen is designed to tackle barriers, accelerate innovation and fund activities to build a thriving, competitive market for renewable alternatives to fossil-fuelled generators.

Additional funding for the ZE-Gen Demonstrator Competition is being provided by the UK Department for Science Innovation and Technology (DSIT) and the Foreign Commonwealth and Development office (FCDO).

The Green Genset Facility is made possible with funding from FCDO, DOEN, Good Energies, and IKEA Foundation, and is delivered by the Access to Energy Institute with support from Open Capital. For more information, visit: www.ze-gen.org.

About Carbon Trust: The Carbon Trust is a global climate consultancy driven by the mission to accelerate the move to a decarbonised future. We have been climate pioneers for over 20 years, partnering with businesses, governments and financial institutions to drive positive climate action. From strategic planning and target setting to activation and communication – we turn ambition into impact. To date, our 400 experts have helped set 200+ science-based targets and guided 3,000+ organisations and cities across five continents on their route to Net Zero.

About Innovate UK: Innovate UK is part of UK Research and Innovation, a non-departmental public body funded by a grant-in-aid from the UK government. For more information, visit the UK Research and Innovation website. We drive productivity and economic growth by supporting businesses to develop and realise the potential of new ideas, including those from the UK’s world-class research base. For more information, visit: www.gov.uk.

About Ayrton Fund: The UK Government announced the Ayrton Fund commitment of up to £1bn for clean energy innovation at the UN Climate Action Summit in 2019. It is part of the wider £11.6bn of UK International Climate Finance committed between 2021 and 2026. The vision of the Ayrton Fund is to help drive forward the clean energy transition in developing countries, by creating and demonstrating new technologies and business models to deploy them. It will demonstrate UK leadership and expertise in cutting global emissions through world-leading innovations. The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) and the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) jointly manage the Ayrton Fund.

6 March 2024: Improving battery recycling in Nigeria, raising labour and environmental standards, and establishing sustainable trade flows for raw materials – these are the declared aims of the new project Partnership for Responsible Battery and Metal Recycling. In this new project, partners from Nigerian civil society, the metal processing industry and the solar industry are working together with the Oeko-Institut to develop a cooperative approach to the responsible recycling of lead-acid batteries. To this end, the project is liaising closely with the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Environment and the environmental enforcement agency, Nigeria Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA).

“As the largest economy and most populous country in Africa, Nigeria is also central to battery recycling. Nowhere else on the African continent is the volume of used batteries as high,” emphasizes Frederick Adjei, researcher on Circular Economy and Recycling at the Oeko-Institut. “At the same time, the expansion of decentralised solar power solutions is leading to an increase in demand for batteries, all of which will have to be recycled properly at some point”.

In view of the serious health and environmental risks posed by unsound recycling practices, the project supports industrial companies and regulatory authorities in Nigeria in introducing environmental, health and safety standards. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

Modernising Nigeria’s recycling industry

Nigeria is home to one of the largest lead-acid battery recycling industries in Sub-Saharan Africa. At least ten facilities recycle batteries on an industrial scale, recovering raw materials such as lead, tin and antimony. These are mostly redeployed in battery production – either in Nigeria or abroad.

The aim of the joint project is to share experiences for the modernisation of the recycling sector in Nigeria. The partners are using a three-pronged approach: the Oeko-Institut and the industrial partners are providing knowledge on environmental protection and occupational safety for recycling plants and training plant managers to improve environmental performance and plant safety. In addition, the partners are developing concepts for how Nigerian regulatory authorities might introduce and monitor binding standards for environmental protection and occupational health and safety and implement them together with local companies. Last but not least, cooperation with other sectors is to be initiated, for example with the Nigerian solar industry, which requires environmentally sound solutions for used batteries. The German and international metals industry is as well highly interested in responsible supply chains for secondary raw materials.

“We have been monitoring the recycling of used batteries with great concern for many years and have already worked with the Nigerian government on a battery policy. We see this project as an important continuation and practical implementation of that work,” says Dr Leslie Adogame of the Nigerian organisation Sustainable Research and Action for Environmental Development (SRADev).

David Lecoque, CEO of the Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) adds a practical perspective: “Our member companies are actively involved in the expansion of decentralised renewable energy in Africa. They are aware of the challenges associated with battery disposal and are keen to scale up high quality local recycling solutions”.

Franziska Weber from Plattform Blei, an initiative of the WirtschaftsVereinigung Metalle, emphasises the benefits for the industry: “Our member companies and partners are dependent on the import of raw materials and recycling streams are playing an increasingly important role in this context. But of course, we have to pay particular attention to environmental and labour standards with all our suppliers. Without the implementation of appropriate standards, the German economy cannot enter into supply relationships with players in Nigeria.”

Lead-acid battery recycling – risks and opportunities for the circular economy

Lead-acid batteries are used in cars, off-grid solar applications and backup power systems. Environmentally sound and safe recycling is possible and can effectively recover up to 97 percent of all contained raw materials. However, in many regions of the world, recycling takes place in substandard, highly dangerous and unsafe conditions, exposing workers and neighbouring communities to toxic lead dust.

This lead exposure can have serious health effects, including irreversible nerve and brain damage particularly in children. According to UNICEF, up to 800 million children, especially in low- and middle-income countries, have elevated blood lead levels. In addition to the dramatic impact on the lives of those affected, there is also long-term economic damage, which is estimated at four percent of the gross domestic product in Sub-Saharan Africa.

4 March 2024: The Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank Group (TDB Group), through the Trade and Development Fund (TDF), has extended a 3-year USD 2 million term loan to MPower Ventures Zambia Limited to improve access to modern and affordable energy solutions for household and productive use through the importation and retail of solar products to off grid communities in Zambia.

Through this transaction, MPower Zambia is set to increase its deployment range of plug and play household solar devices and market driven productive use assets such as freezers, sewing machines and water pumps to lower- and middle-income households, SMEs, and farmers in peri-urban and rural areas.

Gloria Mamba, Trade and Development Fund Executive Director and TDB Southern Africa Coverage Executive said, “We are pleased to extend this facility to MPower as it allows us to provide concessional financial solutions to SMEs which have traditionally struggled to attract adequate financing from the formal banking sector, yet spur change and transformation within our communities, bringing about green growth opportunities and sustainable development, which is what we desire to see across the region.”

Additionally, MPower Zambia will construct 50 new rural energy hubs. Using the energy hub model the company sets up hubs that allow communities to access energy for domestic and public purposes such as lighting health centres through last mile extension of power from the hubs to the nearest health facilities. The energy hubs are expected to create 30 direct and over 500 indirect jobs, thereby enhancing productivity and economic activity, and improving the livelihoods of communities that currently lack access to the electricity grid.

Prof. Oliver Saasa, Chairperson and Non-Executive Director of the Trade and Development Fund Board of Directors said that “The Rural Electrification Master Plan for Zambia aims to achieve a rural electrification rate of 51% by 2030. The Government is implementing a strategy to encourage private sector investment to bring in additional energy solutions such as solar to bridge the energy gap.”

Manuel Seiffe, CEO and Co-Founder of MPower, commented:

“We are immensely grateful for the support extended by the TDB Group through the Trade and Development Fund. This 3-year USD 2 million term loan marks significant progress for MPower as we strive to enhance access to clean, reliable and affordable energy solutions in Zambia. With this funding, we are better positioned to expand our reach and deploy household solar devices and market-driven productive assets to empower lower- and middle-income households, SMEs, and farmers in peri-urban and rural areas. Large parts of Zambia and Africa still suffer from non-existent or unreliable power supply. MPower allows for leapfrogging straight to solar energy and we are grateful for TDF’s support in achieving our mission.”

Michael Eschmann, COO and Co-Founder, and Greg Nau, CFO and Co-Founder, stressed “that the construction of 50 new rural energy hubs underscores our commitment to sustainable development, creating jobs, and improving livelihoods within communities that lack access to the electricity grid. Together with partners like the TDB Group, we are driving change and promoting green growth opportunities across the region.”

The facility was signed during a breakfast meeting at the Intercontinental, Lusaka in the presence of Noel Nkoma, Council of Ministers, Ministry of Finance and National Planning, Winza Muzyamba Mwauluka, Director – Project Implementation and Monitoring, State House, Subeta Mutelo, Permanent Secretary of Energy and SMEs, Johannes Hertlein, Country Director MPower Zambia and various CEOs, who deliberated during a panel session on opportunities for financing renewable energy in Zambia.

TDB Group is committed to supporting its member states achieve their national priorities by providing innovative financing solutions in critical sectors that promote sustainable development.




About TDB Group: Established in 1985, the Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank (TDB) is an investment-grade African regional development finance group, with the mandate to finance and foster trade, regional economic integration and sustainable development. With an asset base of USD 10 bn, TDB Group has 25 African member states, which alongside non-regional member countries and institutional investors from Africa, Europe and Asia, form TDB’s community of shareholders.

The Trade and Development Fund is TDB Group’s concessional and grant window. Working with diverse partners, it provides innovative alternative financing solutions to clients in TDB Group member states including term loans, lines of credit, guarantees and grants. Its facilities are often blended with non-repayable technical assistance grants to address specific institutional and enterprise challenges.

TDF’s technical assistance initiatives comprise among others business linkages, project advisory and project development support across key sectors for public and private sector clients, including MSMEs. In addition to financing and technical assistance, TDF also offers program management services.

