The 15th EEP Africa Call for Proposals (CfP15) is focusing on promoting gender inclusion and creating economic and leadership opportunities for women across the clean energy sector. EEP Africa invites applications from early stage off-grid and on-grid clean energy projects in active development phase in Southern and East Africa. We are looking for projects with strong Concept Innovation, Development Impact, and Business Model & Financial Sustainability.
The EEP Innovation Window considers financing requests in the range of EUR 200,000 — 1,000,000 with a progressive co-financing share of minimum 30% of the total project budget. Financing requests below EUR 500,000 will in most cases be treated as a grant. Any amount of financing exceeding EUR 500,000 will automatically be considered as a repayable grant and require a minimum 50% co-financing share.
Projects with a focus on the preparation of feasibility studies for an on-grid and/or utility scale development, which is approaching a clearly definable financial close, are considered for repayable grants. All other projects are eligible for grant financing.
Deadline: 2nd April 2019
Countries: Botswana, Burundi, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Technologies: Biofuels liquid, Biogas, Cookstoves, Energy Efficiency, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar PV, Solar thermal, Solid biomass, Waste to energy, Wind power, other RE/EE technology or a combination of the previous (including productive use of energy)
Visit the Website for the 15th EEP Africa Call for Proposals and start getting ready .