TDB Group counts several subsidiaries and strategic business units including the Trade and Development Bank (TDB), TDB Group Asset Management (TAM), the Trade and Development Fund (TDF), TDB Captive Insurance Company (TCI), the ESATAL fund management company and TDB Academy. For more information, visit: www.tdbgroup.org.

About MPower Ventures Zambia Limited: MPower Ventures, a venture backed climate fintech and impact venture, is revolutionizing access to affordable solar solutions across Sub-Saharan Africa. With a steadfast commitment to clean energy and financial inclusion, MPower leverages an innovative B2B2C model to partner with local distributors to deliver high quality on-grid and off grid solar solutions. MPower caters to households, SMEs, small Commercial & Industrial (C&I) clients and the agricultural sector and has distributed over 40’000 units across 7 African countries to date.

MPower’s fusion of finance and technology enables the distribution of top-tier clean energy products. By partnering with financial institutions and corporate entities, the company ensures access to financing for end customers, reducing market and credit risks. For more information, visit: www.mpower.africa.

27 February 2024: The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and the World Bank are set to implement a $50 million regional platform to support COMESA Member States and other participating countries to promote sustainable energy access investments.

This is part of a new World Bank $5 billion program designed to accelerate sustainable and clean energy access and provide life-transforming opportunities for 100 million people across countries in Eastern and Southern Africa over the next seven years.

The Accelerating Sustainable and Clean Energy Access Transformation (ASCENT) program will be a game-changer in a region where only 48% of the overall population, and just 26% in rural areas, has access to electricity.

The new regional platform, under the supervision and implementation of COMESA, will support participating countries through various initiatives designed to fill the technical gaps identified in the energy sector, particularly with regards to project preparation, investment readiness, technical knowhow and energy access.

The platform will engage specialized firms and individuals to provide demand-led technical support in an agile manner to public and private sector entities from participating countries. The regional platform will also have a Digital Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (DMRV) platform which will act as central repository for information on new energy connections resulting from the ASCENT Program in the participating countries. The consolidation of data on the DMRV platform is expected to pave the way for the countries and their energy service providers to gain access to carbon finance through the amalgamation of the carbon credits resulting from clean energy connections.

“This is an African-owned and led platform to enhance project implementation and accelerate access to clean energy through the facilitation of knowledge exchange, project preparation, provision of advisory services and support for policy development in a timely manner,” said Chileshe Kapwepwe, Secretary General of COMESA. “This is essential for the region as availability of clean, reliable and affordable energy is needed to drive the social and economic development of the region, which is crucial for the trade development agenda of COMESA”. She urged member states to engage the secretariat on how they can be part of the initiative.

The objectives of the new platform and the wider ASCENT program are to provide reliable energy to increase productivity and job opportunities, expand access to information and technologies, improve health and reduce time spent on cooking chores, and boost resilience and services provided by electrified schools and health clinics. Women, who are often disproportionately burdened by the lack of energy access, will benefit the most.

“The World Bank is very pleased to partner with COMESA on the energy access agenda as a regional approach is required to meaningfully scale up energy access in a way that can transform economies in Eastern and Southern Africa. We look forward to supporting countries across the region with cutting edge knowledge, research, data, and technology to unleash a rapid expansion of energy access,” said Boutheina Guermazi, World Bank Director for Regional Integration in Africa and the Middle East.

Lack of energy access hinders the region’s economic recovery, resilience, and faster progress toward poverty reduction. It is also results in significant food spoilage owing to lack of refrigeration, particularly in countries already plagued with food insecurity, and plays a role in poor health outcomes given that less than half of all hospitals in the region have reliable electricity access.




About COMESA: COMESA is a regional economic community established in 1994. It brings together 21 African Member States with a population of over 600 million people into a cooperative framework for sustainable economic growth and prosperity through regional integration. For more information, visit: www.comesa.int.

About the World Bank Group: The World Bank Group has a bold vision: to create a world free of poverty on a livable planet. In more than 100 countries, the World Bank Group provides financing, advice, and innovative solutions that improve lives by creating jobs, strengthening economic growth, and confronting the most urgent global development challenges. The World Bank Group is one of the largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries. It consists of the World Bank, including the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA); the International Finance Corporation (IFC); the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). For more information, visit: www.worldbank.org.

21 February 2024: d.light, the global provider of transformational household products and affordable finance for low-income households, and Chapel Hill Denham, the largest alternatives asset manager in Nigeria, today announced the closing of a landmark USD$7.4 million (N10 billion) securitized financing facility.

The new financing will be provided by Chapel Hill Denham’s Nigeria Infrastructure Debt Fund and will be used to scale up d.light’s low-cost Pay-Go offering of affordable, solar-powered products targeted at low-income households.

The structure of the financing was set up and is sponsored by African Frontier Capital, who also acts as the master servicer and backup servicer in the transaction.

Commenting on the news, d.light CEO Nick Imudia said, “This landmark financing opens up access to our range of solar-powered household goods to more low-income families and households in Nigeria, in a way that is affordable for them and sustainable for our business.

“d.light has a track record of success in using securitized finance in other Sub-Saharan African countries as a flexible, scalable financing model for raising equity for off-grid solar that is guaranteed against current and future customer sales. We are now applying this experience in Nigeria as we scale up our operations there. In Chapel Hill Denham, we have a partner that is not only commercially astute but also equally dedicated to sustainable development.”

Bolaji Balogun, Chief Executive Officer of Chapel Hill Denham, also commented on the transaction, “This transaction signifies a pivotal stride in sustainable infrastructure investment in Nigeria, setting a transformative precedent for the renewable energy sector. By pioneering local currency securitization for the financing of solar home systems and essential solar-powered household utilities in Nigeria, Chapel Hill Denham is catalysing innovation in the renewable energy sector, advancing sustainable development, empowering communities, and reshaping Nigeria’s infrastructure landscape for a brighter, more sustainable future for all.”

“This is another significant milestone for Chapel Hill Denham and NIDF, with the first-ever at scale, local currency securitisation financing for Solar Home Systems and other solar-powered household goods in Nigeria,” added Anshul Rai, Partner: Infrastructure & Climate at Chapel Hill Denham. ”We continue to broaden the range of financing solutions available to infrastructure providers in Nigeria, with particular emphasis on solving the greatest sustainable development challenges facing Nigeria.”

Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country and its largest economy. Last year’s Energy Progress Report, compiled by the International Renewable Energy Agency, the International Energy Agency, the UN and the World Bank, identified Nigeria as the country with the largest number of people (c. 86 million) without access to electricity. Even those connected to the grid rarely receive a reliable supply.

In addition, nearly 80 percent of Nigeria’s electricity is currently provided by GHG-emitting thermal generation sources, necessitating rapid transition to clean and reliable energy sources. d.light and Chapel Hill Denham are committed to supporting this energy transition through innovative products and financing solutions.




About d.light: Founded in 2007 in Stanford, California, d.light is a global leader in making transformative products available and affordable to low-income families. d.light has sold nearly 30 million products, including solar lanterns, solar home systems, TVs, radios, and smartphones, impacting the lives of over 150 million people. Our vision is to transform the lives of one billion people, in developing countries, with sustainable products by 2030. For more information, visit: dlight.com.

About Chapel Hill Denham: Chapel Hill Denham (CHD) is one of the most trusted names in African financial services and is the leading independent investment bank in Nigeria, a leading investment manager and the leader in alternatives asset management. The firm’s funds and strategy are primarily focused on areas accretive to Nigeria and Africa’s economic development including Infrastructure and Climate, Real Estate including Student Accommodation and Affordable Housing, Gender led SMEs, Venture, Creative, Healthcare and Education. CHD is a leader in financing of infrastructure and clean energy in Africa, with a solid track record of creating innovative, path-breaking investment and financing solutions. CHD seeks to lead Nigeria and Africa towards a more sustainable and prosperous future and through its funds and investment banking work, it aims to accelerate the continent’s energy transition journey.

About AFC: African Frontier Capital (Mauritius) LLC and its subsidiary companies are a dedicated impact investment group focused on bringing financial inclusion to people living at the bottom of the pyramid in a socially and environmentally sustainable way. For more information, visit: www.africanfrontiercapital.com.

20 February 2024: Ignite Power is set to revolutionize energy access in Kenya with the introduction of its new “Ignite Power Kenya” brand. As a leading provider of solar-based infrastructure solutions across Africa, the company’s strategic move into Kenya marks a significant moment in the country’s energy landscape. Ignite Power Kenya has ambitious plans to build on the over 2.5 million people connected across the SSA region, save over 2.5 million tonnes of GHG emissions across the country in the years to come, and disrupt Kenya’s energy access sector while creating an impact at a national scale.

Supported by leading initiatives like the Kenya Off-Grid Solar Access Project (KOSAP) and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency’s (RVO) SDG 7 Project, Ignite Power’s entry into the Kenyan market underscores a deep commitment to bridging the energy gap in rural communities across the SSA region. This commitment is further exemplified by the strategic acquisition and integration of Pawame and Mwezi Solar portfolios, consolidating Ignite Power’s position as a frontrunner in the clean energy sector.

Yariv Cohen, CEO of Ignite Power, expressed his enthusiasm for the venture. “After a year of meticulous planning and integration, we are thrilled to unveil the Ignite Power Kenya brand,” he remarked. “This marks a significant milestone in our journey, as we introduce our proven solutions to remote communities across Kenya under a unified identity.”

The timing of Ignite Power’s expansion couldn’t be more fit, given the World Bank’s recent announcement of a substantial $5 billion program to promote electrification in 20 African countries, with a specific $450 million allocation for Kenya, highlighting the global commitment to supporting rural electrification efforts. This injection of funds dovetails seamlessly with Ignite Power’s mission to democratize and scale clean energy access and the company’s vast experience in collaborating with the World Bank and other financiers on rural electrification projects, signaling a new era of collaboration and progress in Kenya’s energy sector.

However, challenges persist. Despite the declining costs of solar solutions in recent years, access to energy remains out of reach for millions living in rural communities, impeding development and progress. Ignite Power Kenya aims to address this disparity head-on by positioning itself as the most affordable provider of solar solutions in the country, making solar solutions accessible to millions for the first time. By offering competitive pricing and prioritizing inclusivity and accessibility, Ignite Power Kenya seeks to make access to electricity a reality for all.

“Access to electricity for the first time is a life-changing event,” Cohen emphasized. “Having already made a significant impact across Africa, we are eager to extend our reach and offer customers throughout Kenya the most affordable, sustainable solutions. Our goal is to pave the way for a sustainable and inclusive future for millions across the country.”

As Ignite Power embarks on this transformative journey in Kenya, the stage is set for a brighter, more sustainable future for all. With innovation, collaboration, and a steadfast commitment to progress, Ignite Power Kenya stands ready to illuminate the path towards prosperity and inclusivity for communities across Kenya, and the entire SSA region.




About Ignite Power: Ignite Power is a leading climate-tech company specializing in last-mile solar-based infrastructure solutions. With a mission to provide clean, reliable, and affordable energy access to 100 million people across Africa, Ignite Power continues to lead the way in sustainable energy innovation, creating impact at scale and fostering a cleaner, more inclusive future for Africa and the world.

19 February 2024: Capton Energy and Enerwhere have entered into a landmark agreement, catalysing the private commercial and industrial (C&I) solar power market. Commencing with an initial 25MWp including the immediate deployment of 9 MW in off-grid solar projects, in addition to a battery storage facility, the joint venture is poised to execute a much larger pipeline of captive power projects supporting C&I offtakers across the Middle East and Africa through to 2026.

This strategic partnership represents a transformative shift for the energy transition landscape, blending Capton Energy’s investment skills and creative application of project finance techniques, with Enerwhere’s deep experience in innovative renewable and hybrid energy solutions. The collaboration is poised to meet the surging demand for reliable and sustainable energy solutions within the commercial and industrial and off-grid sectors, heralding a new era for decarbonising and digitising the private power market.

Umer Ahmad, the Chief Executive and Chief Investment Officer of Capton Energy stated: “We are delighted to launch our partnership with Enerwhere, which marks a significant milestone for Capton Energy as we introduce a novel transaction structure designed to accelerate the deployment of clean energy infrastructure for off-grid environments. This initiative underscores our commitment to driving the energy transition forward by leveraging financial and commercial innovation to establish new industry paradigms. Through our partnership, we aim to offset carbon emissions, while localising power production and fostering job creation.”

Alice Cowman, the Chief Executive Officer of Enerwhere further stated: “This major investment from a partner like Capton is a significant validation of Enerwhere’s approach and business model. It launches us into our next stage of growth and development and, as CEO, I am thrilled to mark the start of my tenure with it. This allows us to have renewed focus on our core business of providing the most innovative solutions for our clients and partners and I look forward to re-engaging with them in 2024.”

The joint venture underscores Capton Energy and Enerwhere’s shared commitment to fostering innovation and sustainability in the energy sector. With a focus on delivering a robust pipeline of solar power and battery storage projects, this partnership is well-positioned to provide reliable, efficient, and sustainable energy solutions to the private corporate and industrial markets, paving the way for a greener future.




About Capton Energy: Capton Energy is a joint venture between Siemens Financial Services and Desert Technologies (the “Sponsors”). Capton Energy was established under a shared vision to support the energy transition by mobilising capital towards identified funding gaps in critical market segments, particularly in emerging markets. Backed by the Sponsors’ committed capital and imminently launching a fund, Capton Energy has a primary focus on energy transition infrastructure including renewable energy generation, energy storage, EV infrastructure and energy efficiency. With a core interest in selected countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East, we are seeking to deliver positive impact to local communities and industries by providing clean energy solutions that decarbonise electricity, reduce energy consumption, increase electrification, and provide energy access.

About Enerwhere: Enerwhere is a global leader in renewable energy solutions for off-grid power markets and is deeply committed to the energy transition. The company provides power to commercial & industrial customers without a stable grid connection, using its proprietary suite of solar-hybrid mini-grid. Enerwhere designs, builds, & operates, the world’s most advanced microgrids, committed to integrating renewable technologies in innovative ways.

The future of energy is distributed and digital and Enerwhere invests heavily in its own data and software application – Enlite – which uses high-resolution data analytics to assess each client’s energy requirements on a very high resolution and uses this information to tailor a complete energy solution which evolves over time depending on client need.

Enerwhere’s sustainable power solutions help clients across the construction, real estate, hospitality, mining, oil and gas & waste management industries to reduce fuel costs & carbon emissions while increasing reliability of their operations. Since its inception in 2012 Enerwhere has reduced the carbon emissions of its clients by over 40,000 tons of CO2.

14 February 2024: The World Bank has extended a facility of close to $300 million to the Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank (TDB), to support distributed renewable energy (DRE) and clean cooking private sector projects in eligible countries of the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA) that are TDB member states.

This new facility follows TDB’s successful financing of innovative off-grid solar projects in the region it serves which were financed under a groundbreaking $415 million World Bank Regional Infrastructure Financing Facility (RIFF) facility that was extended to TDB in 2020.

It is part of a first wave of phases of IDA’s $5 billion Accelerating Sustainable and Clean Energy Access Transformation (ASCENT) program, which is expected to provide access to electricity to up to 100 million people in Africa over the next seven years and contribute to achieving SDG 7. Other phases under this stage of the program also include the ASCENT COMESA Regional Acceleration Platform to be implemented by the COMESA Secretariat, and programs in four initial countries, which were selected as ASCENT champions representing different energy access stages and contexts found in the region.

The facility is financed through International Development Association (IDA) financing and a grant from the Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme (ESMAP). Under the facility extended to TDB, the ASCENT Regional Energy Access Financing Platform (REAF) will be established and implemented. The ASCENT REAF is estimated to have the potential to facilitate access to electricity for up to 5 million people, access to clean cooking for up to 1 million people and add up to 35MW in terms energy capacity to the region.

Through direct lending to private sector, co-financing or on-lending via financial intermediaries, loans under this facility will be provided to DRE and clean cooking companies, with smaller loans to SMEs to be extended through TDB Group’s Trade and Development Fund (TDF).

Furthermore, performance-based catalytic grants will be made available to support companies entering new markets in order to pilot promising innovations and help the private sector grow. This is in addition to technical assistance, capacity building and the development and piloting of financial innovations for TDB, TDF and clients, to enhance the sustainability of their interventions in the DRE and clean cooking space. This support will particularly focus on pipeline development, implementation tools and technologies, E&S aspects, climate resilience, gender, and innovative financing instruments.

Progress on many human development indicators and improvements in electrification rates in Africa have been stifled by recent global crises and macroeconomic woes. Electricity is fundamental to the region’s efforts to reduce extreme poverty and to its sustainable growth. It provides the lighting needed for children to study and become agents of change, promotes inclusion, and yields the power needed to enable the private sector – MSMEs and big corporates alike – to generate jobs and economic output, and drive innovation and industrial development. Access to clean energy, including for cooking, is paramount to reducing indoor air pollution and improving productivity and health outcomes, especially for women.

Admassu Tadesse, TDB Group President and Managing Director said: “With African energy demand projected to grow rapidly alongside growth in population and incomes, there is an acute need to boost the intermediation of financing, including of concessional finance which can be leveraged to crowd-in more private capital, and make a substantial difference towards greater access to sustainable and clean energy in Africa. Together with several other strategic engagements with World Bank Group institutions, TDB Group is delighted to further elevate its partnership with the World Bank’s IDA through ASCENT which stands to bolster the efforts the Group has been deploying towards a just energy transition, including by adding low-carbon energy capacity in its markets, thereby enhancing their energy security and sustainable growth, while reducing GHG emissions.”

Boutheina Guermazi, World Bank Director for Regional Integration in Africa and the Middle East said: “Access to sustainable, reliable, and affordable energy is at the crux of Africa’s development and poverty reduction efforts. The World Bank is pleased to build on our strong partnership with TDB Group, and we look forward to leveraging our combined efforts to unlock even more sources of financing for a host of private sector actors through the new ASCENT Regional Energy Access Financing Platform (REAF).”




About TDB: Established in 1985, the Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank (TDB) is an investment-grade African regional development finance group, with the mandate to finance and foster trade, regional economic integration and sustainable development. With an asset base of USD 10 bn, TDB Group has 25 African member states, which alongside non-regional member countries and institutional investors from Africa, Europe and Asia, form TDB’s community of shareholders.

TDB Group counts several subsidiaries and strategic business units including the Trade and Development Bank (TDB), TDB Group Asset Management, the Trade and Development Fund (TDF), TDB Captive Insurance Company (TCI), the ESATAL fund management company and TDB Academy. For more information, visit: www.tdbgroup.org.

About the World Bank Group: The World Bank Group has a bold vision: to create a world free of poverty on a livable planet. In more than 100 countries, the World Bank Group provides financing, advice, and innovative solutions that improve lives by creating jobs, strengthening economic growth, and confronting the most urgent global development challenges. The World Bank Group is one of the largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries. It consists of the World Bank, including the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA); the International Finance Corporation (IFC); the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). For more information, visit: www.worldbank.org.

13 February 2024: Regular power outages or load shedding in South Africa pose significant challenges to commerce, industry, and private households. These interruptions not only affect daily operations but also impact the economy’s productivity and the population’s satisfaction. Amidst this energy uncertainty, the solar and storage industry is experiencing an impressive upswing. More and more companies and individuals are turning to renewable energy and battery storage to protect themselves from the effects of load shedding while promoting sustainable energy solutions. The shift to these technologies represents a significant step toward a more reliable and greener energy future in South Africa. The combination of a PV system with a battery storage system or diesel generator makes it possible to be independent of the power grid in times of load shedding, while saving on energy costs.

Digital solutions can help operate these systems more efficiently and sustainably. Since various components are often combined and connected to the power grid, centralized control solutions are essential. Through dynamic tariffs combined with intelligent control, batteries can be charged cost-effectively, and diesel generators can be operated fuel-efficiently.

EcoPhi has developed an innovative solution to address the challenges of load shedding. With its intelligent energy management system, solar installations and energy storage can be used in the best possible way, providing an efficient response to power grid interruptions, and ensuring a reliable and continuous energy supply. A unique feature of EcoPhi systems is their modularity and flexible applicability. This means that the systems can already be used economically in small domestic installations – but also in large and complex installations such as mini-grids or C&I projects. EcoPhi monitoring solutions offer a diverse range of applications that can be used in various combinations and scenarios.

EcoPhi Products – Modular and versatile

Specifically for the South African energy market, EcoPhi has developed a range of important products. EcoPhi has set itself the goal of making the monitoring and control of solar systems, batteries and diesel generators manufacturer independent. This not only enables more efficient energy production but also contributes to reducing operating costs and improving supply security.

Detailed monitoring of various system components enables precise analysis and improves overall performance. The system can provide real-time data to detect issues early and optimize maintenance intervals. In times of load shedding, the intelligent control system can ensure that solar systems and batteries are used efficiently. Different electricity tariffs make it possible to charge batteries at cost-effective times to secure the energy supply and maximize self-consumption. The EcoPhi control system also enables optimized use of diesel generators. Through intelligent coordination with the photovoltaic system and battery storage, diesel consumption can be reduced, which is not only cost-efficient but also reduces the environmental impact.

The EcoPhi solution stands out in particular due to its flexibility, allowing a large number of components from different manufacturers to be combined. In addition to the “classic” solar monitoring and control options, this also opens up a wide range of other application areas such as monitoring solar cold rooms or water systems.

South Africa as a strategic hub for Africa

The flexibility of the EcoPhi solution is evident in current projects the company is undertaking in South Africa. EcoPhi monitors pure PV installations as well as battery- and generator-coupled systems and also a water system. The successful commissioning of EcoPhi’s initial projects in South Africa demonstrates the practical effectiveness of these innovative approaches. The company now plans to expand its activities further with the RES programme and extend its existing partner network to promote sustainable energy systems worldwide.

“South Africa is a very significant and strategically important market for EcoPhi. With our energy management systems, we have a perfect solution for the requirements of the South African energy market,” says Sebastian Zenz, CTO of EcoPhi. “In the medium to long term, South Africa is intended to establish itself as the center of our activities on the African continent.”

In the long term, the creation of a subsidiary in South Africa should enable the company to establish itself more firmly in the market and offer localized services. This is expected to contribute to regional presence and customer loyalty. South Africa is an ideal foundation for opening up further African markets in sub-Saharan Africa. Thanks to its experience and established local partnerships, the company can introduce its solutions in neighboring countries and address the specific needs of these regions.




About German Energy Agency (dena): The German Energy Agency (dena) is a centre of excellence for the applied energy transition and climate protection. dena studies the challenges of building a climate-neutral society and supports the German government in achieving its energy and climate policy objectives. Since its foundation in 2000, dena has worked to develop and implement solutions and bring together national and international partners from politics, industry, the scientific community and all parts of society. dena is a project enterprise and a public company owned by the German federal government. dena’s shareholder is the Federal Republic of Germany. For more information, visit: www.dena.de.

About German Energy Solutions Initiative: With the aim of positioning German technologies and know-how worldwide, the German Energy Solutions Initiative of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK) supports suppliers of climate-friendly energy solutions in opening up foreign markets. The focus lies on renewable energies, energy efficiency, smart grids and storage, as well as technologies such as power-to-gas and fuel cells. Aimed in particular at small and medium-sized enterprises, the German Energy Solutions Initiative supports participants through measures to prepare market entry as well as to prospect, develop and secure new markets. For more information, visit: www.german-energy-solutions.de.

About Renewable Energy Solutions Programme (RES Programme): With the RES programme, the German Energy Solutions Initiative of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK) helps German companies in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors enter new markets. Within the framework of the programme, reference plants are installed and marketed with the support of the German Energy Agency (dena). Information and training activities help ensure a sustainable market entry and demonstrate the quality of climate-friendly technologies made in Germany. For more information, visit: www.german-energy-solutions.de.

23 January 2024: Stichting Clean Energy and Energy Inclusion for Africa (CEI Africa) signed a results-based financing (RBF) grant for a total of up to USD 1,953,000 to green mini-grid (GMG) developer Africa GreenTec for the densification of 18 mini grids and the construction of 7 mini grids in rural Mali.

Africa GreenTec was awarded the RBF grant to support the connection of 38 rural Malian communities to mini grids, resulting in approximately 38,000 individuals gaining access to productive and renewable electricity. The company’s Malian subsidiary, AGT Électrification Rurale SARL, Bamako, will independently manage the investment.

Africa GreenTec Asset GmbH was founded in 2016 to support equitable development in Sub-Saharan Africa through sustainable energy solutions. The company’s Malian subsidiary, AGT Électrification Rurale SARL, Bamako, was founded in 2017. To date, the Malian subsidiary produces, distributes and sells renewable energy in 20 communities not connected to the central Malian power grid. In total, nearly 4,500 connected households currently receive electricity. Villagers and small businesses have already noticed the positive effects, including reduced migration to other regions of Mali and abroad.

Primarily located in Mali’s Kayes and Sikasso regions, the 38 newly electrified communities largely rely on farming and livestock rearing, with some engaging in traditional gold mining. Future programs include supporting income-generating activities with a focus on micro-businesses and women’s empowerment programs, including shea butter production.

CEI Africa has allocated EUR 21M to support project developers to finance GMGs through RBF, including the provision of technical assistance. Africa GreenTec’s project further supports CEI Africa’s goal of improving energy access for households in Mali, a country where more than 53.4 percent of the population still lacks energy access.

“Our collaboration with CEI Africa will enable AGT ER to further expand in the country and reinforce existing sites over the next two years by providing electricity to more than 8,500 households, with more than 85,000 direct beneficiaries,” said Alou KEITA, AGT ER General Manager. “This means significant increase in AGT ER’s impact in the field of rural electrification in Mali.”

“CEI Africa is pleased to support the provision of electricity access to underserved rural Malians,” said CEI Africa Board member Claudia Vroom. “GreenTec’s off-grid solutions will create economic opportunities and improve access to social services in remote areas.”

The RBF grant award is pursuant to fulfillment of certain conditions precedent agreed to between CEI Africa, and Africa GreenTec, which includes, among others, the execution of a Grant Agreement. The RBF grant funding will be disbursed upon completion of new electricity connections.




About AGT-ER: Inaugurated in 2017 as a subsidiary of Africa GreenTec Asset GmbH, Africa GreenTec Électrification Rurale (AGT-ER) SARL stands as a trailblazer in reshaping Mali’s renewable energy landscape. With a workforce of 80 dedicated individuals, AGT-ER is committed to providing sustainable and affordable electricity solutions to long-overlooked communities, with a primary focus on rural areas. Utilizing solar energy as a driving force, AGT-ER has successfully implemented mini grids in 24 villages, directly impacting 4,500 households and reaching an impressive 45,000 individuals. This remarkable outreach underscores the company’s dedication to bringing reliable electricity to areas that have historically lacked access. AGT-ER’s approach goes beyond mere electrification; it’s a catalyst for economic development and an enhancer of living standards. The company’s clean energy technologies not only minimize its carbon footprint but also contribute to environmental sustainability, aligning with its core values.

With each expansion, AGT-ER exemplifies a commitment to innovation, environmental responsibility, and a vision for an energy-empowered future. As the company continues to grow, its role in revolutionizing the energy landscape across the African continent becomes increasingly impactful, bringing light and progress to those who need it most.

About CEI Africa: CEI Africa was established by the German development finance institution KfW on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in 2021 to improve access to energy for rural and peri-urban households and enterprises in sub-Saharan Africa. CEI Africa is managed by Triple Jump B.V., Persistent, and GreenMax Capital Group. It is a one-stop shop for mini-grid developers and other off-grid energy companies, offering a variety of financing instruments. The implementation of the Foundation’s Crowdlending window, which provides debt and investment products in collaboration with European Crowdlenders, is led by Persistent. CEI Africa has allocated EUR 28M to support off-grid energy companies and mini-grid project developers through co-financing with Crowdlenders, including the provision of Technical Assistance. GreenMax manages the Results-based and impact-based financing window, offering results-based financing grants and forgivable loans. For more information, visit: https://cei-africa.com/.

22 December 2023: In a great step forward for improving financial resiliency in Nigeria, Bboxx, a data-driven super platform and champion of economic empowerment in Africa, has partnered with Turaco (registered in Nigeria as Turaco Inclusive Limited), Africa’s leading insurtech, to offer insurance products to Bboxx’s customers. This collaboration aims to provide Bboxx pay-as-you-go solar home system customers access to a safety net against financial shocks that can undermine the financial resiliency of rural borrowers.

Bboxx and Turaco have joined forces to provide Bboxx’s customers the opportunity to purchase insurance that protects them against hospitalization, permanent total disability, and death underwritten by Leadway Assurance Company Limited. The insurance not only provides a financial cushion to Bboxx customers in the face of unexpected events, it also protects them and their families from becoming indebted, with the outstanding loan being repaid when catastrophic events do occur.

The addition of insurance to Bboxx’s product offering is an important step towards achieving its goal of championing the economic empowerment of Africa, accelerating the transition to the digital economy. Only 3% of Nigerians have health insurance, with the number of rural individuals and informal workers being even less likely to be insured. As a result, over 40% of Nigerian households face catastrophic levels of out of pocket health expenses each year. Rural, low-income households in Nigeria often do not have access to affordable and simple insurance.

Speaking on the partnership, Ernest Akinlola, MD for Bboxx Nigeria said, “Bboxx Nigeria aims to provide clean energy to 20 million people over 10 years. However, we know that, to be true to our vision of driving inclusive and sustainable economic growth, the bundling of financial services with our core solar home system is critical. We are excited to be partnering with Turaco to provide additional value to our customers.”

Bboxx’s partnership with Turaco will provide low-cost, valuable health insurance to those often excluded from access to insurance. Targeted at underserved customers and low-income earners, the products Turaco is distributing are priced at at less than ₦2,000/month, with straightforward terms & conditions and a fully digitized claims process that allows Bboxx claimants to file via WhatsApp or phone call, paying out in less than three days via mobile money.

Toba Obaniyi, MD of Turaco Nigeria said, “We are always excited to find value-aligned partners such as Bboxx who understand the importance of expanding access to digital financial services. With Turaco’s innovative digital customer journey and easy claims process, we know we can provide Bboxx’s rural customer base a seamless user experience and valuable product.”

This partnership benefits from the facilitation and mentoring of FSD Africa and Bimalab, backed by NAICOM. BimaLab is a key partner for Turaco in Nigeria. Nigeria is leading the way in creating an innovation friendly regulatory environment, enabling initiatives like this to radically increase the number of people insured.




About Bboxx: Bboxx is a data-driven super platform, transforming lives and unlocking potential by connecting consumers and deploying innovative products across Africa.

Bboxx is championing the economic empowerment of Africa, accelerating the transition to the digital economy and creating new markets. We have built Bboxx Pulse®, a fully integrated operating system, and combined it with an extensive on-the-ground network to connect customers with clean energy, clean cooking, smartphones, e-mobility and selected financial products – many for the first time.

Following the successful acquisition of solar energy frontrunner PEG Africa in 2022, Bboxx is now positively impacting the lives of more than 3.6 million people in 10 operating markets, directly contributing to 11 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Bboxx and its group of companies is one of the largest networks in Africa, with over 4,000 staff across Africa and offices in the UK and Asia. For more information, visit: bboxx.com.

About Turaco: Turaco is a Pan-African insurtech driving financial resilience in emerging markets with simple and affordable health and life insurance for the underserved mass market.

Founded in 2019, Turaco is present in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, and Uganda. Turaco partners with leading mobile network operators (MNOs), technology-enabled companies, and financial institutions to embed and distribute insurance products to their customers. With Turaco, individuals can secure insurance coverage with premiums starting as low as $1 per month. Turaco processes claims in less than three business days, ensuring customers receive their money when they need it the most. With a vision to insure 1 billion lives, Turaco has insured more than 1.5 million lives and has facilitated the payment of more than 20,000 claims to date. For more information, visit: https://www.turaco.insure/.

  • Alianza Shire, which was selected as a good practice in the first Global Refugee Forum, will bring access to electricity to about 55,000 persons in refugee communities and host communities at Dollo Ado, in the south of Somali region in Ethiopia;
  • The project is carried out by a multi-actor partnership formed by AECID, itdUPM, acciona.org, Signify and Iberdrola with the collaboration of UNHCR and the co funding from the European Union.

13 December 2023: Alianza Shire ─ the first multi-actor partnership for humanitarian action in Spain─ is bringing access to electricity to the homes and the communal facilities of the refugee communities and their host communities at Dollo Ado, a remote area in the south of Ethiopia without access to basic infrastructure.

Alianza Shire is formed by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid through its Innovation and Technology for Development Centre (itdUPM), acciona.org Foundation, Signify and Iberdrola, and it has the collaboration of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR).

The project it carries out at Dollo Ado is bringing access to the electricity basic service, through solar home systems, to the homes of about 6,500 persons at Hilaweyn, a village bordering Somalia where there is one of the refugee camps of the area.

The home electricity service delivery model ─designed to last in the long term─ is planned to end its implementation in the first quarter of 2024 and it will benefit about 17,000 persons when the installation of the total of 2,000 systems planned will be ended.


The model developed is based on the experience of the acciona.org Foundation with its rural electrification initiative Light at Home, implemented in different countries where acciona.org has also had the collaboration of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and co funding from AECID.

Macarena Romero, coordinator of Alianza Shire at the AECID offices at Addis Ababa, states that this initiative “shows the feasibility of developing models to bring access to reliable, clean, lasting electricity services to meet the needs of refugee population”. “The management model set in Dollo Ado” highlights Romero “allows, from the beginning, the involvement of the beneficiaries, the local organizations and the regional government. For Alianza Shire, applying a delivery model tailored to the context is the key to ensure both the accessibility and the sustainability of what is built”.

Cristina Ruiz, manager of the area of Energy at acciona.org, explains: “We have contributed with our knowledge to develop a solution tailored to the refugee communities and the host communities at Hilaweyn, as we are specialised in bringing access to electricity to homes in complex environments through our global initiative ‘Light at Home’. Using solar home systems to provide electricity, we apply a sustainable & affordable service model that involves different actors being relevant in the area to ensure that service in the long term”.

The long-term sustainability of this model is ensured thanks to the commitment of organizations working in the area, such as the NGO Save the Environment Ethiopia (SEE), the Hilaweyn Energy Cooperative Murukmale, the Ethiopia Refugees and Returnees Service (RRS), the local authorities, and the population living in the refugee camps and the host communities.

Thanks to the co funding from the European Union, innovative models of access to the electricity basic service will be implemented up to have reached about 55,000 persons in total benefited, with also street lighting and communal systems, in refugee communities and host communities.

In the first quarter of 2024, the installation of a solar street lighting system, designed and implemented by Signify, is planned to meet the needs of about 38,000 persons in the refugee camp and the host community of Kobe.

In addition, a microgrid coordinated by Iberdrola is being developed to bring service to almost 9,500 persons at Kobe. This microgrid will be started up in the first months of 2024 and it will be operated in a similar way to a PV community energy project.


The inclusion of the communities hosting the refugee camps ─such as Hilaweyn which is one of the settlements that receive thousands of Somalis fleeing from conflicts aggravated by recurrent draughts─ is essential to ensure the integration of the refugees and alleviate the stress of resources that are usually scarce in the communities where they settle.

Ethiopia hosts generously more than 900,000 refugees in 24 camps, however the level of funding of UNHCR operations in these refugee camps is about 34% of needed.

Despite the transitory nature of the refugee camps, on many occasions they become permanent solutions that present several shortages of coverage and services due to the insufficient funding.

According to the last UNHCR’s ‘Forced Displacement in 2022 Global Trends’ report, more than 110 million people around the world flee from their homes due to conflict, persecution and violation of human rights. More than 60% of that fled population live in countries that are especially vulnerable to natural disasters and climate change effects.


Alianza Shire was selected by UNHCR as a good practice in the first Global Refugee Forum that took place at Geneva in December 2019. It is the most important international meeting, where, every four years, governments, private sector, academia, civil society and other many actors bring together to share positive experiences and search for both solutions and specific commitments to favour refugee population and their host communities. Four years later, when the second forum is taking place, this multi-actor partnership is still contributing to improve the lives of refugee population and local population in Ethiopia, through their access to energy.

In 2024, the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid through its Innovation and Technology for Development Centre (itdUPM), acciona.org Foundation, Signify and Iberdrola, in collaboration with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), formed the first multi-actor partnership for humanitarian action in Spain to bring energy solutions to refugee population in Shire, in the Tigray region in the north of Ethiopia. Some years later they decided to continue the work in partnership, and they are bringing access to energy to refugee population and local population in Dollo Ado, in the Somali region in the south of Ethiopia.

  • Game-changing partnership between super-platform Bboxx and Kuwait’s EnerTech delivers electrification platform to turbocharge Bboxx’s on-the-ground impact across 11 markets;
  • It will connect millions of new customers with a bundle of clean energy, clean cooking, smartphones, smart financing and e-mobility products – many for the first time;
  • Announced during COP28, this innovative initiative will help close the climate finance gap in Africa, unlocking access to essential services for millions.

13 December 2023: Millions in Africa are set to get access to clean energy, clean cooking, e-mobility services and other innovative products following today’s announcement of a first-of-a-kind electrification platform, valued at up to USD$100 million. This pioneering initiative is the outcome of a partnership signed at COP28 between Bboxx, a data-driven super platform, and EnerTech, a Kuwait-based innovator, investor and developer of end-to-end sustainability solutions.

This partnership marks a joint commitment to deliver clean technologies and will enable Bboxx to expand its impact tenfold, from currently serving 3.6 million people to benefiting 36 million people by 2028.

The collaboration marks a transformative phase in Bboxx’s ability to transform lives across sub-Saharan Africa, from Lagos to Nairobi. Bboxx’s approach involves connecting consumers with a variety of innovative products at scale throughout the continent.

Central to its rapid scaling capabilities is Bboxx Pulse®, a fully integrated operating system, with an extensive on-the-ground network that connects customers with clean energy, clean cooking, smartphones, smart financing, and e-mobility, many of which are being accessed for the first time by these communities.

Funding from this first deal with EnerTech, expected to commence in the first quarter of 2024, will facilitate rapid development and deployment of these essential services. The investment is to significantly deepen Bboxx’s market penetration and, subsequently, its impact on underserved individuals and communities.

“With this strategic alliance, Bboxx will turbocharge the impact we have on communities across sub-Saharan Africa.” said Mansoor Hamayun, CEO at Bboxx. “Our shared vision is to transform the lives and livelihoods of our customers by giving them access to clean and affordable energy, clean cooking, e-mobility and technology like smartphones, that genuinely unlock their potential, day by day. This collaboration with EnerTech is a testament to our commitment to providing sustainable solutions to communities across Africa.”

Mr Hamayun added: “This is the latest example of partners seeing and seizing this massive market opportunity and plugging into Bboxx – developed through green tech and big data and designed for scale.”

Abdullah Al Mutairi, CEO of EnerTech, said: “Through our partnership with Bboxx, we are delivering on our mission to drive impactful, transformative projects that uplift climate-affected, underserved communities. The electrification platform will deliver much needed climate finance to projects that are set to have a beneficial impact on communities – aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goal for providing affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy access. The collaboration will also play a pivotal role in our progress towards carbon neutrality and delivering real change on the ground.”

This announcement marks the beginning of a series of strategic partnerships with the State of Kuwait, which aims to reach Net Zero by 2060 and is a key player in shaping and advancing the carbon market in Africa.




About Bboxx: Bboxx is a data-driven super platform, transforming lives and unlocking potential by connecting consumers and deploying innovative products across Africa.

Bboxx is championing the economic empowerment of Africa, accelerating the transition to the digital economy and creating new markets. We have built Bboxx Pulse®, a fully integrated operating system, and combined it with an extensive on-the-ground network to connect customers with clean energy, clean cooking, smartphones, e-mobility and selected financial products – many for the first time.

Following the successful acquisition of solar energy frontrunner PEG Africa in 2022, Bboxx is now positively impacting the lives of more than 3.6 million people in 10 operating markets, directly contributing to 11 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Bboxx and its group of companies is one of the largest networks in Africa, with over 4,000 staff across Africa and offices in the UK and Asia. For more information, visit: bboxx.com.

About EnerTech: EnerTech Holding Company is a Kuwaiti-sovereign owned investor and developer in the clean energy and sustainable infrastructure sector. Serving as an originator, investor, and developer of sustainable infrastructure projects, EnerTech’s primary focus encompasses four domains: energy and water, recycling and waste management, sustainable agriculture and food security, and clean technology investments. With an extensive project portfolio, EnerTech is actively involved in projects across Latin America, Africa, the GCC, and South Asia. For more information, visit: www.enertech.com.kw.

  • Support of one million euros, under the 5th edition of the Access to Energy Fund (A2E), will directly impact around half a million people;
  • With this initiative, EDP is reinforcing its strategy of social impact and a just energy transition in developing economies, one of the topics on the agenda of COP28, which is taking place in Dubai.

7 December 2023: The use of decentralised solar production and energy storage technologies are common points in the 10 projects selected for the 5th edition of the A2E (Access to Energy) social responsibility fund. Out of a total of 192 applications, initiatives were selected from organisations in five African countries – Nigeria (4), Kenya (2), Rwanda (2), Malawi (1) and Mozambique (1) – which will now benefit from a total funding of one million euros to develop their projects.

These initiatives include, for example, electrification systems for small clinics, lighting for primary schools, energy supply for agricultural production or a solar mini-grid that will electrify a small community. In total, it is estimated that these projects could positively impact the lives of around half a million people.

“We aspire to a world where all communities, especially the most vulnerable or in remote regions, can have secure access to such a basic commodity as electricity. At EDP, we have turned this desire into a mission: we want to help bring clean, safe and affordable energy to these communities and, by doing so, generate a positive impact on society and contribute to their progress,” emphasises Vera Pinto Pereira, executive board member of EDP and president of the EDP Foundation, “With these ten new projects, we are reinforcing our commitment to the just energy transition and building a future where energy inclusion is a reality.”

Created in 2018 to support projects that promote access to renewable energy in remote and vulnerable communities, the A2E Fund directly impacts priority areas such as health, agriculture, education, the economy or access to drinking water. Since then, in the last four editions, the fund has invested 2.5 million euros to support 28 projects in seven countries in Africa, benefiting more than 1.5 million people – a universe that will now reach almost two million.

Financing renewable energy projects in emerging countries – and especially in Africa – is also one of the topics that is once again on the agenda at COP28, the world’s main climate conference, which runs until 12 December in Dubai and in which EDP is once again taking an active part. An agenda that was marked, right from the start, by the commitment of the European Union and five other countries to create a historic fund to help developing nations deal with climate change.

Ten ideas for energy inclusion

With four of the ten projects, Nigeria is once again the country with the most initiatives supported by the A2E Fund. One of the selected projects is promoted by CEESolar Energy, which aims to support 250 rice farmers to improve their productivity and living conditions in a region where energy is still scarce. PAMAfrica Green Power Generation‘s project also aims to create a ‘Net-Zero Village’ with mini-grid systems in a remote agricultural region. Husk Power Energy Systems, as well as investing in storage systems, wants to guarantee clean and reliable energy in rural health centres to combat the high maternal and infant mortality rate, and the Retech Foundation is going to electrify five schools with a solar system.

In Kenya, Centrum Narovinu will develop a project in a community of orphaned children and vulnerable families on the island of Rusinga, which will guarantee energy supply for agricultural and educational activities. Another project, promoted by OffgridSun, involves promoting basic sanitation and access to drinking water that will be managed and commercialised in partnership with the community.

Two projects were also chosen in Rwanda. One is by SFH – Society for Family Health, which will electrify health centres and guarantee drinking water systems and basic access to energy in the region with the least access in the country. The other is from the Sustainable Villages Foundation, which is developing a pilot project to electrify a small community to support its agricultural, health and education activities.

In Mozambique, Ibo Foundation was selected for an energy project to be implemented in educational centers in the Cabo Delgado region, where blackouts are still frequent. And in Malawi, the initiative promoted by Sopowerful aims to strengthen the security and stability of the electricity system at Mlambe hospital through solar energy.

To find out more about each of these projects, visit A2E area in EDP’s website.

With this fifth edition of the A2E Fund – which has doubled the amount of funding to one million euros by 2022 – EDP is reinforcing its commitment to the sustainability of the planet by expanding renewable energies and combating the electrical exclusion that still affects the lives of millions of people. Supporting these projects is thus a decisive contribution to ensuring a more sustainable, inclusive and fair future, in line with EDP’s own social impact strategy Y.E.S. – You Empower Society and the company’s ambition to be totally green by 2030.

  • Initial collaboration exceeded deployment targets within two years;
  • Partnership demonstrates how philanthropic and development finance institutions can align to enable faster deployment of capital into impact sectors;
  • Expansion will support several distributed renewable energy (DRE) areas including energy for households and local enterprises, e-mobility, and climate-smart agri-tech;
  • Specific focus on local representation and consideration for gender inclusion.

6 December 2023: The U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) and Shell Foundation, the U.K.-registered charity supporting energy access market solutions in Africa and South Asia, have signed an MOU expansion intended to increase the flow of commercial capital into DRE solutions in emerging markets.

DFC and Shell Foundation entered an MOU in 2021 with the aim of deploying $150 million into emerging market DRE solutions. Since then, the two organisations have established a strong working relationship and surpassed the expected total of capital deployed in less than two years.

The partnership has demonstrated the ability of philanthropic and development finance capital to work effectively together. This was done by leveraging Shell Foundation’s risk-tolerant capital and on-the-ground market knowledge alongside DFC to enable successful and earlier deployment of capital into high-impact businesses.

The ongoing partnership will continue to build on the strong working relationships, processes, and institutional knowledge to help drive greater impact for the DRE sector. Highlights of the collaboration to date include:

  • DFC’s $40 million commitment to the Shell Foundation-seeded Energy Entrepreneurs Growth Fund;
  • Shell Foundation’s $3 million investment into the Mirova SunFunder Gigaton Fund, alongside DFC’s $100 million commitment;
  • DFC’s debt capital commitment of $8.9 million to India-based S4S Technologies for a gender-inclusive, climate-resilience project alongside $1.5 million of Shell Foundation de-risking capital;
  • Collaboration on an innovative gender outcomes pilot with Shell Foundation and DFC clean mobility clients Ampersand and RevFin.

The MOU expansion is intended to substantially increase the flow of commercial capital into several focus areas within the DRE sector that align with DFC’s strategic priorities and Shell Foundation’s charitable objectives, including household energy, energy for mobility, and climate-focused agri-tech.

DFC and Shell Foundation have prioritized finding ways to promote greater investment in enterprises based in local countries. This is complemented by increased efforts for diverse and inclusive approaches to invest in and support improved outcomes for women clients in their respective portfolios. The MOU expansion reflects the intention to scale the results of this workstream so that it comprises the bedrock of multiple investments directly into enterprises and indirectly through funds and financial intermediaries.

“Successful working partnerships such as the one between Shell Foundation and DFC are critical to achieving a just and inclusive energy transition,” says Jonathan Berman, Shell Foundation CEO. “The success of the initial MOU and the potential within this expansion are reflections of the two organisations’ alignment in strategy, understanding of respective risk profiles, and joint commitment to support income-generating energy solutions that can impact millions of underserved customers across Africa and South Asia.”

“DFC is proud to grow the longstanding partnership with Shell Foundation to expand our collective support for critical renewable energy solutions across emerging markets,” says Aparna Shrivastava, DFC Deputy Chief Climate Officer. “DFC and Shell Foundation’s partnership encompasses a diverse and inclusive portfolio of clients and communities across the globe, and we are excited to see that footprint continue to grow. No one government or group of governments alone can bridge the climate financing gap to reach those in need in emerging markets – that’s why partnerships like this are essential.”




About DFC: The U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) is the U.S. Government’s development finance institution. DFC partners with the private sector to finance solutions to the most critical challenges facing the developing world today. We invest across sectors including energy, healthcare, infrastructure, agriculture, and small business and financial services. DFC investments adhere to high standards and respect the environment, human rights, and worker rights.

About Shell Foundation: Shell Foundation is an endowed, U.K.-registered charity that catalyses clean energy innovation and unlocks inclusive investments in Africa and India, empowering millions of underserved customers – of which half are women – to earn a living income. 

6 December 2023: Ignite Power, a UAE-based climate-tech company scaling sustainable infrastructure solutions across Africa, proudly announces the receipt of grant support from the esteemed Catalytic Climate Finance Facility to introduce the groundbreaking Climate Credit Enhancement Facility (CCEF). This disruptive initiative aims to revolutionize the off-grid solar sector by offering a smart, data-driven guarantee mechanism for customer payments, thereby mitigating risks associated with ongoing payments and enabling accelerated growth in the sector.

Off-grid solar solutions have emerged as the most sustainable, scalable, and affordable means for providing electricity to remote rural communities. These solutions, particularly under the pay-as-you-go model, have already made a profound impact by granting hundreds of millions access to electricity. However, the customer payments under its model, primarily of some of the world’s poorest families, pose significant risks, deterring potential investors and financiers from supporting this thriving sector.

We are committed to tirelessly designing and implementing forward-thinking, disruptive models to connect communities in need and pave the way to a sustainable and inclusive future” — Angela Homsi, President, Ignite Power.

The CCEF, designed by Ignite Power, aims to eliminate these risks, facilitating capital mobilization at scale. This strategic endeavor aims to extend off-grid solar solutions to an additional 100 million people across the Sub-Saharan African region, paving the way for universal sustainable energy access.

“We are deeply honored to partner with such a prestigious organization that shares our vision for a disruptive model poised to generate substantial, large-scale impact”, says Angela Homsi, Ignite Power President. “This collaboration exemplifies our commitment to innovative solutions that transcend barriers and foster inclusive growth.”

Ignite Power has established itself as a leading executor of last-mile solar electrification projects, successfully connecting 2.5 million people across 18,000 villages. These initiatives have also contributed significantly to environmental sustainability by saving 600,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. The company proudly secured the 2023 Zayed Sustainability Prize for the Energy category, reaffirming its dedication to disruptive sustainable technologies and models.

“Despite remarkable progress in recent years, hundreds of millions of people across Africa still live without access to electricity,” says Homsi. “We are committed to tirelessly designing and implementing forward-thinking, disruptive models to connect these communities and pave the way to a sustainable and inclusive future”.




About Ignite Power: Ignite Power is a leading climate-tech company specializing in last-mile solar-based infrastructure solutions. With a mission to provide clean, reliable, and affordable energy access to 100 million people across Africa, Ignite Power continues to lead the way in sustainable energy innovation, creating impact at scale and creating a cleaner, more inclusive future for Africa and the world.

About the Catalytic Climate Finance Facility (CC Facility): The Catalytic Climate Finance Facility (CC Facility) accelerates the implementation of high-impact, ready-to-scale financial structures through a suite of services that include grant funding, technical support, and a market-building learning hub. The CC Facility fills a market gap and reduces market fragmentation to mobilize private capital for climate action in developing economies. The CC Facility is a partnership between Climate Policy Initiative and Convergence. The CC Facility has raised USD 13 million to date and is fundraising for a second round of USD 10 million by September 2024 as we move toward our goal of reaching USD 100 million in size over the next few years.

About Convergence: Convergence is the global network for blended finance. On top of market acceleration through its Design Funding program, Convergence generates blended finance data, intelligence, and deal flow to increase private sector investment in developing countries. Convergence’s global membership includes over 160 public, private, and philanthropic investors as well as sponsors of transactions and funds. Convergence’s Design Funding Program operates as a market acceleration tool providing early-stage capital to support blended finance solutions in frontier markets and nascent sectors to accelerate the number of investible transactions in market targeting SDGs.

About Climate Policy Initiative: CPI is an analysis and advisory organization with deep expertise in finance and policy. Our mission is to help governments, businesses, and financial institutions drive economic growth while addressing climate change. CPI has six offices around the world in Brazil, India, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. CPI serves as the Secretariat for the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance (the Lab), an incubator program that develops innovative financial mechanisms to drive private investments into climate change mitigation and adaptation in developing economies.

4 December 2023: Today, Acumen launched Hardest-to-Reach, a $250 million initiative to activate clean energy markets in Africa’s underserved geographies. Critical to achieving universal energy access, the initiative was unveiled at the SDG7 Pavilion at COP28 alongside key supporter the Green Climate Fund (GCF). It will build on Acumen’s success of providing energy access to low-income communities living beyond the grid in sub-Saharan Africa. Hardest-to-Reach is the first blended finance initiative exclusively dedicated to expanding clean and affordable energy access for low-income people in neglected markets in Africa.

Additional key funders include USAID Power Africa, Sir Christopher Hohn, The Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP), and Shinhan Bank.

“There is currently a planet-sized market failure that impedes Africa’s clean energy future,” said Jacqueline Novogratz, Founder and CEO of Acumen. “That’s not just a loss for the hundreds of millions of people directly affected by limited access to electricity; the entire world loses out by leaving Africa behind. And bringing clean energy to those without electricity today is one of the most powerful things we do for both adaptation and long-term mitigation. At Acumen, we’ve worked with entrepreneurs in the energy sector who have taken capital, demonstrated the viability of their companies to private investors, and provided clean energy to hundreds of millions and jobs to hundreds of thousands. We look forward to multiplying these successes with the goal of achieving universal energy access and avoiding millions of tons of carbon emissions in the coming years.”

In developing countries, climate ambitions are overshadowed by massive energy deficits. 675 million people live without electricity access – 80 percent of whom are in sub-Saharan Africa – and still rely on kerosene, charcoal, wood, petrol and diesel to fuel their lives beyond the grid. This new initiative will uplift sub-Saharan countries with low electrification and high poverty rates by supporting off-grid solar companies through flexible, impact-first financing.

“Through $65 million in direct funding, the Green Climate Fund is proud to team up with Acumen to accelerate just, inclusive energy transitions in sub-Saharan Africa’s poorest regions, often neglected by traditional investors,” said Green Climate Fund Executive Director, Mafalda Duarte. “The Hardest-to-Reach programme blends debt, equity, grants and technical assistance to create and open up markets in new regions, providing clean energy for an estimated 60-plus million people across 16 countries, including Somalia.”

In addition to grants and equity, Hardest-to-Reach uses an innovative impact-linked financing approach to meet the needs of off-grid energy companies at each stage of their development.

“Acumen has been a crucial investor in our company not just as a financier but also as a long-term strategic partner,” said Jonathan Cedar, co-founder and CEO of BioLite. “Without their investment, BioLite would not have grown by 50x and expanded our reach to impact 8 million lives and offset 2 million tons of carbon.”

“I am excited to partner with Acumen and share their determination to achieve universal energy access in sub-Saharan Africa. Acumen’s unique track record of investing at the intersection of poverty and climate sets this initiative apart,” said Sir Christopher Hohn, co-founder and Chair of The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF).

Acumen is consistently recognized as a preferred partner by impact-focused climate financiers with $153 million in committed capital in their sponsored funds, in addition to their direct investing work. Acumen’s focus on serving marginalized communities in the transition to clean energy has resulted in investments in 40 companies, positively impacting over 223 million lives and preventing 58.5 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions.

The initiative was made possible thanks to early support from the Fourdoves Foundation, Good Energies Foundation, The Osprey Foundation, UK aid from the UK Government via the Transforming Energy Access (TEA) Platform, The Bill & Melinda Nussey Foundation, Reed Hastings, and Chris Anderson & Jacqueline Novogratz.




About Acumen: Acumen is changing the way the world tackles poverty by investing in companies, leaders and ideas. We invest Patient Capital in businesses whose products and services are enabling the poor to transform their lives. Founded by Jacqueline Novogratz in 2001, Acumen has invested more than $154 million in 167 companies across Africa, Latin America, South Asia and the United States. We are also developing a global community of emerging leaders with the knowledge, skills and determination to create a more inclusive world. In 2015, Acumen was named one of Fast Company’s Top 10 Most Innovative Not-for-Profit Companies. For more information, visit: www.acumen.org.

About the Green Climate Fund: The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is the world’s largest dedicated climate fund. GCF’s mandate is to foster a paradigm shift towards low-emission, climate-resilient development pathways in developing countries. GCF has a portfolio of USD 13.5 billion (USD 51.8 billion including co-financing) delivering transformative climate action in more than 120 countries. It also has a readiness support programme that builds capacity and helps countries develop long-term plans to fight climate change. GCF is an operating entity of the financial mechanism of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and serves the 2015 Paris Agreement, supporting the goal of keeping average global temperature rise well below 2°C.

1 December 2023: The competition stage of the Zero Emission Generators (ZE-Gen) Circularity Challenge has announced The CoolCycle Project as the overall winning innovation, selected to receive USD $50,000 to help bring its transformative solution to life.

The CoolCycle Project is the combined effort of two Nigeria-based organisations – Youth Sustainable Development Network and KAMIM Technologies, led by Damilola Hamid Balogun and Adekoyejo Kuye. Having been selected to receive the $50,000 competition prize, Cool Cycle will use the funding to launch a pilot project in Epe, Lagos State, Nigeria.

The CoolCycle Project repurposes parts from disused generators to create affordable, energy-efficient solar-powered cooling systems, addressing generator waste and cooling needs to transform waste into wealth for Nigerian farmers.

The cold storage systems will be deployed at farm clusters, first-mile distribution/aggregation centres, local markets, and other critical points across the food supply chain. This solution simultaneously tackles post-harvest losses and environmental challenges associated with end-of-life generators. The project’s pilot in Epe will involve the repurposing of eight end-of-life generators, resulting in the construction of two commercial-size walk-in 5000kg capacity cold rooms, deployed on two farms.

The ZE-Gen Circularity Challenge, launched in May 2023, aims to accelerate the circularity of fossil fuel-powered generators in Nigeria. Through the multi-stage competition, applicants were assessed against key criteria, including potential scalability, circular economy alignment, fossil fuel displacement, job creation opportunities, innovation, and sustainable development consideration. The selection panel was comprised of four Nigeria-based sector experts: Kemi Ajakaiye – Board member of African Circular Economy Network, Tomilola Olakiigbe – Finance Manager at All On, Yasmin Osaghae – Country Coordinator at Manufacturing Africa and Zira Quaghe – Nigeria Advisor at Integrate to Zero. The top three candidates received funding of $10,000 each, undertaking an eight-week feasibility study to develop and test their technologies, culminating in a final pitch presentation to the panel of experts to determine an ultimate winner.

Reflecting on the vision and ambition of the project, Adekoyejo Kuye, The CoolCycle Project Co-Ordinator said: “Waste management is undergoing a shift from a linear model to a circular and resource recovery one, and The CoolCycle Project exemplifies this transformation in action. Our initiative revolves around the innovative repurposing of components from discarded generators, seamlessly integrating them into cost-effective cooling solutions to mitigate environmental hazards associated with end-of-life fossil generators, enhance access to sustainable energy, and deliver essential cooling solutions to underserved communities. We are confident in the transformative potential of this project, and to scale from these commercial pilots to other farming communities across Nigeria”.

Further updates will be shared on the progress of the winning project as the deployment of the pilot project gets underway over the coming months.

The competition was closely contested, with innovative ideas and passionate teams vying for the prize. Deserving of recognition, the two runners up from the feasibility study stage: Husk Power and Nevadic Solar.

Husk Power’s design repurposes fossil fuel generators into solar-powered irrigation water pumps, promoting resilient agriculture and inclusive livelihoods. The company’s feasibility study involved extensive market research in the rural communities where it had already deployed solar mini-grids. Husk also researched the generator market, business models, and opportunities for emissions reduction, socio-economic impacts, and profitability.

Nevadic Solar, (Project Re-imagine) conducted a feasibility study on disassembling end-of-life generators to create prime movers (PRPMs) for applications in rural Nigerian communities: powering irrigation pumps, food grinding and rice milling machines. The study addressed a number of key research questions related to the repurposing of generators for use in the agricultural sector, including the efficiency of renewable energy systems for driving equipment, and the feasibility of converting alternators from generators into a DC motor. Ultimately, the company was able to prove its concept by constructing a milling machine from generator parts.

Results from The CoolCycle Project will be shared at the end of the demonstration phase.

28 November 2023: A new World Bank program is set to exponentially accelerate sustainable and clean energy access and provide life-transforming opportunities for 100 million people in up to 20 countries across Eastern and Southern Africa over the next seven years.

In a region where only 48% of the overall population—and just 26% in rural areas—has access to electricity, the Accelerating Sustainable and Clean Energy Access Transformation (ASCENT) Program will be a game-changer. Lack of energy access hinders the region’s economic recovery, resilience, and faster progress toward poverty reduction. It also results in significant food spoilage owing to lack of refrigeration, particularly in countries already plagued with food insecurity, and plays a role in poor health outcomes given that less than half of all hospitals in the region have reliable electricity access.

“The lack of energy access is the most significant challenge to development progress in the region today. The ASCENT program is a game changer in efforts to address universal access to energy and the clean energy transition, bringing together global and local knowledge, with a menu-based approach for empowering countries to pursue their national energy-access goals while leveraging regional integration opportunities,” said Victoria Kwakwa, World Bank Vice President for Eastern and Southern Africa. “By pooling our knowledge and resources from across the World Bank — (the International Development Association (IDA), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) — in collaboration with partners from the public and private sector, we can leverage the IDA financing envelope of $5 billion for an additional $10 billion that will unlock opportunities and transform millions of lives.”

The ASCENT program outcomes will include increased productivity, more and better job opportunities, access to information and technologies, improved health, reduced time spent on cooking chores, improved resilience and better services provided by electrified schools and health clinics. Women, who are often disproportionately burdened by the lack of energy access, will benefit the most. They will also be provided additional income-generating and employment opportunities to unleash their economic potential.

The ASCENT components will be organized into three pillars, the first of which focuses on the development of regional and national platforms to enable economies of scale and cost reduction strategies. “Through the regional platforms, countries will align regional and national planning processes, mobilize financing at regional scale, and aggregate climate benefits at regional level to mobilize climate/impact financing. The regional platforms will include the ASCENT Regional Acceleration Platform, a comprehensive knowledge and technical assistance facility implemented by Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and the ASCENT Regional Energy Access Financing Platform, implemented by the Trade and Development Bank, supporting the region’s distributed renewable energy and clean cooking companies,” said Boutheina Guermazi, World Bank Director of Regional Integration for Africa and the Middle East.

The second pillar will contribute to expanding grid electrification through investment and technical assistance on grid densification and expansion; grid connections, reinforcement and upgrading; and variable renewable energy (VRE) integration investments. It will also strengthen energy utilities, including building capacity of management and monitoring systems, increasing digitization, revenue protection programs, and other improvements needed to deliver fast-paced electrification.

The third pillar will finance investments in scaling distributed renewables (DREs) and clean cooking to expand energy access for households, enterprises, farmers, schools, health clinics, and other institutions, including through financial intermediary financing.

The program will start in four countries (Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Somalia and Tanzania) and will expand to up to 20 countries in the region over the next seven years. These four countries were selected as ASCENT champions, representative of the energy access stages and contexts found in the region, thereby providing both inspiration and lessons for countries facing similar conditions.




About World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA): The World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA), established in 1960, helps the world’s poorest countries by providing grants and low to zero-interest loans for projects and programs that boost economic growth, reduce poverty, and improve poor people’s lives. IDA is one of the largest sources of assistance for the world’s 74 poorest countries, 39 of which are in Africa. Resources from IDA bring positive change to the 1.3 billion people who live in IDA countries. Since 1960, IDA has provided $458 billion to 114 countries. Annual commitments have averaged about $29 billion over the last three years (FY19-FY21), with about 70 percent going to Africa. For more information, visit: IDA.worldbank.org.




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